Category: Religion


“Higher rent, higher food prices and longer lifespans often lead to financial challenges for many Americans, leading to post-retirement job searches. More people have returned to work after retirement, with a steady uptick happening over the last few months!”

NBC’s Digital Report on “Money is Running Out’: Financial Stress Drives Retirees Back To Work”
Jean Lee, NBC Universal…

“The Unretirement Rate of Retirees In America”
Gregory V. Boulware…

Message from John-MCOA/SCSEP:

“Good morning Ms. Lee. Were you able to get in contact with Mr Boulware?”

“Thanks so much, John! I was able to get in contact with Mr. Boulware, who was extraordinary!”
NBC Universal / Digital

(The Story…with a bit of hyperbole…and a little feedback too).

After more than a decade in retirement, Gregory Boulware went back to work in 2020.

Boulware, 69, was a truck driver for about 30 years, spending long hours on the road, away from his Pennsylvania home and his wife and kids, to make a living and put away some savings. His body started to suffer the consequences of years on the road, and he began to worry that the continuous back pain and aches would worsen. So he went back to school and got his associate’s degree in management and information technology in 2007 but could only find temporary work. He retired in 2008.

(I’ve spent more than thirty years, as a straight truck operator, tractor trailer operator, and bus driver; Earned an ‘Associate Degree in Specialized Business and Computer Science in 2004; My Trucking Routes were New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania).

In retirement, he started writing books, “which make no money,” he said with a laugh, but he had retirement savings, started collecting Social Security at 59, and had a plan. But then he and his wife bought a house.

(This retirement occurred in 2003, from The Transportation Industry; began writing in 2007, with my first publication via “Ezine Articles”).

Image: Greg Boulware
(studying at “The Berean College of Business Sciences and Technology in Philadelphia PA 2003)
Greg Boulware, Courtesy Greg Boulware

“When we lived in an apartment, we were doing fine because we could easily afford it, but every year the rent would go up,” Boulware said. “I woke up one day and said, ‘You know, these people can tell us to leave, and the next hour, we would have nowhere to go.'”

(The apartment life occurred after the “Empty Nest Syndrome,” when our children became adults and left home…downsizing was the plan).

The (new) house bought with their life’s savings led to fear of losing the house, every mortgage payment a challenge, sometimes pulling from other expenses such as food and gas to make ends meet. Boulware decided he needed to go back to work. He enrolled in a job training program for low-income adults through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a community service and work based training program for older workers authorized by the Older Americans Act, and was hired last month into a clerical job…”Assistant Program Director!”

“Assistant Program Director,” working with Mr. John Gonzalez, who is the “Program Director” for SCSEP/MCOA:
“Senior Community Service Employment Program” via Philadelphia’s Division of
“The Mayor’s Commission On Aging.”

“Retirement doesn’t mean what it used to,” said Nora Dowd Eisenhower, Executive Director at the Philadelphia Mayor’s Commission on Aging.

There is more to Ms. Lee’s article. It can be read via the posted links…

…In Peace, “Shalom”


Related Reference Data:

“Another Report on AGE DISCRIMINATION”…

“A Prelude to Management and Computer Science”

“The Victory Dance for the Over Fifty Plus”


“Economic Blues – The Beat Goes On”







‘Ezine Articles’…


“That I AM


Gregory V. Boulware, Esq., ‘The Elder’

Let the workers do as they will…let those in the depths use force and do wrong, so that we can be justified in using force against them…behold a New World Order!”

Two Nations are in thy womb and two manners of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the Elder shall serve the Younger.”

“If you lead correctly, orders are unnecessary and useless.”


“Are We Truly Living (currently) In The Time Of Noah?”
Being “The First People” we have been placed in a position, a time, and a place of “Infinite Proportions” that only ‘GOD’ can undo!
We have survived every assault that man has afflicted upon us and survived. We have survived this current ‘MAAFA’ as we (a diversity of good people, God-Loving People) will survive this atrocity that is afflicted upon us today, tomorrow, and into infinity…with “The Grace of God!”

Black people, Africans, descended from “The Tribe of Judah”; descended from “Ham” (& “Shem”)

Someone asked, “Who is He…What is His name…What is He called?”

And ‘He’ answered…


Say to the Israelites, “I Am That I Am!”

“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep these things which are written therein, for the time is at hand!”

“And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born (this day) in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

…And then they asked, “Are You ‘Jewish?’ Are You Christian or Muslim?”

And I also answered the question as well.

“No, I am not! Yet, the representation of all religion, rests in the word of “The Most High!”

“I am ‘Yahudah,’ Hebrew descendent to the ‘House of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’…a simple believer in and of ‘My Elohim, ‘YAH;’ as I am descendent to the ‘House of Judah;’ the “Tribe of Judah, 4th Son to the Twelve Sons and Tribes of Israel...Hametic and Shemetic in origin; Son to the soil of “Swazeland,” otherwise known as ‘AFRICA!‘ Only those who say they are ‘Jew-ish’ are ‘Jew-ish.’ They, are of a choice variety…to be “Jew-ish!”

One has to wonder…which are the good angels and which are the lying wonders? The false prophets that we were warned of – Matthew (24:11), “the beginning of sorrows” – one had to be particularly cautious, yes? Evil spirits have been known to masquerade as angels. World leaders have espoused prophecies in past and present. Angels could assume the appearance of a living person, taking whatever form they desire. They have whispered in our ears, or appeared in our dreams, or have given us a subtle taste of spiritual nourishment. But most often, its been said, angels remain in their invisible state. There is a movie in circulation. It’s titled “Legion.” The story puts “Michael” against “Gabriel” in opposition over the protection of man. In Jewish, Islamic, and Christian faiths, Michael is a field commander in the “Army of God.” He is also described as a protector and advocate of children. Gabriel is described as God’s Messenger. Archangels – Gabriel is known as the Chief of the four favored angels. Michael, Raphael, and Uriel are the other three, and the spirit of truth.

As Oracles of God, angels have been known to arrive and deliver divine and/or authoritative decisions and messages. They have also come to tell us when things are not well.

“Many Christians are stuck in spiritual quicksand. The harder they struggle to progress in their walk with (Yahshua, Jehovah, Christ) Jesus, the faster and deeper they sink. Becoming frustrated by the inability of their increased efforts to produce the joy, peace, power, and victory they have heard so much about, many believers have simply given up the struggle and have allowed themselves to sink in the quicksand of spiritual defeat, accepting it as their lot in life. These well-meaning saints go to church faithfully and attend every Christian conference they can find. They read Christian books, listen to Christian radio, and watch Christian television. They dedicate and rededicate their lives to the Lord until they are tired of walking the aisle, crying and begging God for help. Some have fasted and prayed and even sought Christian counseling to deal with their frustrations, yet there seems to be little payoff for their efforts.”

“Some of the saints are stuck in sins and circumstances they know they should be delivered from, but while they whole-heartedly desire deliverance, it continues to elude them.”

~Tony Evans~

“Why are churches, pastors, evangelists, members, saints and friends spending so much time trying to preach the gospel and win souls to Christ?”

This brainwashing has proved successful to many folks just as predicted and recorded in the HolyBible. The premise that the world’s people of color will never be unified is proven over and over again. The religious group known as the radical and boisterous “Hebrew Israelites” have espoused many truths taken directly from The Good Book… Black people are located in nearly all countries throughout the world as stated in the Bible. However, because they have defied the Lord “Elohim!”

they have been cursed and sentenced to never be brought together as a group; a whole; as one. This prophetic record continues to prove true even today. Black people have often found ways to stay apart from one another; to remain separate as one nation, one people. The tendency to argue as to who is right and who is wrong wrecks havoc in the ability to unify…and “The New World Order” wants nothing but a continuation of that practice. Albeit, to the contrary, this author has seen an improvement.

For in as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, a most excellent Theophilus. That thou mightiest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

There was in the days of a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.

They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because they were both barren and they both were now stricken in years. It came to pass, that while he executed the office of priest, according to the custom of the office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.

The whole multitude of the people were praying without the time of incense and there appeared unto him an Angel of the Lord. The Angel was standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. But the Angel said unto him, “Fear not, Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.

Ham, and Japheth with all the sons thereafter – The ‘Edomites’ born of the sons of Dishan, Uz, and Aran were the kings that reigned in the land of ‘Edom.’ It’s been proven over and over again that there were Nubian Kingdoms outside of the Nile River and Region as well as new ones created in Sudan but were officially Muslim with older faiths that still exist right up until today. Research and re-examination has uncovered more truth than fiction cloaked in the villainy of deceit and the desire for power over the Black Man. Nubia was greater, but Egypt advanced the knowledge, more so in the old, middle and new kingdom of Egypt. Egypt was the greatest civilization. Art, math, science, morals, and a plethora of ideals became more developed in Egypt. Chronicles of the achievements and contributions of Black Leaders before the Mayflower have been purposely deleted, concealed, and altered in order to control and continually enslave the ‘Black Mind’ for centuries. The wide spread distribution of Cush in the ancient world described in the Bible is supported by Greek geographer Strabo and the “Father of History,” Herodotus, both of whom refer to eastern or Asian Cushites in India as having Black skin and straight hair and western Cushites with similar skin color but “Crispy” hair. Thus Jethro lived in the land of Cush in Arabia among other Ethiopians who had not yet completed migration to Ethiopia. He lived in Semitic Midian but he was not a Semite although he spoke a Semitic language. Semitic descendants of Abraham, like Edom, and the Ishmaelite’s, as well as other Semites, afterward occupied almost all of the Arabian Peninsula. These Semitic tribes are now named Arabians due to their occupation of Arabia, although the name “Arabia” attached to the homeland predates their occupation of the site. In the same way the Anglo-Saxons who are known as Britons are a modern parallel to this kind of name expropriation. The Angles and Saxons were non-Britons who subdued and drove the Britons out of the land. The Anglo-Saxons occupied the Britons’ land and later took the name given to the land by those original inhabitants. Thus the Anglo-Saxons, although not Britons, are called British today. In the same way, Arabia may have been a Hamite name expropriated by a Semitic non-Arab second wave immigration which forced and continued the migratory flight of the Arabian Ethiopians to African Ethiopia.

Satan met and badgered Jesus in the desert. He was in the crowd shouting for his guilt, trial, conviction, and execution by crucifixion The divine plan in man’s creation was objected to by the angels. The knowledge endowed in man and made to manifest to the angels through Adam and Eve with the exception of Ibliss. He refused to obey and was cast off. Adam and Eve were warned against the ‘Forbidden Tree’ while stationed within the ‘Garden of Eden.’ Disregarding the warnings, Satan beguiled them and caused their downfall. We have all learned that Adam repented through the words taught him by GOD: “The Virtuous Shall be Rewarded and The Wicked Shall Be Punished!”

Life’s Journey has many ways of preparing us for the lessons ahead, as well as behind. Many teachers have come to pass in the quest to have us learn, to contemplate, and comprehend the gift of divine (eclectic divinity). Mankind’s continued reach or search for God can be summed into a simple meaning and way of life. Aspiring to the heavens, for many of us, is not paved by way of tandem formulated religion. Good, a goodness in one’s life, a continuing and unrelenting desire, fortified, and defiance of evil on Earth, in life, upon another living soul could in all probability, bring us to the threshold of Eden. Sects, denominations of all said religions teach us with Psalm, Sura, Tanakh, Acts (The Bible, Qur’an, and Torah), and Hail Mary’s and such for repentance (Penance) …while pointing us in the direction of doing, being, and living – Good!

Most all men (and women) dream. Some experience nightmares while others interpret the sleep delivered messages and images as visions. Dante Alighieri was briefly mentioned in “All Hallows Night”(9.25.96). His dream was an adventure as much as it was an awakening dream. Easter Sunday April 10, 1300, Dante was thirty-five years of age when he began the telling of his journey through the Gates of Hell and Purgatory on Thursday night, April 7, 1300. He awoke in the “Forest of Worldliness” (or Sin). Sinful habits impeded his ability to remember how he got there.

He saw Satan, the lord of Hell, is represented as the counterpart of the Trinity, with heads of three colors – yellow, black, and red. The colors signified impotence, ignorance, and hate. They also corresponded to the divine power of wisdom and love. Beelzebub’s three pairs of wings sent forth blasts, which froze Cocytus (the river of Hades).

Lucifer held in his three mouths, Judas Iscariot – Jesus’ betrayer, Marcus Junious Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus, (Publius Servilous Casca Longinus was not mentioned) – traitors to and assassins of Caesar and Rome were being chewed for their sins at the very center of hell.

Mahumet the shade (the fate of dwelling in shadow after death), originally a Christian and the deliberate cause of separations of the world’s two monolitheistic faiths, mentioned in prophesy the malicious pleasure of Fra Dolcino – the leader of a heretical sect, was forced to surrender. He was besieged in 1306.

One who is bona fide and buys indulgence is as rare as a bona fide penitent man, which is very rare indeed. All those who believe themselves certain of their own salvation by means of letters of indulgence, will be eternally damned, together with their teachers. We should be most carefully on our guard against those who say that the papal indulgences are an inestimable divine gift, and that a man is reconciled to God by them. For the grace conveyed by these indulgences relates simply to the penalties of sacramental “satisfactions” decreed merely by man.

It is not in accordance with Christian doctrine to preach and teach those who buy off souls, or purchase confessional licenses, have no need to repent of their own sins. The so-called “fiscal cliff” could qualify as coffer-lust in light of what the people have demanded and ignored by ones who have been placed or manipulated in form or fashion to the pinnacles of national recognized power.

Human-Kind has been enslaved by Sin and Death and has Labored under the Burden of Pain, Suffering, and Adversity for so long that many people have come to accept this way of Life as Normal or Natural”

He has told you, O man, what is good. And what is ‘The Most High’ requiring of you?

Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!” – “The end will come.”

Any true Christian whatsoever, living or dead, participates in all the benefits of Christ and the Church; and this participation is granted to him by God without letter of indulgence. Yet the Pope’s remission and dispensation are in no way to be despised, for, as already said, they proclaim the divine remission. It is very difficult, even for the most learned theologians, to extol to the people the great bounty contained in the indulgences, while, at the same time, praising contrition as a virtue. A truly contrite sinner seeks out, and loves to pay the penalties of his or her sins; whereas the very multitude of indulgences dulls men’s consciences, and tends to make them hate the penalties. Papal indulgences should only be preached with caution, lest people gain a wrong understanding, and think that they are preferable to other good works: those of love.

Christians (of every faith) should be taught that the pope does not at all intend that the purchase of indulgences should be understood as at all comparable with works of mercy. Christians should be taught that one who gives to the poor, or lends to the needy, does a better action than if he purchases indulgences; because, by works of love, love grows and a man becomes a better man; whereas, by indulgences, he does not become a better man, but only escapes certain penalties.

Christians (of every faith) should be taught that he who sees a needy person, but passes him or her by although he gives money for indulgences, gains no benefit from the pope’s pardon, but only incurs the wrath of God.

Christians (of every faith) should be taught that, unless they have more than they need, they are bound to retain what is necessary for the upkeep of their home, and should in no way squander it on indulgences.

YAHveh, the Holy One of Israel, became flesh and blood and dwelt on earth to bring salvation to Israel and all Gentiles. In Hebrew, the word for salvation or saves is SHUA. That is why the angel told Joseph, “she (Mary) will bear a Son; and you shall call His name YahSHUA, for it is He who will save His people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). …

When Messiah was first named by the angel, and later given that name at His circumcision, a Greek name would have never been permitted. Jews were vitally concerned with pedigrees. According to Jewish biblical tradition, the name of the offspring was always given with the name of the father. It was completely unacceptable for a Jew to take a Gentile name. Using YAHshua’s true name brings glory to the name of YAHveh the Father.

The Twelve Tribes were divided due to Shalomon’s idolatry. Yisraelites did escape and returned to Yisrael, the rest were scattered around the four corners of the Earth.

Although Israel and the Jewish people can trace themselves back to Abraham, they are commonly called the children of Israel, with “Israel” being another name for Jacob the grandson of Abraham. (A name given to him by God.) Before Jacob died, he met with his sons and two of his grandsons to talk to them about what would happen to them (their descendants) in the last days and convey certain blessings. (Genesis ch. 48 & 49.) One item of significance regarding this final episode was that Jacob took the inheritance of the first born son, Reuben, and divided it up between the other sons. This was very much due to Reuben’s sin (Genesis ch. 38) and his own lack of leadership ability.

The twelve tribes of Israel are mentioned in Revelation, chapters 7 and 21. Their mention is far more than a “curiosity” (as it is treated in most studies of Revelation.) Rather, God’s prophetic plan through history and concluding in Revelation centers on Israel, as represented by the twelve sons of Jacob and their progeny. There are several important points to take note of in their history that help explain what God’s plan for them (and the world) is all about.

Just as God had prophesied to Jeroboam through the prophet Ahijah, Jeroboam was king of ten tribes, and was well established, for God Himself stopped Rehoboam’s attack. Instead of doing as God had instructed, Jeroboam sought to secure his position through establishing a system of idolatry that would ensure no contact between the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.

The ten northern tribes quickly fell into the same idolatry for which Solomon had been judged. Jeroboam made two golden calves and set one in Beth-El, a city of Ephraim, and the other in Dan, the principle city of the tribe of Dan. Jeroboam had reason to create his own system of worship. As all the men of Israel were required to appear in Jerusalem for the feasts of Pesakh (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost) and Succot (Tabernacles) each year, this would likely lead to a reunification of the northern and southern kingdoms, because Jerusalem lay in the southern kingdom of Judah. Jeroboam halted this pilgrimage and filled the void of the true Temple worship by creating his own temple, priesthood and system of worship. (I Kings 12: 22-33)

The northern kingdom of Israel was never able to repent of their idolatry and for this God judged them. Taken captive, Ephraim and its kingdom were eventually scattered throughout the nations never returning to Israel, just as Jacob has prophesied. Hosea, who was a prophet to the ten northern tribes, speaks of their sin and future reunification, especially in chapters 11-13.

First century Jewish believers were confronted with a perplexing issue concerning the Gentiles-“was salvation solely for the Jews or was it to include the alien Gentiles?” The apostle Paul was the divinely appointed ambassador to the Gentiles. His mission was to bring them the awesome salvation of YAHshua, the Hebrew Messiah and to instruct them further regarding vital issues pertaining specifically to them as Gentiles within the messianic body.

Paul’s powerful admonitions to the Gentiles in Ephesians 2-3 and Roman 9-11 were written to destroy latent anti-Jewish attitudes. Unfortunately, these are the very Scriptures the Adversary has attempted to eradicate from Christian theology. The church’s ignorance of these scriptural safeguards has allowed the perpetuation of many distorted doctrines and unbiblical attitudes toward Israel.

From The Holy Bible: Psalm, Matthew, Genesis, Acts, Jeremiah, Ephesians, John, James, Zephaniah, Deuteronomy, Philippians, Thessalonians, Corinthians, Isaiah, Revelations, Hebrew, Romans, Luke, and The Holy Qur’an.

My Child…

You may not know me, but I know everything about you. I know when you sit down and when you rise up. I am familiar with all your ways. Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. For you were made in my image. In me you live and move and have your being. For you are my offspring. I knew you even before you were conceived. I chose you when I planned creation. You were not a mistake.

For all your days are written in my book. I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I knit you together in your mother’s womb and brought you forth on the day you were born. I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me. I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. Simply because you are my child, and I am your Father. I offer you more than your earthly father could. For I am the perfect Father. Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.”

Eastward from Eden, the land was hard and wild. Their easy life was over. With work the Earth produced good food, and soon, a son was born to the world’s first family. The baby was called Cain. His brother, Abel, soon followed him. The family kept faith with God as time passed and they grew. Cain could not always obey God’s voice. He grew sullen, working about in the fields, building up hatred in his soul against his brother. God warned Cain…”Sin is waiting at your door to ensnare you!”

Cain’s envy and jealousy caused him to slay his brother. He resented God’s love for Abel over love for him. Cain murdered his brother. God knew of this and cursed Cain. “From such a crime you cannot hide…from this time forth you shall be accursed and wander as a fugitive on Earth!” And God placed a mark on Cain’s brow so that no one would murder him during his wanderings.

Other children were born to Adam and Eve, and the world’s population began to grow. But what kind of people would these children be? In so short a time, it seemed that only wickedness would flourish on Earth.

Was a good and righteous man to be found?

From where did you come?

Did you come from the trees or the cave? Did you and your family come from the mountains or the plains? How many in your family committed murder? How many in your family were murdered? What about the raping of women, children, and little boys? Did you do it? Did the priests intentionally corrupt and exploit their flocks? Did they contaminate you? Do you follow and believe the ranting of politicians?

The tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi were forced out of the Land of Israel around 70 AD. This was due to the Hebrew-Roman wars that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Black Hebrew Israelites. Primarily women, men, and children were slaughtered by an over powering Army of Roman soldiers and conscripts in their Empire domain. The remnants of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi fled primarily to West Africa to escape death and prosecution around 70 AD.

Very Often, a fiction author depicts life and the great truth of life better than the historian. The writer does not pretend to write what is exactly true. He or She describes all things with imagination. Ordinary people are therefore privileged to see what grounds the commonly accepted scriptures reveal. One can examine the pile of evidence and do ones own sifting through the maze of text. Thousands – Millions of people look to the New Testament as their leader and guide. It is paramount to know upon what authority this information is derived, and many women and men will be delighted to find the evidence clearly presented before them.

And who believe in that which hath been sent down unto thee and that which hath been sent down before thee, and of the hereafter they are sure.

…And of the people (are some) who say, “We believe in God and in the last day (of judgment),” (while in fact) they are not believers (at all).

…They (intend to) deceive God and those who believe, while they deceive not but themselves, but the perceive (it) not.

…In their heart is a disease and God increaseth their disease, for them is a painful chastisement, beware of the lie they were saying.

…And when it is said unto them, “Make ye not mischief in the Earth” say they, “verily, we are only the well-doers – the peacemakers.

Beware! Verily, they are the mischief mongers, but they perceive not. When it is said unto them, “Believe ye as the (other) people did believe, they say, “Shall we believe?”

Beware! Verily, they are the fools, but they know not. And when they meet with those who believe, they say “We believe” but when they go apart to their devils, they say, “surely we are with you, verily, we did but mock.”

The Black Slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Don’t forget, you must pitch the ‘Old Black vs. the Young Black Male,’ and the ‘Young Black male against the Old Black male. You must use the ‘Dark Skinned Slaves vs. the Light Skinned Slaves,’ and the ‘Light Skinned Slaves’ vs. the ‘Dark Skinned Slaves.’ You must use the ‘Female vs. the Male,’ and the ‘Male vs. the Female.’ You must also have your servants and overseers ‘Distrust all Blacks,’ but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only us. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control, use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful:

~ Willie Lynch~

These are they who purchase error for guidance, hence their transaction profitteth them not, neither are they guided aright.

The likeness of them is like unto one who kindleth a fire, and when it lighteth all around him, God taketh away the light and leaveth them in darkness, they see not. They are deaf, dumb, and blind; hence they will return not from their darkness.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

According to basic Islamic teachings, God revealed the creation of three intelligent species: angels, jinn, and humans, of which the latter two have been granted free will to choose between good and evil, and the Quran states that there is other creation beyond human knowledge “and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.”

The Angels do not have free will and cannot sin because they were not granted the freedom by God to disobey. When God created Adam, he commanded all the angels and Iblis (whose rank allowed him to be considered equal to that of an angel) to prostrate to Adam as was termed “the Best of Creation”. All the angels did so but Iblis refused to obey, and was brought into a state of rebellion against God. For this God cast him out of Jannah (paradise), and intended to punish him. Iblis begged God to delay the punishment until Yawm al-Qiyāmah (Last Judgment), which was granted by God. It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis; He refused to be of those who prostrate.

Iblis was proud and arrogant and considered himself superior to Adam, since Adam was made from clay and Iblis from smokeless fire. For this act of disobedience, God cursed him to Jahannam (Hell) for eternity, but gave him respite until the Day of Judgment, after Iblis requested it. Iblis obtained permission from God and vowed that he would use this time to lead all men and women astray to Hell as a way of revenge against them. By refusing to obey God’s order he was thrown out of paradise and thereafter he was called “Shaytan.”

I have no reluctance or hesitancy in saying that I, like many others, am perfectly satisfied to let the common sense of people of the world decide upon the superiority of the acceptance of certain scriptures and the rejection of others. All of the information is perfectly intelligible to the common woman or man.

I worship not what ye worship, nor worship ye whom I worship; nor shall I worship whom ye worship; nor will worship ye whom I worship – unto ye be your religion, and unto me my religion. The one with the knowledge of the truth, can never give way for any other consideration or purpose.”

(Al-Kafirun – The Disbelievers)

The children continue to show us the way. Ask them if it matters about the color of the skin of their friend(s) – see them play, sing, eat, run, sleep, laugh, and hug together without reason or rhyme – see them entertain with their genius and zeal, the cohesion of love, faith, and trust in each other while they are protected from the evil, animosity, and hatred in this land between Oz and Babel.

Take heed and be forewarned (Powers that Be)…the seven deadly sins (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony) – Avarice being the forefront practice of many governments and their so-called leaders – covetousness, lust, and gluttony. Does this all sound familiar…as of late? The limelight lifestyles of the rich, the famous, the political panhandlers and warmongers will be their -your – our undoing. These symptoms have come to pass on numerous occasions, have they not?

A child of color asked the father, “Dad, where do white people come from?” The father looked at his child and replied, “My child, all people come from God.” “People began with Adam and Eve. Come and sit with me while I tell you of the things that have happened on this Earth, according to the Holy Scriptures. God created the first man and woman. Adam and Eve were people of color. They were driven out of the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was located on the continent of Africa. They disobeyed God by eating the figs of the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Satan beguiled Eve to eat of the fruit and she convinced Adam to eat of it. They transgressed upon the word of God. Their ubiquitous life of leisure came to an end while the beginning of hardship, life, and death began.

All mankind is descended from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. The descendants of Japheth, the youngest son, settled in Anatolia, modern Turkey, and from there moved into the Caucasus Mountains of Western Russia and from there settled Europe and Russia. They are the ancestors of the (Edomites) Caucasian peoples. Their main impact on Israel was through the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans.

According to Genesis 9:19 and the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.

Jesus’ male ancestors trace a line from Shem. However, ethnically and racially, they were mixed Semitic and Hamitic from the times spent in captivity in Egypt and Babylon. Rahab and probably Tamar were Canaanites. Although Canaanites spoke a Semitic language, they were descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. Bethsheba, who had been the wife of Uriah the Hittite, probably was a Hamitic Hittite herself.

Hebrews believe in the one true Elohim of the Hebrews, the reconstruction of the ancient Hebraic Culture and religion, and in the Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim, also known as the Tanakh. We believe all mandatory doctrine solely comes from the Tanakh and all other traditions are optional as long it does not conflict with the Tanakh.

The descendants of Cush settled in Ethiopia. The descendants of Mizraim settled in Egypt. The Hebrew name for the country of Egypt is Mizraim. The English name “Egypt” comes from the Greek word aegyptos, not from Arabic or Hebrew.

The descendants of Ham gradually populated Africa and are Hamitic. The descendants of Shem became the Semitics. Egyptians are Hamitic, not Semitic, even though they now speak a dialect of Arabic, a Semitic language.

Being “The First People” we have been placed in a position, a time, and a place of “Infinite Proportions” that only ‘GOD’ can undo!

We have survived every assault that man has afflicted upon us and survived. We have survived this current ‘MAAFA’ as we (a diversity of good people, God-Loving People) will survive this atrocity that is afflicted upon us today, tomorrow, and into infinity…with “The Grace of God!”

Black people, Africans, descended from “The Tribe of Judah”; descended from “Ham.”



The Torah (Nev’im; Ketuvim/Law, Prophets, Writings – Deuteronomy); The Holy Qur’An, The Holy Bible; and the forgotten books of ‘Eden!’



The Eye of Cain”

The Land of OZ and The Land of Babel”

Of Spirit and Faith”

OUT OF DIVINITY – The Concept of Man’s Creation and Salvation” _

Seeker of Wisdom, Truth, and Justice: BEREAN”

“As The Clock Turns”

The Spirit of The Soul and The Death of Morals”: Whence comest thou?


A Love Letter From Father – Genesis to Revelation”

The Lost Tribes of Twelve and Yahveh the Father”


The Awakening Dream”


“Arc of the Prophet”

“Amongst Us”

“An Infinite Place, An Infinite Purpose”

“The Difference Between Hebrewism and Judaism”

“Sharing The Wisdom and The Knowledge”


“Being Hebrew”

“The Dawn Of Rule”

~ Roman History and Persia ~ The Caesarians and The Claudians/The Julio-Claudian dynasty




#Blogger #WordPress #Academia #EzinArticles #Spirituality #Yahweh #Hametic #Shemetic #Edomites #Israel #Judah #The12Tribes #TheHolyBible #TheTorah #TheHolyQuran #USA #TheBlackChurch #TheChristianChurch #Boulware #Yahshua #BoulwareBooks #Yahushua #Hebrew #AfricanDiaspora #Juneteenth #PhillyTrib #Confucious #Kenya #Judah #The3rdEye #BoulwareBooks #WellRead #BlackAuthors #LinkedIn #Zimbabwe #Ethiopia #Senegal #Uganda #Africa #ShabbatShalom #AsSalaamAlaikum #Islam #Judaism #Hebrew #Muslim #Elohim #Noah #Ashkenazi #Abramevits #Genesis #Hametic #Hamite #Joshua #Ishmael #Cush #Kush #Pharaoh #Levites #Isaah #Eusebius #Ham #Japheth #Jethro #TheSeedOfMan #Falasha #Igbo #Hebrew #Bantu #TheTenCommandmnets #Josephus #Philo #TheMidrash #TheHolyScriptures #HBCU #CCPedu #BereanInstituteedu #Berean #SNCC #SCLC #NAACP #COAR #RepJohnLewis #DrKing #MCOA #SCSEP #NCOA #MartinLutherKing #Ghandi #NelsonMandela #TheRevAl #MichaelCoard #JoyReid #AmJoy #BlackToLive #NAN #NationalActionNetwork #IndependentBlackMedia #WalterPLomaxJr #WHYY #TalkRadio #BlackTalkRadio #Templeedu #Cheyneyedu #Lincolnedu #PennStateedu #Gramblingedu #Clemsonedu #Lesleyedu #GISMABusinessSchool #BlackHistory #History #HerStory #TheStoryOfUs #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #Pilgramage #PrinceOfEgypt #PilarOfFire #RingOfFire #Christ #Jahushua #Yahweh #TheSaqqaraBird #TheOldTestament #TheNewTestament #Taharqua #Hebrews #ArchitectsOfChange #BlackPanther #Polymath #Erudite



~ “The Missing Link…Re-Establishing A Union of The Crowns” ~

As Submitted
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq

Once Upon A Time…In The World Of Men:

“King James VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom”

“This is a historical study of the career of King James VI and I, as king of Scotland (1567-1625) and England (1603-1625), who achieved a union of the crowns as the first king of Great Britain, and who undertook to end the recurring religious wars. His peacemaking by diplomatic means was complemented by his efforts to foster closer relations among the churches. The peace that he helped to maintain by these initiatives, though cut short by the coming of the Thirty Years’ War, was immensely beneficial both to Britain and to the other countries of Europe.”
~W. B. Patterson~

“The Negro Question Part 4 The Missing Link”

“This book is about the three black Kingdoms of Ireland, Britain and Scotland who were sold into the North Atlantic slave trade. I have provided you with the original images of the Scottish King James, King Charles 1st and King Charles the 2nd. I have also provided you with images of the black Irish children who were sold into the slave trade. This book contains the testimony of Benjamin Franklin as he describes the black French, Spanish, Germans, Russians, Swedes and Italians in 1751. I have eyewitness accounts from Benjamin Franklin, Proffessor Boyd Dawkins and Dr. Albert Churchward. what does this book prove? It proves that the Old World Order according to Benjamin Franklin was black, this book is also the missing link between the two sciences; History and Genetics.”
~Lee Cummings~

“The Jew a Negro: Being a Study of the Jewish Ancestry from an Impartial Standpoint”

“Many Black Hebrew groups were founded in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from Kansas to New York, by both African Americans and West Indian immigrants. In the mid-1980s, the number of Black Hebrews in the United States was between 25,000 and 40,000. In the 1990s, the Alliance of Black Jews (which is no longer operating) estimated that there were 200,000 African-American Jews; this estimate was based on a 1990 survey conducted by the Council of Jewish Federations.
Black Hebrew Israelites (also called Black Hebrews, African Hebrew Israelites, and Hebrew Israelites) are groups of Black Americans who believe that they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Black Hebrews adhere in varying degrees to the religious beliefs and practices of both Christianity and Judaism. They are not recognized as Jews by the greater Jewish community. Many choose to identify themselves as Hebrew Israelites or Black Hebrews rather than Jews in order to indicate their claimed historic connections. Books linking the ancestry of Jews and Blacks have become popular such as “From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews.
“The Jew a Negro” has been analyzed by numerous modern authors studying race relations in earlier times in America. For example, the 2006 “Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: A New History” notes: “One southern writer, the North Carolina minister Arthur T. Abernethy, published an entire book arguing that ‘the Jew of to-day is essentially Negro in habits, physical peculiarities and tendencies.” In rare cases, … Jews were … grouped with blacks.’”
The Jew a Negro argued that ancient Jews had thoroughly mixed with neighboring African peoples, leaving little significant difference between the Jewish and Negro types. As the Jews migrated to more temperate climes, their skin lightened and they became successful, but their essential racial similarity to blacks remained unaltered.”
“One southern writer insisted Jews were of Negro descent.”
~Arthur Talmage Abernethy PH. D.~

~ Bridging The Gap – Filling In The Missing Link(s) – The Truth Cannot and Will Not Be Suppressed Forever – The Truth Shall Prevail Upon Itself and Come Forever Forth! ~


“An Infinite Place, An Infinite Purpose”
Being “The First People” we have been placed in a position, a time, and a place of “Infinite Proportions” that only ‘GOD’ can undo!
We have survived every assault that man has afflicted upon us and survived. We have survived this current ‘MAAFA’ as we (a diversity of good people, God-Loving People) will survive this atrocity that is afflicted upon us today, tomorrow, and into infinity…with “The Grace of God!”

“Coat of Arms”
The Established Church was divided during this era. In 1603, King James called a conference in the Hampton Court in attempt to resolve issues. As a result, a new translation and compilation of approved books of the Bible was commissioned to resolve issues with translations then being used.
King James of Black Aristocracy of
Europe, Survivor of The Black Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland; Leader of the “True World Order!”

“The Difference Between Hebrewism and Judaism”
Hebrews believe in the one true Elohim of the Hebrews, the reconstruction of the ancient Hebraic Culture and religion, and in the Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim, also known as the Tanakh. We believe all mandatory doctrine solely comes from the Tanakh and all other traditions are optional as long it does not conflict with the Tanakh.

“Sharing The Wisdom and The Knowledge”
The Black Slave, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Don’t forget, you must pitch the ‘Old Black vs. the Young Black Male,’ and the ‘Young Black male against the Old Black male. You must use the ‘Dark Skinned Slaves vs. the Light Skinned Slaves,’ and the ‘Light Skinned Slaves’ vs. the ‘Dark Skinned Slaves.’ You must use the ‘Female vs. the Male,’ and the ‘Male vs. the Female.’ You must also have your servants and overseers ‘Distrust all Blacks,’ but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only us. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control, use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful. ~ ” I Caught a Whiff of Burning Meat ” ~

“They Know We Have A History”
” The ancestors of Black Indians often created an American Sisterhood and Brotherhood we have tried to maintain under terrible circumstances and in the face of armed opposition. ” ‘They Know We Have A History’ By Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Ham, and Japheth with all the sons thereafter – The ‘Edomites’ born of the sons of Dishan, Uz, and Aran were the kings that reigned in the land of ‘Edom.’ It’s been proven over and over again that there were Nubian Kingdoms outside of the Nile River and Region as well as new ones created in Sudan but were officially Muslim with older faiths that still exist right up until today. Research and re-examination has uncovered more truth than fiction cloaked in the villainy of deceit and the desire for power over the Black Man. Nubia was greater, but Egypt advanced the knowledge, more so in the old, middle and new kingdom of Egypt. Egypt was the greatest civilization. Art, math, science, morals, and a plethora of ideals became more developed in Egypt. Chronicles of the achievements and contributions of Black Leaders before the Mayflower have been purposely deleted, concealed, and altered in order to control and continually enslave the ‘Black Mind’ for centuries. The wide spread distribution of Cush in the ancient world described in the Bible is supported by Greek geographer Strabo and the “Father of History,” Herodotus, both of whom refer to eastern or Asian Cushites in India as having Black skin and straight hair and western Cushites with similar skin color but “Crispy” hair. Thus Jethro lived in the land of Cush in Arabia among other Ethiopians who had not yet completed migration to Ethiopia. He lived in Semitic Midian but he was not a Semite although he spoke a Semitic language. Semitic descendants of Abraham, like Edom, and the Ishmaelite’s, as well as other Semites, afterward occupied almost all of the Arabian Peninsula. These Semitic tribes are now named Arabians due to their occupation of Arabia, although the name “Arabia” attached to the homeland predates their occupation of the site. In the same way the Anglo-Saxons who are known as Britons are a modern parallel to this kind of name expropriation. The Angles and Saxons were non-Britons who subdued and drove the Britons out of the land. The Anglo-Saxons occupied the Britons’ land and later took the name given to the land by those original inhabitants. Thus the Anglo-Saxons, although not Britons, are called British today. In the same way, Arabia may have been a Hamite name expropriated by a Semitic non-Arab second wave immigration which forced and continued the migratory flight of the Arabian Ethiopians to African Ethiopia.

“My Name is Caesar Borgia Not Jesus of Nazareth”
The images and idols displayed in the churches are not of Christ. Michelangelo first painted the most common religious image used in deceiving the world today. It is a picture of a blue-eyes European with blond hair, who they maliciously claim to be Jesus Christ. This false image was modeled after Caesare Borgia, who was the second son of so-called Pope Alexander VI, of Rome. The real Jesus, according to all scientific and historical facts, is an Afro-Asiatic man.

“Being Hebrew”
“It never ceases to amaze me how this land full of and founded by immigrants can have such hatred for immigrants…land stolen from “Indigenous People” by immigrants… Columbus was credited while the true founder/invader was washed from the memory of the colonists and today’s society and student(s) alike… How many so-called Americans truly know their own history? How many do you think know the name of the man whom the United States has adopted; America? Would you believe “Amerigo Vespucci?”

“The Dawn Of Rule”
“Human-Kind has been enslaved by Sin and Death and has Labored under the Burden of Pain, Suffering, and Adversity for so long that many people have come to accept this way of Life as Normal or Natural”
“He has told you, O man, what is good. And what is ‘The Most High’ requiring of you?
Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!” – “The end will come.”
~ Roman History and Persia ~ The Caesarians and The Claudians/The Julio-Claudian dynasty

“We The Matrix”
Sir Isaac Newton subscribed to a realist view is that time does not refer to any kind of “container” that events and objects “move through”, nor to any entity that “flows”, but that it is instead part of a fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number) within which humans sequence and compare events.
Another view, as described by Gottfried Leibniz and Immanuel Kant holds that time is neither an event nor a thing, and thus is not itself measurable nor can it be traveled.

“The Cushites Who Overthrew Ancient Egyptians”
History describes the story of the Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty, whose reign for more than a century emphasized a period in time of great achievements, contributions and feats accomplished by Black Leaders and Black People.
This was not just a time of conquest and military might, but a contributory era to modern civilization. The time-frame of around 700 BC was a period of Nubian leadership and rule that has been largely ignored by historians, but authenticated evidence shows that it was a time of achievement and greatness that sends a strong message to today’s Black Community, particularly to Young Black Males by enforcing a stronger familiarity with the concept of success as evidenced by the election of Barack Obama, our nation’s First Black President. This information also makes a strong statement toward showing all members of the public at large, “that Black People have a tradition of achievement and pride that evolved from a great Heritage!”

“OUT OF DIVINITY– The Concept of Man’s Creation and Salvation”
Satan met and badgered Jesus in the desert. He was in the crowd shouting for his guilt, trial, conviction, and execution by crucifixion The divine plan in man’s creation was objected to by the angels. The knowledge endowed in man and made to manifest to the angels through Adam and Eve with the exception of Ibliss. He refused to obey and was cast off. Adam and Eve were warned against the ‘Forbidden Tree’ while stationed within the ‘Garden of Eden.’ Disregarding the warnings, Satan beguiled them and caused their downfall. We have all learned that Adam repented through the words taught him by GOD: ” The Virtuous Shall be Rewarded and The Wicked Shall Be Punished! ” According to The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, Shaytan is used in the Quran in the singular and the plural Shayatin often interchangeably with Iblis, who is “considered to be a particular Shaytan.” According to basic Islamic teachings, God revealed the creation of three intelligent species: angels, jinn, and humans, of which the latter two have been granted free will to choose between good and evil, and the Quran states that there is other creation beyond human knowledge “and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.” The angels do not have free will and cannot sin because they were not granted the freedom by God to disobey. When God created Adam, he commanded all the angels and Iblis (whose rank allowed him to be considered equal to that of an angel) to prostrate to Adam as was termed “the Best of Creation”. All the angels did so but Iblis refused to obey, and was brought into a state of rebellion against God. For this God cast him out of Jannah (paradise), and intended to punish him. Iblis begged God to delay the punishment until Yawm al-Qiyāmah (Last Judgment), which was granted by God. It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis; He refused to be of those who prostrate. (Allah) said: “What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?” He said: “I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire and him from clay.” —Quran, sura 7 (Al-A’raf) ayat 11-12 Iblis was proud and arrogant and considered himself superior to Adam, since Adam was made from clay and Iblis from smokeless fire. For this act of disobedience, God cursed him to Jahannam (Hell) for eternity, but gave him respite until the Day of Judgment, after Iblis requested it. Iblis obtained permission from God and vowed that he would use this time to lead all men and women astray to Hell as a way of revenge against them. By refusing to obey God’s order he was thrown out of paradise and thereafter he was called “Shaytan.”

“The Eye of Cain”
“The children of Jared are led astray by the illusions of Satan and his kindred. God revealed to him, the promise he had made to Cain and the command to his people to not hold intercourse with the children of Cain. God also ordered Jared and the people to not learn the ways of Cain’s children; for I am God who loves not hatred and works of iniquity. Jared continued to teach the children, but they began to transgress the commandments. They began to go down from the Holy Mountains one after the other and to mix with the children of Cain, in foul fellowships.”

“Maafa: Life After Conquest”
The Ruin Of A Nation Begins In The Homes Of Its People
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq


“The best way to hate a “nigger” is to hate him before he’s born!”
~Leander Perez, United States Judge, 1970~

“All White Americans agree that, if the Negro is to be eliminated, he must be eliminated slowly so as not to hurt any living individual Negroes. Therefore, the “Dominant American Valuation” is that the Negro should be eliminated from the American scene, but slowly.” (Chp. 7, pg. 168) “Control Their Fertility.” (Chp. 7, pg. 1 – ‘Population,’ 1944 publication by Harper and Boss, N.Y.
~Cass Canfield, National President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America~

~ “SANKOFA” the “MAAFA” ~
Maafa are terms used to describe the history and ongoing effects of atrocities inflicted on African people.
“The Black Man has never been a competitor, but has always been subservient to the white race. And just as long as he remains subservient, his position is secure, and just as soon as he becomes a competitor, his fate is sealed.”
~Dr. Benjamin Hayes, Eugenicist, 1905~

“Maafa: Life After Conquest”
How – Where Is It possible For A Human Being To Have Peace Where There Is No Justice?
While many Americans continue to allow themselves to be brainwashed, distracted, and preoccupied with ‘Black Friday’ sales and other deceptive clandestine practices of ripping you off…”Give Me All Your Money!” The killing of another Black Youth sounded the alarm for unification. The focused marchers are ‘Marching’ and the focused protesters are ‘Protesting’ the continuing saga of Black elimination which is once again brought forth.
~The Maafa Did Not End With The Emancipation Proclamation~
…It began when the 1st African became shackled to the bottom of a slave ship!
Is there a hidden racial agenda in white America? There are many who believe it is so…

“The Sankofa symbolizes the Akan people’s quest for knowledge among the Akan with the implication that the quest is based on critical examination, and intelligent and patient investigation.
The symbol is based on a mythical bird with its feet firmly planted forward with its head turned backwards.”

“Sankofa: Never – To – Forget!”

Avial Thyself To The Treasures Of Truth, History, and World Lineage For The Ages:

King James VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) (
W. B. Patterson (Author)

The Negro Question Part 4 The Missing Link
Lee Cummings (Author)

The Jew a Negro: Being a Study of the Jewish Ancestry from an Impartial Standpoint
Arthur Talmage Abernethy PH. D. (Author)

“The most the startling book of the year…its research is unanswerable.” – Literary Digest Abernethy’s 1910 book “The Jew a Negro” has been analyzed by numerous modern authors studying race relations in earlier times in America.

Arthur Talmage Abernethy, PH. D., (1872 –1956) was a professor, Methodist pastor in New York and North Carolina, and a Democratic candidate for congress in North Carolina. He was a gifted speaker and author a score of historical books, as well as being the youngest son of the founder of Rutherford College. He was elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science and became the poet laureate of North Carolina.

Abernethy’s 1910 book “The Jew a Negro” has been analyzed by numerous modern authors studying race relations in earlier times in America.

For example, the 2006 “Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: A New History” notes: “One southern writer, the North Carolina minister Arthur T. Abernethy, published an entire book arguing that ‘the Jew of to-day is essentially Negro in habits, physical peculiarities and tendencies.” In rare cases, … Jews were … grouped with blacks.’”

The 2006 book “The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity” states: “Published in 1910 by the North Carolina minister and professor Arthur T. Abernethy, The Jew a Negro argued that ancient Jews had thoroughly mixed with neighboring African peoples, leaving little significant difference between the Jewish and Negro types. As the Jews migrated to more temperate climes, their skin lightened and they became successful, but their essential racial similarity to blacks remained unaltered.”

The 2011 book “The Colors of Zion” point out:
“A peripheral literature sprang up to classify Jews as ‘negroid.’ One notorious instance is The Jew a Negro (1910) by the North Carolinian Reverend Arthur T. Abernethy.” The 1999 book “Strangers & Neighbors: Relations Between Blacks & Jews in the United States” cites to Abernethy’s book, in stating: “One southern writer insisted Jews were of Negro descent.”

In 1997, American Jewish History, Volume 85 notes that

“The Jew a Negro, Being A Study of the Jewish Ancestry from an Impartial Standpoint” by the Rev. Arthur T. Abernethy, A.M., Ph.D. Abernethy — a preacher, professor, and rustic journalist — sought to demonstrate through ‘ethnology’ and ‘Scriptural proofs’ how ‘the Jew of to-day, as well as his ancestors in other times, is the kinsman and descendant of the Negro.”

Many Black Hebrew groups were founded in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from Kansas to New York, by both African Americans and West Indian immigrants. In the mid-1980s, the number of Black Hebrews in the United States was between 25,000 and 40,000. In the 1990s, the Alliance of Black Jews (which is no longer operating) estimated that there were 200,000 African-American Jews; this estimate was based on a 1990 survey conducted by the Council of Jewish Federations.

Sonjah Stanley Niaah
#RIO #3rdEye #Chakra


#Falasha #HBCU #Cambridgeedu #Bereanedu #CCPedu #Cheyneyedu #Lincolnedu #PennStateedu #Templeedu #Gramblingedu #Clemsonedu #BlackHistory #History #HerStory #TheStoryOfUs #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #BlackHistoryMonths #PhillyTrib #FreedomRides #Hebrew #BLM #Judah #Yahshua #Igbo #Hebrew #Bantu #BlackPanther #JusticeIsComing #BlackLivesMatter #EverlyBooks #EverlyBooksPublishingPress #PublishingPress #ReadersGazette #eReader #NowReadThis #WellRead #PBS #NPR #PhillyTrib #Metro #EzineAuthors #ReadersGazette #eReader #Published #WriteIntoPrint #AuthorsDen #MediumDailyDigest #HarlemBookFair #Academia #TheHuffingtonPost #TheDailyWeb #TheHerald #TheWashingtonPost #AI #SOHOPress #TheDailyBeast #TheGuardian #BlackThen #TheMedia #PaperLi #NJNews #NYNews #PhillyNews #Published #LinkedIn #EzineAuthors #ReadersGazette #FreePress #PhillyTribune #eReader #eReaders #FaceBook #BlackInAmerica #UnitedBlackLibrary #SojournerTruth #Sojourner #MindTV #ShortStoryTellers #UnsungAuthors #KnowledgeIsKing #BestMysteriesandThrillers #PublishingPress #Hollihock #HollihockWritingCommunity #Callistep



“Beware The Beast – 666!”



~”The Plight of Good Vs. Evil”~

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq. 

“Beware The Beast, for His Number Is – 666!”

“When the Jews return to Zion and a comet fills the sky, and the Holy Roman Empire rises; then you and I must die. From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, ’til man exists no more.”
―The Biblical poem by Father Brennan about the Antichrist’s birth and rise to power.

On many occasions, when Good has triumphed over Evil, it has always been a joyous and wonderful event…however, often-times, good does not always triumph over evil – evil sometimes find it is the victorious one…

We have all witnessed, seen, heard and experienced the horror of the attacks on protesters; either up close or in person, via electronic feed(s); upon the American Populace by its so-called leaders; who control the ‘Armed Forces’ of these United States of America!

The evil and vile attacks upon United States Citizens as they invoke their American Citizen rights, as written by the “United States Constitution.” They have been under siege ever since the first “Black Person” was murdered upon arrival to these shores, the adopted moniker – “America” (whether they know it or not). However, this type of evil has existed since the beginning of mankind, to and by every so-called racial group of human being(s) upon this planet.

Have you ever wondered why?

Have you seen and/or witnessed these horrible events? …You’ve seen it but don’t believe it, right? Someone made it all up…just like the “COVID-19 FRAUD…right? You’ve seen the authorities assault young females with and without babies in their arms…the assault upon weak and feeble senior citizens…shoving them to the concrete pavement, yes? How about the assaulting of helpless young college women and men sitting in their cars, trapped in traffic…pulled from their vehicles…their vehicles and property destroyed? Yeah, they had to do what they had to do in order to protect the leader, right? Law and order must prevail…right? Nothing wrong was done (by cops or the military)…right?

Who are you believing…them or your lying eyes?

Did you stop and think why the so-called leader of the “Free-Nation” would hold a Holy Bible, (momentarily upside-down); while standing in front of a Christian Church? Why would he do that? Especially while angry and hungry pandemic-weary, unemployed, suffering, innocent, unarmed, and non-threatening people were being attacked – on live personal and professional TV cameras – by police, the armed forces, and other security storm-troopers; utilizing “Gestapo-Like Tactics” upon its citizens? The mocking of the church is equated with holding “The Holy Bible” upside down as is the upside-down crucifix with or without the image bearing the “Christ.” These practices are doctrines of the worshipers of Satan“devil-worshipers!”

Well I’d like to remind you all of a few warning’s from “back-in-the-day!”Way Back In The Day!

~ “You Have Been Warned!” ~

It is predicted in the Book of Revelation that during the Apocalypse, the Antichrist will grant temporary power to the seven kings of ten nations. The kings will come to hate the Whore of Babylon and will make her desolate and naked; burning her with fire and eating her flesh. According to Dr. Charles Warren, the Whore of Babylon represents Rome. Chapter 13 of Revelation also predicts correctly that the Antichrist will cause much death and destruction during his reign over Earth, and that he bears the Number of the Beast, 666, as a birthmark.

The events that signaled the birth of the Antichrist, Damien Thorn (The movie: “The Omen”), as well as the fact that Damien would rise to power ‘from the eternal sea,’ were foretold by Father Brennan in a Biblical poem. The former foretold events included the Jews returning to Israel, a comet appearing in the sky, and the rise of a holy Roman empire. The latter is speculated by Robert Thorn to be the Treaty of Rome (the formation of the common market), and the eternal sea represents the world of “Politics;” the sea that constantly rages with turmoil and “Revolution.”

“And they worshiped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshiped the Beast, saying, “Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?” And I saw the Beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let he who hath understanding count the Number of the Beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.”
―The verses in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 13:4, Revelation 19:19, Daniel 8:25, and Revelation 13:16-18) that Damien reads when discovering who he is.

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.”

―The Biblical verse (2 Corinthians 11:13)

“And then shall the wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”
―The Biblical verse (2 Thessalonians 2:8) about the end of the Antichrist, quoted by Carl Bugenhagen before his death.

“The apostles of Satan will bear the number 666!”

But, Fear Thee Not, My People! This too shall pass…

The day shall come in the not to far-away future, that this evil shall end…by years end! Our Vote! One Vote! We Shall Vote! We Shall Vote As If Our Lives Depend Upon It – Because It Truly Does…and We Shall Vote This Evil Out!

We Shall Vote It Out Where Violence And Destruction Shall Not Be Wielded! We Shall Use The Word Of God, The Pen, Our Voices, and The Ballot!

The toxic sprays, foams, gases, vicious clubbings, bullets (rubber & otherwise), tasers, leather boots, trucks, tanks, and horse attacks upon our Seniors, Youth, Women, or Babies and all of the horrid divisive verbal assaults will all become a thing of the past. It shall be written down and remembered; into the bowels…the annals of notorious history…American and World History!

“Thus he said: As for the fourth Beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth.”

…Is it possible that this passage describes the Man, Woman, and Child-Killing…(Planet Killer), COVID-19″ and/or other non-curable viral infections (and diseases of the Earth)?

“And it shall come to pass that in the End Days the Beast shall reign one hundred score and thirty days and nights. And the faithful shall cry unto the Lord: “Wherefore art thou in the day of evil?” And the Lord shall hear their prayers. And out of the Angel Isle he shall bring forth the Deliverer; the Holy Lamb of God who shall do battle with the Beast. And shall destroy him.”

―The Bible-like prophecy (not contained in the Bible) about the Antichrist’s downfall, quoted by Damien.

“Let no man be deceived. For that day shall not come, until the man of sins is revealed, the son of perdition.”

―The Biblical verse (a paraphrase of 2 Thessalonians 2:3) about the Antichrist quoted by Brother Matteus.

“Behold, the Lion of Judah! The Messiah, who came first as a child, but returns not as a child, but now as King of Kings, to rule in power and glory forever! ‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.'”
―The triumphant epitaph and concluding Bible verse (Revelation 21:4)

The Lion of Judah is a prominent symbol in the “Rastafari” movement. It represents ‘Emperor Haile Selassie’ I as well as being a symbol of strength, kingship, pride and African Sovereignty. ‘Rastafari’ consider the mention of “The Lion of Judah” in Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5 of The Bible to refer to Emperor Haile Selassie I. Rastafari hail Haile Selassie I with the titles “KING of Kings, LORD of lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of God, the Light of the World.”

The Battle Between “Good Vs. Evil” Shall Be Won – Good Shall Overcome and Defeat Evil!

“Out of the Darkness…God Shall Deliver Unto Us The Goodness of “His” Salvation!”

“Keep The Faith, Keep Hope Alive, for it shall be delivered!”

~ “We Shall Overcome!” ~


In Peace, Faith, Truth, & Love,





Police union will not ID officer in Australian TV crew attack

Police union will not ID officer in Australian TV crew attack

~ “The Holy Bible Upside Down” ~

Kushner 666

President Kushner owns 666 Building where the Mark of the Beast Chip is Developed

Kneeling man in Bay Area killed by police who say they mistook hammer for gun

Washington, DC paints a giant ‘Black Lives Matter’ message on the road to the White House

Sharpton mocks Trump’s Bible photo op at George Floyd memorial

Gun-toting members of the Boogaloo movement are showing up at protests

Tepid response to Breonna Taylor’s killing has many wondering which black lives matter?

‘Horrified’: Around the world, American allies are stunned

Texas Republicans call on county GOP chair to resign for saying Floyd’s death was staged

Facebook refuses to police information on its own vast network, despite being the largest media company in the world.
Recently, CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended Facebook’s decision to allow a Tump post that Twitter hid with a disclaimer for “glorifying violence.” Employees have protested in unprecedented numbers, and some have quit.

Prosecutors: 3 men plotted to terrorize Vegas protests

Epidemic of wipes and masks plague sewers, storm drains

Trump vows to help oust GOP senator after criticism: ‘Get any candidate ready’

~ He Screwed Up Again Big Time ~


Another Trump Pedophile Lawsuit Emerges – Veterans Today ……
Katie Johnson Claims in the Trump Pedophile Lawsuit. “Defendant Trump initiated s*xual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final s*xual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff.



“Ezine Articles”

~ Amazon ~

~ “Academia” ~




14 high-profile police-related deaths of U.S. blacks

Police Killing Timeline:;_ylt=AwrE19S_RNxehKUADnJXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2NybWFzBGZyMgNzYS1ncC1zZWFyY2gEZ3ByaWQDZTI0SkZTY2RUVjJvekx5VXFuY3U0QQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDNARvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMQRwcXN0cgNhbGwgcG9saWNlIGtpbGxpbmdzIG9mIEJsYWNrBHBxc3RybAMyOARxc3RybAMzNQRxdWVyeQNhbGwlMjBwb2xpY2UlMjBraWxsaW5ncyUyMG9mJTIwYmxhY2slMjBwZW9wbGUEdF9zdG1wAzE1OTE0OTM4NTEEdXNlX2Nhc2UD?p=all+police+killings+of+black+people&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=crmas

#AmadouDiallo #GeorgeFloyd #EricGarner #MichaelBrown #AkaiGurley #TamirRice #EricHarris #WalterScott #WilliamChapmanII #JeremyMcDole #JamarClark #AltonSterling #ICan’tBreathe #TerenceCrutcher #PhilandoCastile #SamDubose #FreddieGray #SayHerName #SayHisName #TheRevAl #NAACP #GetYourKneeOffMyNeck #Impeached #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BlackHistory #WHYY #Impeached #Impeachment #PBS #MorningJoe #PoliticsNation #NAN #BlackAuthors #JoyReid #Boulware #BoulwareBooks #HBCU #BlackWritersMuseum #onWURD #12thTribe #BlackInAmerica #SNCC #SCLC #NAACP #COAR #RepJohnLewis #DrKing #MartinLutherKing #PhillyTribune #PhillyTrib #BlackInAmerica #SojournerTruth #Sojourner #BlackHistory #AMJoy #JoeScarborogh #History #HerStory #KnowledgeIsKing #BlackThen #P2P #3rdEye #CongressionalBlackCaucus #PaulRobeson #JamesBaldwin #BlackToLive #KDP #HealStorian #TheIndigenousPeoples #EzineAuthors #FightThePowerThatBe #LDF #IndependentBlackMedia #NavajoNationCouncil #NavajoCodeTalkers #NativeTeams #AIVMI #LifeStyle #TheDailyWeb #TheHerald #TheWashingtonPost #MindTV #Metro #Revolution #Democracy #TheAdministration #ThePowerStructure #Deeds #Heritage #Segregation #Demonstration #TheMillionManMarch #FreedomRiders #FreePress #FreedomRides #Priviledged #Resist #Revolt #HumanBeing #Sanction #Boycott #Underground #PhillyNews #TheFinalCall #AmericanIndianVeteransMemorial #AIVMI #BookSpots #TweetYourBooks #WriteIntoPrint #AuthorsDen #MediumDailyDigest #TheHuffingtonPost #DW #AP #FaceBook #Blogger #Tumblr #LinkedIn #WordPress #Israel #Egypt #Tehran #USA #London #British #England #France #Germany #Russia #Eukrainian #EuropeanNews #Putin #BlackPlanet #TheAmazonian #Amazon #Twitter #Academia #Murder #OutNumbered #Revelations #666 #TheOmen #Yahweh #Yahushua #Moshe #TheMostHigh #TheHolyBible #TheHolyQuran #TheTorah #Religion #Church #TheHouseOfGod #GOD #Hebrew #The3rdEye #Ashkenazi #Judah #The12thTribe #Igbo #Nubian #Egypt #Kushite #Cushite





~ “The Academic Amazonian!”~

TWWOB – Origins of The Boulware Papers 

 “The Academic Amazonian!”

~ “The Spirituality & Spiritualization of Spiritualism” ~

420 Plus World Wide Mentions, Seven Published Paperbacks, and a Multitude of Articles, Essays, & Educational Postings!  

Author Accomplishments:   

“Academia discovered the name “G Boulware” mentioned in a paper uploaded by someone in Delhi, India; among many others…” 

TWWOB – Book One: The First of Six Digitally Produced Books!

‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~ “The Spirituality & Spiritualization of Spiritualism” ~

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.…


The Written Works of Boulware (6 Free Digital Online Books) Plus The Amazon Collection (Seven PaperBacks)!

Book #1

TWWOB – Book One, Origins of

“The Boulware Papers”

~”The Spirituality & Spiritualization of Spiritualism”~

“The state or quality of being dedicated to God, religion, or spiritual things or values, esp as contrasted with material or temporal ones; the condition or quality of being spiritual; a distinctive approach to religion or prayer: the spirituality of the desert Fathers; (often plural) Church property or revenue or a Church benefice.”…


TWWOB – Book Two: ‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~”The Digitized Digital World From An Educational  Point of View “~ 

“Displaying a readout in numerical digits rather than by a pointer or hands on a dial:
A digital speedometer; a digital watch; of, relating to, or using numerical calculations; of, relating to, or using data in the form of numerical digits:
a digital image; digital devices; involving or using numerical digits expressed in a scale of notation, usually in the binary system, to represent discretely all variables occurring in a problem; available in electronic form; readable and manipulable by computer…”
Technological[ tek-nuh-loj-i-kuh l
Of or relating to technology; relating to science and industry. Economics. caused by technical advances in production methods.”…


TWWOB – Book Three: ‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~”Philosophical Inputs of Philosophies & Ideas in Education”~

Philosophical or phil·o·soph·ic[ fil-uh-sof-i-kuh l or fil-uh-sof-ik ]
“Of or relating to philosophy:
philosophical studies. Versed in or occupied with philosophy. Proper to or befitting a philosopher. Rationally or sensibly calm, patient, or composed. Rare. Of or relating to natural philosophy or physical science.”

Philosophy[ fi-los-uh-fee
noun, plural phi·los·o·phies.
“The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. Any of the three branches, namely natural philosophy, moral philosophy, and metaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study. A particular system of thought based on such study or investigation:
The philosophy of Spinoza. The critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them:
The philosophy of science. A system of principles for guidance in practical affairs. An attitude of rationality, patience, composure, and calm in the presence of troubles or annoyances.”

Education[ ej-oo-key-shuhn ]
“The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. The act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.
A degree, level, or kind of schooling:
A university education. The result produced by instruction, training, or study:
To show one’s education. The science or art of teaching; pedagogics.”…


TWWOB-Book Four ‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~”The Fiction & The Fantasy”~

Fantasy[ fan-tuh-see, -zee ]
noun, plural fan·ta·sies.
“Imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained. The forming of mental images, especially wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing.
A mental image, especially when unreal or fantastic; vision: a nightmare fantasy; imagery that is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet unrestricted by reality, phantasia.”

Fiction[ fik-shuhn ]
“The class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
works of this class, as novels or short stories:
detective fiction. Something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story:
We’ve all heard the fiction of her being in delicate health. The act of feigning, inventing, or imagining. An imaginary thing or event, postulated for the purposes of argument or explanation. Law. An allegation that a fact exists that is known not to exist, made by authority of law to bring a case within the operation of a rule of law.”…


~ TWWOB-Book Five: ‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~”Historically Speaking, A Word or Two With Words”~

History[ his-tuh-ree, his-tree ]
noun, plural his·to·ries.
“The branch of knowledge dealing with past events. A continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle:
A history of France; a medical history of the patient. The aggregate of past events. The record of past events and times, especially in connection with the human race.
A past notable for its important, unusual, or interesting events:
A ship with a history. Acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings:
Firsthand observers of our space program see history in the making. A systematic account of any set of natural phenomena without particular reference to time:
A history of the American eagle. A drama representing historical events:
Shakespeare’s comedies, histories, and tragedies.”

word[ wurd ]
“A unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and are either the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such units combined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishes black-bird from black- bird. Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically, as by accent, in many languages. (used in combination with the first letter of an offensive or unmentionable word, the first letter being lowercase or uppercase, with or without a following hyphen):
My mom married at 20, and she mentions the m-word every time I meet someone she thinks is eligible.
See also f-word, n-word.
words, speech or talk:
To express one’s emotion in words; Words mean little when action is called for. The text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music. Contentious or angry speech; A quarrel:
We had words and she walked out on me. A short talk or conversation:
Marston, I’d like a word with you. An expression or utterance:
A word of warning. Warrant, assurance, or promise:
I give you my word I’ll be there. News; tidings; information:
We received word of his death.
A verbal signal, as a password, watchword, or countersign. An authoritative utterance, or command:
His word was law. Also called machine word. Computers. a string of bits, characters, or bytes treated as a single entity by a computer, particularly for numeric purposes.
(initial capital letter) Also called the Word, the Word of God. The Scriptures; the Bible. The Logos. The message of the gospel of Christ. A proverb or motto.
verb (used with object) To express in words; select words to express; phrase:
To word a contract with great care.”…

Book #6

TWWOB – Book Six: ‘Origins of The Boulware Papers’

~ Politics, Business, Legal, & Marketing; “AI”~

Politics[ pol-i-tiks ]
noun (used with a singular or plural verb)
The science or art of political government. The practice or profession of conducting political affairs.
Political affairs:
“The advocated reforms have become embroiled in politics. Political methods or maneuvers:
We could not approve of his politics in winning passage of the bill.
Political principles or opinions:
We avoided discussion of religion and politics. His politics are his own affair. Use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control, as in business, university, etc. (Initial capital letter, italics) a treatise (4th century b.c.) by Aristotle, dealing with the structure, organization, and administration of the state, especially the city-state as known in ancient Greece.”

Business[ biz-nis ]
“An occupation, profession, or trade:
His business is poultry farming. The purchase and sale of goods in an attempt to make a profit. A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, Manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern.Volume of trade; patronage:
Most of the store’s business comes from local families.
Of, Noting, or Pertaining to business, its organization, or its procedures. Containing, suitable for, or welcoming business or commerce:
New York is a good business town…”

Law – law1[ law ]
“The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision. Any written or positive rule or collection of rules prescribed under the authority of the state or nation, as by the people in its constitution.Compare bylaw, statute law. The controlling influence of such rules; the condition of society brought about by their observance:
Maintaining law and order. A system or collection of such rules. The department of knowledge concerned with these rules; jurisprudence:
To study law. The body of such rules concerned with a particular subject or derived from a particular source:
Commercial law. An act of the supreme legislative body of a state or nation, as distinguished from the constitution. The principles applied in the courts of common law, as distinguished from equity. The profession that deals with law and legal procedure:
To practice law. Legal action; litigation:
To go to law. A person, group, or agency acting officially to enforce the law:
The law arrived at the scene soon after the alarm went off. Any rule or injunction that must be obeyed:
Having a nourishing breakfast was an absolute law in our household. A rule or principle of proper conduct sanctioned by conscience, concepts of natural justice, or the will of a deity:
A moral law. A rule or manner of behavior that is instinctive or spontaneous:
the law of self-preservation.
(In philosophy, science, etc.) A statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions.
a mathematical rule.
a principle based on the predictable consequences of an act, condition, etc.:
The law of supply and demand. A rule, principle, or convention regarded as governing the structure or the relationship of an element in the structure of something, as of a language or work of art:
The laws of play writing; the laws of grammar. A commandment or a revelation from God. (Sometimes initial capital letter) a divinely appointed order or system. The Law. Law of Moses. The preceptive/perceptive part of the Bible, especially of the New Testament, in contradistinction to its promises:
The law of Christ.
British Sports. an allowance of time or distance given a quarry or competitor in a race, as the head start given a fox before the hounds are set after it.
verb (used with object)
Chiefly Dialect. to sue or prosecute.”

Permitted by law; lawful:
“Such acts are not legal. Of or relating to law; connected with the law or its administration:
The legal profession. Appointed, established, or authorized by law; deriving authority from law.”
“A person who acts in a legal manner or with legal authority. An alien who has entered a country legally. A person whose status is protected by law. A fish or game animal, within specified size or weight limitations, that the law allows to be caught and kept during an appropriate season. A foreigner who conducts espionage against a host country while working there in a legitimate capacity, often in the diplomatic service. Legals, authorized investments that may be made by fiduciaries, as savings banks or trustees.”

Marketing[ mahr-ki-ting]
“The act of buying or selling in a market. The total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.
an open place or a covered building where buyers and sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace:
A farmers’ market.
A store for the sale of food:
A meat market.
A meeting of people for selling and buying. The assemblage of people at such a meeting. Trade or traffic, especially as regards a particular commodity:
The market in cotton. A body of persons carrying on extensive transactions in a specified commodity:
The cotton market. The field of trade or business:
The best shoes in the market. Demand for a commodity:
An unprecedented market for leather. A body of existing or potential buyers for specific goods or services:
The health-food market. A region in which goods and services are bought, sold, or used:
The foreign market; the New England market. Current price or value:
A rising market for shoes. Stock market.
Verb (used without object) To buy or sell in a market; deal. To buy food and provisions for the home. verb (used with object) To carry or send to market for disposal:
To market produce every week. To dispose of in a market; sell.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
“The capacity of a computer to perform operations analogous to learning and decision making in humans, as by an expert system, a program for CAD or CAM, or a program for the perception and recognition of shapes in computer vision systems. Abbreviation: AI, A.I.The study of the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs Abbreviation: AI… The ability of a computer or other machine to perform actions thought to require intelligence. Among these actions are logical deduction and inference, creativity, the ability to make decisions based on past experience or insufficient or conflicting information, and the ability to understand spoken language.
“The goal of research on artificial intelligence is to understand the nature of thought and intelligent behavior and to design intelligent systems. A computer is not really intelligent; it just follows directions very quickly. At the same time, it is the speed and memory of modern computers that allows researchers to manage the huge quantities of data necessary to model human thought and behavior. An intelligent machine would be more flexible than a computer and would engage in the kind of “thinking” that people actually do. An example is vision. In theory, a network of sensors combined with systems for interpreting the data could produce the kind of pattern recognition that we take for granted as seeing and understanding what we see. In fact, developing software that can recognize subtle differences in objects (such as those we use to recognize human faces) is very difficult. The recognition of differences that we can perceive without deliberate effort would require massive amounts of data and elaborate guidelines to be recognized by an artificial intelligence system. According to the famous Turing Test, proposed in 1950 by British mathematician and logician Alan Turing, a machine would be considered intelligent if it could convince human observers that another human, rather than a machine, was answering their questions in conversation.””…

Til Next Time!




Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Un-Holy Desecration! …”He Who Robs The Graves Of Egypt DIES!”

“Herein Are Set Down, The Magic Words By Which “Isis” Raised “Osiris” From the Dead…”

“Oh Amen-Ra… Oh! God of Gods…Death is But The Doorway to New Life! We live Today – We Shall Live Again In Many Forms Shall We Return”
~ Imhotep ~

A destitute archeology team in Suburban Philadelphia, PA, has dreamed up a way to make enough money to fund any and all future expeditions. The idea would eliminate the need to seek or petition colleges or universities and other factions as well, for funding digs and excavations. They could become independent business moguls with this new idea… The scheme of things would be to start an educational touring and teaching foundation – a school and membership club. The groups sessions would include world-wide travel to ancient lands and burial sites across the globe. “All we have to do is put together a pricing package and schedule a few classes with assignment projects to keep the members…students interested and excited about the traveling aspect…I do believe they’ll go for it. Think about it – the church’s and religious groups do it all the time…except we’ll be a legitimate teaching entity – a bonafide school of higher learning…none credit of course.”

The first class began four months later… The first study course assignment is “Ancient Egyptian Burial Sites and The Mummies Therein!”

Beginning with a visit to the “Temple of Karnak” and “The Tomb of Amen” – “Ipet Isut,” and “The Tomb of “Meraruka” in Sakkara, Kemet.
One of the female students suddenly felt cold…like someone with icy-fingers was stroking her spine. She shivered with cold and a horrible dread.
“I’ve never before felt such and aura of menace…It’s as if death was stalking us with this new assignment. I so terribly feel drawn to the dig…it’s as if I am compelled to go on this expedition, this class trip, and search for something…someone!”


Egypt is an ancient city. The Nile Valley is one of the birthplaces of world civilization. Down through the ages, this region has remained one of the most romantic places in the world. It harbors wondrous monuments, which border the Nile from below Aswan in the south to Cairo in the north. The great pyramid(s) of Giza was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and is the only one that has survived. The “Sphinx” has mystified and fascinated people for centuries.
Well-preserved, brilliantly colored wall paintings in ancient tombs picture the life of the Egyptian People some 4,000 years ago. For centuries, people from many lands have visited Egypt to see the marvels. Among the visitors of long ago was the Greek Historian Herodotus, who said, “Egypt is the gift of the Nile!”

Egypt is bordered by Libya on the west and by Sudan on the south. It extends north as far as the Mediterranean Sea and east to the Red Sea and the Guild of Suez. Egypt also includes the Sinai Peninsula. The Peninsula is the site of Egypt’s highest mountain, Gebel Katherina (Mount Catherine), which rises to an altitude of 2,637 meters (8,651 feet). Except for the Nile River and its delta, Egypt is a land of brown arid deserts. To the west of the Nile stretches a part of the vast Libyan Desert. The the east lies the Arabian, or Eastern, Desert.
Outside the Nile Valley and the Nile-irrigated Suez Canal Region, there are few areas where water is available for farming. The Faiyum Oasis, on the edge of the desert, lies southwest of Cairo. In the Libyan Desert are the “Kharga,” “Dakhla,” “Farafra,” and “Siwa Oasis.” The Siwa Oasis is noted for having been visited by ‘Alexander The Great.’

The Sun shines almost every day in Egypt. Rain is scarce throughout the entire land. Alexandria; located in the wettest part of the country, gets only about 200 millimeters (8 inches) of rain each year. The southern parts of the country average 75 millimeters (3 inches) or less.
Summers in Egypt are hot and dry. Temperatures reach about 40’C (105’F). In parts of the Libyan Desert, the temperature may rise to almost 50’C (about 120’F) when the Khamsin – a hot, dry, desert wind – blows.
Winters are warm and pleasant. Egypt (Kemet) is primarily an agricultural country. Intensively cultivated, the Nile Valley is one of the most productive areas in the world. Recently, the leaders of Egypt have been making great efforts in bringing the country into age of industrialization. Most of the people live on less than four percent of the land. Nearly 80,000 wandering ‘Bedouins’ live in the deserts, which make up the other ninety-six percent of Egypt’s/Kemet’s area.

Egyptian “City-Dwellers” live in apartment houses, in private homes in suburbs, or in crowded tenement districts. House furnishings are similar to those in Western lifestyles and cities. These city-dwellers work in the same kinds of occupations that are found in most western cultures. The building of factories near the cities has attracted a large number of unskilled laborers from the farms. Many women work in clerical and administrative jobs and careers. A great many of Egypt’s social-welfare organizations are run by women.
Western apparel are quite common in the cities. But the laborers, especially those who grew up on the farm of the Nile Valley, sometimes wear the ankle-length cotton “Gallabiyea, or Robe,” and skullcap (Kufi) or Turban that have been worn for many centuries by the men and/or farmers of Egypt.

Most Egyptians are “Muslims.” There are five to six million Egyptian Christians (Copts), who are found in rural and urban areas of the land. Throughout Egypt/Kemet all levels of public education, from primary school to college, are free to both girls and boys. Thousands of girls go on to college and then hold positions in all fields, including law, engineering, and medicine.
Primary education is compulsory for children between the ages of six and twelve. Many of those who complete primary school go on to preparatory and secondary or vocational schools. The preparatory school course lasts three years and prepares students for secondary school. There are three basic programs of study in secondary school, which also lasts three years. These are a program in domestic science, a technical studies program, and a program of general studies, with emphasis on academic subjects.
Egypt/Kemet has a number of national universities, which are free. The University of Cairo was founded in 1908 as a private university. The universities at Alexandria, Ain Shants (Cairo), Asyut, Helwan, Mansura, Minya, Tanta, and Zagazig were all founded by the Egyptian Government.
Al-Azhar University, in Cairo, was established in the 10th Century. Many consider it to be the oldest university in the world. It was founded as a center for teaching Arabic Literature, Islamic Law, and Muslim Theology. In 1961 the curriculum was expanded to include technical subjects along with its traditional course of study. There is now a women’s college connected with the Al-Azhar as well.
There is only one foreign university in Egypt/Kemet today – the American University in Cairo… It was founded in 1919 by a group of United States Philanthropists. Many of its students come from outside the borders of Egypt/Kemet.

‘Cairo,’ the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa, is/was the cultural center of the Arab world for centuries. It has many museums, including the famed Egyptian Museum with its collection of Egyptian antiquities. In addition to being Egypt’s seat of government, Cairo is a busy commercial, banking, and tourist center. The city also hosts Industrial plants, fringed along its outskirts.

On the Mediterranean Sea is the second largest city in “Africa”…’Alexandria.’ Founded by “Alexander The Great,” is also a very busy port on the Mediterranean. This city was founded, according to history, in 332 B.C. Alexandrain attracted poets and scholars from around the world (as it was known), including “Euclid,’ the great mathematician, and “Ptolemy,” the famous geographer. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world was “The Pharaohs,” or “The Lighthouse of Alexandria.” It was destroyed in the 14th century. “The Library of Alexandria is said to have contained over Four hundred thousand books. Alexandria is regarded as the summer headquarters for the national government. This location is famous for its white beaches, its rose gardens, and its palace museums.

The most famous of the country’s ancient cities is “Luxor.” Currently, it is a tourist city of luxury hotels overlooking the mysterious and beautiful Nile. Luxor also hosts “The Valley of the Kings!” The “Temple of Karnak,” “The Tombs of the Queens and Kings,” The Tombs of the Nobles, “Deir el Bahri (The funeral Temple of Queen Hatshepsut),” “The Colossi of Memmon (two Towering Statues of of AmenhotepIII),” “The Ramesseum” with its statues of “Ramses II,” and “The Temple of Luxor” are all located within ‘Luxor.’

“Aswan” is Egypt’s winter resort. Aswan boasts of being one of the country’s most rapidly growing city. Thanks to the construction of the “Aswan High Dam project” and the rapid growth of “Hydroelectric” and “Industrial Plants,” its a sound and warranted “Pat-On-The-Back.”

The country now known as “The Arab Republic of Egypt” has one of the longest histories in the world. The written history of the country goes back almost five thousand years, to the dawn of civilization. It was the ancient Egyptians who invented our first calendar.
“Members of The People’s Assembly,” Egypt’s legislative body, are elected for five year terms. Half of the members must be either workers or farmers. The first multiparty elections for the assembly since 1952 were held in 1979. The head of state is the president, who is also commander in chief of the armed forces. The president is elected for a six-year term. Constitutional changes approved in 1980 allow the president to serve an indefinite number of terms. The president is assisted by a prime minister and a council of ministers.
The judicial branch of the government is independent of the other two branches. No member of the other two branches may interfere with the courts. All trials are conducted by three judges. There are no juries.
There used to be two court systems; the civil courts, which dealt with police cases; and the religious courts, which heard cases concerning such matters as marriage, divorce, and inheritance issues.
In 1956, the religious courts were abolished. But a constitutional amendment in 1980 made the Islamic Code the Chief Source of Law.

Some of the most impressive structures known, including the Great Pyramids (tombs for the early Egyptian Kings) and the ‘Sphinx’ at “Giza,” were built before 200 B.C. The largest of the pyramids was constructed by “King Khufu, or Cheops,” perhaps about 2600 B.C. Although there is and have been disagreements about early Egyptian dates, it is thought that Egypt came into being sometime around 3200 B.c., when a king named “Menes (also called “Narmer)” united the cities of northern and southern Egypt under one government.

In 640, Muslims (member of the newly formed religion of Islam), according to one record, swept westward from the Arabian Peninsula and conquered Egypt. The Muslims founded the city of Cairo in 969 and made it the capital of Egypt. Muslim “Caliphs” and their ministers ruled Egypt for many succeeding centuries. One of the most famous of the rulers of Egypt during this period of Muslim rule was “Saladin (1138-1193),” who fought the Christian Crusaders at the end of the 12th Century. The “Ottoman Turks” followed these rulers, dominating Egypt from 1517 to 1805, almost 300 years.
However, according to many scholarly sources, “The Hyksos,” an eastern people whom very little is known, invaded Egypt and conquered the land, bringing with them the first horses and chariots ever seen in Egypt. Later, the Egyptians did drive out the usurpers…all this occurred between 1500 and 1675 B.C. In or around 1375 B.C., “Amenhotep IV” (Akhenaten) became king of Egypt. He abolished the worship of the many ancient Egyptian gods and introduced worship of only one god. Akhenaten was one of the world’s first monotheists (believers in only one god). But after Akhenaten’s death the believers in the old gods gained power again, and Akhenaten’s reforms were disregarded.

“Menpehtyre Ramesses I” (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt’s 19th dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the time-line of late 1292–1290 BC is as well as 1295–1294 BC. While Ramesses I was the founder of the 19th dynasty, in reality his brief reign marked the transition between the reign of Horemheb who had stabilized Egypt in the late 18th dynasty and the rule of the powerful pharaohs of this dynasty, in particular his son Seti I and grandson Ramesses II, who would bring Egypt up to new heights of imperial power.

One of the best known Egyptian kings was “Ramses II (1292-1225 B.C.),” who is known for his monuments and temples at Karnak’ and for the temple he carved out of the cliffs on the western bank of the ‘Nile River’ at “Abu Simbel.”

Around 1000 B.C., Egyptian power declined. Between this time and 332 B.C., Egypt was ruled in turn by the “Libyans,” “Ethiopians,” “Assyrians,” and “The Persians.” In 332 B.C. the country was conquered by “The Greeks,” under “Alexander The Great.” Upon his death one of his generals became ruler of Egypt, as “Ptolemy I.” The dynasty of the ‘Ptolemies’ ended in 30 B.C., when “Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.),” the last of the line, took her own life. Egypt then became a ‘Roman Province.’ The succession of rulers for the next six-hundred-and-seventy years were appointed by ‘Roman’ and ‘Byzantine’ emperors. Egypt became largely ‘Christian‘ during this period and was the home of the earliest ‘Christian Monasticism.’

During ‘Turkish’ rule, “Napoleon I of France” landed in Egypt. His expedition to Egypt aroused great interest in the country on the part of ‘Europeans.’ One of Napoleon’s officers discovered the “Rosetta Stone,” which furnished the key to ancient Egyptian writing called “Hieroglyphics!”

Recorded text continues to explain Egypt’s history with the entrance of “Mehemet Ali (Mohammed)” in 1805. He was of ‘Albanian’ descent. Mehemet was made “Pasha,” or governor, of Egypt by the ‘Ottoman Turks.’ He seized power for himself and founded the “Last Egyptian Dynasty!”
It was during the reign of this dynasty that the “Suez Canal” was built and cotton became the country’s most important crop. ‘Mehemet Ali’ and his successors often turned for funds to the ‘British’ and ‘French.’ British influence grew when, in 1875, the Egyptian government sold controlling interest in the Suez Canal to Britain. “Britain” declared “Egypt” a British Protectorate at the beginning of “World War I.”
Egyptian Independence was recognized in 1922, when “Fuad I (1868-1936)” became ruler. Egypt fought on the side of the ‘Allies’ in World War II and became a charter member of the “United Nations” with strong British influence. Egypt and other Arab States objected to the formation of the new “Jewish Nation” after the proclamation of “Israel’s Independence” in 1948. Albeit, part of this area was historically the ‘Jewish Homeland,’ Arabs had been living there for centuries. The Arabs felt, therefore, that their homes were being unfairly taken away from them. Undeclared war broke out between Israel and its Arab neighbors, which included Egypt. Armistice agreements were signed in 1949, but sporadic border fighting did not stop.
Discontent was a long lasting endurance with the corruption of “King Farouk (1920-1965)” led to a revolution by the army under “General Muhammad Naguib” in 1952. The country was declared a republic in 1953. In 1954, ‘Naguib’ stepped down in favor of “Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser,” who served as president until his death in 1970. He was succeeded by “Anwar el-Sadat.”
When Egypt nationalized the ‘Suez Canal’ in 1956, Israel was refused use of the canal. Aide by France and Britain, Israel invaded Egypt and occupied almost the entire “Sinai” peninsula. Anglo-French landings took place in the “Port” side area. The United Nations intervened, and the invading forces withdrew. A United Nations emergency force was stationed on the Egyptian side of the border until 1967. in 1967 and 1973, Israel and Egypt fought two more wars in the ‘Sinai’.
A United Nations peace-keeping team was again stationed in the area. The ‘Suez Canal’ was reopened to traffic in 1975.
The subject of “Arab Unity” has been discussed from time to time in the “Arab World.” Syria and Egypt, in 1958, joined to form the “United Arab Republic.” But Syria withdrew from the union in 1961, and Egypt changed its name to “The Arab Republic of Egypt, Syria, and Libya.” The three Arab Republics approved the plan(s) to form a federation – but the proposed unification never came to fruition. Later, Egypt and Sudan signed a joint defense pact and have co-operated in a number of joint ventures on the economic development frontier(s). They held their first joint parliamentary sessions in 1977, but they have discussed no plans to create a single nation between the two.

The Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat made a historic visit to Jerusalem in 1977. Since its founding in 1978, Sadat became the first “Arab Leader” to visit Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister, “Menahem Begin,” “Sadat,” and United States President “Jimmy Carter” met at ‘Camp David, Maryland’ in 1978. They worked out an agreement for peace between Egypt and Israel and drew up a framework for a broader peace for the entire “Middle East.” In stages, Israel agreed to withdraw from the “Sinai Peninsula” in 1982. With this action, the two nations did establish diplomatic relations in 1979.

The “Nobel Peace Prize” was shared in 1978 by ‘Sadat’ and ‘Begin.’ Many Arab Nations condemned Egypt’s recognition of Israel and withdrew their aid and expelled Egypt from “the Arab League.” Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by Muslim Extremists; according to the various reports; who opposed his policies, including the peace treaty with Israel. His successor, “Hosni Mubarak,” continued to support the agreed upon peace treaty.

The last Israeli Troops withdrew from the ‘Sinai’ on April 25, 1982, and the area was returned to Egypt. However, relations between Israel and Egypt got bigger…strained again after Israeli Forces invaded “Lebanon” later that year.

Today, there remains unrest, hatred, suspicion, and hatred throughout the “Middle East.”

Oh, what will happen next in such an historic land…?

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”


” Infidels! Non-Believers! Intolerant Unbelievers – Unclean Hands and Eyes! – They Will Not / Shall Not Go Unpunished – They Shall Suffer The Consequences Of Their Accursed Desecration(s) and Actions Upon Our Most Sacred And Holy! …They Shall Suffer – All of The Desecrators…Their Descendants – All – The Last Desecrator Is The Task At Hand!”
~ Mehemet Bey, High Priest of Karnak ~

The Baboon:
The “Sacred Baboon” – the 24 carved in stone represents the twenty-four hours of the day, The Nubians and The Hittites – Waring Factions; Ramessu – Ramses; Abdu Kemet (Abydos, Egypt/Kemet; The Goddess Aset-Asarus-Isis and the “Seed of Conception;” The Sacred Baboon represents Birth – The Zuktite – The Hippo, breaking the water of birth; the Virgin Birth; The canopic Jars – Mummification

The last of the students (and teachers) from the college and university have arrived at the “Cairo Airport.”

Professor Allen Frederick Bruce: (A White Male English Professor)
Penn State University – Doctorate Degree, specializing in World Archeology, History of the Ancients, Land and Building Architecture. Residing in Glennside, PA. (Anglo-American/Christian)

Professor Walter Patten Huddleston: (A White Male English Professor)
Temple University – Doctorate Degree, specializing in Archeology, World History, The Ancient Lands of Egypt, and Map Making. Residing in Willow Grove, PA. (Anglo-American/Christian))

Dr. Mary Elaine Delaney: (A White Female Teacher of Irish Descent)
Temple University – Doctorate Degree, specializing in Medicine, Coroner-Current Assistant Pennsylvania Medical Examiner assigned to Montgomery County Medical Examiners Office, Student of Archeology at Pierce College of Philadelphia, PA. Residing in South Philadelphia, PA. (Anglo-American/Christian))

Mr. Ali Ben Aswa: (An Asiatic/Middle Eastern Man)
Lincoln University – Masters Degree, specializing in History of Ancient Egyptians, Egypt, Archeology, World History, and Architecture. Residing in Mount Airy Philadelphia, PA. (Asian-MiddleEastern/Muslim)

Between the four educators, there was no way near enough capital to fund an expedition of any sort…Especially one such as this: They came up with the idea to form a school of archeological research and findings. They named the school – “The Archeological School of History and Research – A.S.H.B.”

The founders have managed to excite and draw enough interested or like-minded students to their institute of higher learning; bringing in more than enough money to fund their needs and enterprise(s).
Out of forty-four enrolled students, fourteen of them have managed to pay or buy into the trip, expedition and dig in “The Land of The Ancients, Egypt.

The old firehouse, turned warehouse, and then abandoned building – a bad business site due to a lack of public parking in or around the ‘Germantown Avenue and Johnson St.’ location. The old firehouse building sat on the corner which hosted a small alley-way on the side of the structure to it’s rear. The alley led to a small and secluded hub of what could be described as a “Cal de sac” of tiny row-homes; about ten of them; located at the rear of the old building. Since these houses were sort of off the beaten causeway in the neighborhood, many have had no idea of their existence. Many people residing in the Germantown, Mt. Airy area, had no idea that these structures actually existed. These buildings were once home to “Black Slaves” owned by the occupiers of the nearby mansions, one of which was owned by “Justice Benjamin S. Chew – of Cliveden Manor – The Cliveden.”

The group of teachers had very little trouble obtaining a charter for their school. They were fully endorsed by their attended institutions of higher learning, colleagues, employers, business associates, and students. The school was set-up, off and running inside of a few months (as opposed to years of planning) – the trip to Egypt/Kemet/Mizram was squared away, permits (were obtained and granted), schedules, and all just inside of two to three weeks.

Arriving in “Abydos, Egypt,” the groups first stop; after settling logging and meal accommodations; of the tour was the “Temple of “Seti, the first,” at the “Ptahsokkor Shrine.” Then they visited the “Great Pyramids” and the “Sphinx” for a photo-opt. The third stop was the “Temple of Karnak.”

“Man, how majestic! I never thought that I’d ever be able to touch, let alone see these beautiful and magnificent creations – ever!” ‘Walter Beville’ made that highly emotional statement gleefully and with awe to his colleague, ‘Sylvia Lacey,’ of “Temple University” in Philadelphia, PA. She simply smiled at him.
‘Michael Miller,‘ a graduate student of “The Berean Institute” in Philadelphia, PA shared Walter’s ecstatic emotion. His concurrence added emphasis on the “Blackness” of the moment.
“Brother, you are absolutely correct – I felt that feeling when I went down to “D.C.” and touched the statue of “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” But damn Bro., it’s ten times that in comparison – being in here, in “The Valley of The Kings”; feeling this, the honor of the moment is indescribable! My Relatives, My Family, My People built and owned all of this!”

‘Professor Allen Frederick Bruce, (PHD)’ Penn State University, of “Glenside, PA” chimed in…”Man, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Just wait until you get inside…a great man once said, “The Truth Shall Set You Free!” The inside information will definitely set right a whole bunch of lies!”

“Oh yes, you don’t even have to know how to read hieroglyphics in order to understand the written messages therein,” added ‘Professor Walter Patrick Huddleston, (PHD)’ Penn State University, of “Willow Grove, PA”
Allen and Walter made it clear to the group that they were the “Go-to-guys,” Prof. Bruce before Prof. Huddleston.

‘Dr. Mary Elaine Delaney, (PHD)’ Temple University, a cute red-head of “South Philadelphia, PA” attempted to explain the rules and regulations while inside the temples, even though this is her first trip to Kemet/Egypt/Mizraim just like the rest of the group, except Allen and Walter; they’ve both been here before.

‘Ali Ben Aswa,’ Lincoln University (Masters), of “Mount Airy in Philadelphia, PA,” said absolutely nothing. He nodded on occasion and gave a simple half-smile or two when necessary.

The remaining party laughed, giggled, spoke among themselves, pointed at things, and snapped photos…

“Just so that everyone knows who everyone is – we all should introduce and/or re-introduce ourselves so that we all might “buddy-up” for safety’s sake.
As you all know, my name is Mary Delaney. I’m one of the four teachers here with you and back at our school, good ole’ “A.S.H.R.!”

Most everyone laughed. But not Aswa.

“Of course, you all know the other three teachers…but just in case you didn’t know or have forgotten, this tall, talented, and handsome guy is our illustrious leader, “Professor Allen Bruce!” She giggled like a silly juvenile school-girl as she made the introduction.
Bruce made himself noticed by stepping out in front of the group, waving and smiling. He stood about six foot two, two hundred and thirty-eight pounds, (Anglo-American), dark thick hair, bearded with a slight hint of silver elegantly placed throughout, and about forty-eight years of age.

“And our second in command “Mary continued, smiling brightly, “is Professor Walter Huddleston! …C’mon step out here and take a bow, Dr. Huddleston…Walt!”
The amiable Walter stepped out in front of the group, just as Allen had done, giving a half-smile and a limp wave.
The whole group laughed lightly and half-smiled in return.
Walter stood about six-foot-one, slightly built, well muscled and groomed, slightly wimpish, not a coward, highly intelligent, long brown shoulder length hair, pulled back into a “Pony-tail,” (Anglo-American), about thirty-five years of age, and weighing about two-hundred and twenty-five pounds.

“And now, last but not least, is our own walking “Middle-Eastern Historian,” none other than Master Ali Ben Aswa!”

Aswa looked at Mary with disdain. She didn’t recognize it. Aswa felt like the target of a group of infidels who had the nerve to attempt at making him an example; a fool in his own land. He cared not for their jovial introduction(s).
Ali Ben Aswa peered over the group of students; pausing slightly when locking eyes with the ones of color; and smiled along with a half-bow.

“Many thanks, Effendi, and welcome to my natural born home-land.”

Aswa was not a large man. He stood a little under six-foot and was of a thin build. Neatly trimmed raven black hair, clean shaven, well-dressed, golden brown of complexion, and hauntingly gentle soft brown eyes with a touch of sadness as well. He was a very handsome man. (Saqqara, Egypt/Sunni Muslim).

“Now that we are all getting acquainted with out staff membership, let’s all get to meet you one and all.”

Mary smiled as he pointed at the students, directing them to the center spot within the group’s circle. A portable microphone, attached to a recording device and speaker was passed along. The group was standing in the back-lot of the ‘Cairo Hotel’ with a majestic view of the Pyramids in the back-drop.

One by one, the students all stood in turn, introducing themselves…

“Hi everyone, My name is Cullen Harper (a young black 21 year old male of thin build). I’m a third year student at Penn State University. My major is literary science and archeology, while my minor is ‘Black History.’ It’s great being here and it’s nice meeting you all, thank you!” He smiled and passed the mic.

“Hi everybody…I’m ‘Katherine Leggits (an 18 year old white female who is of an attractive petite frame).’ Everybody calls me ‘Kate!’ I’m also studying at Penn State University’s Ogontz Campus in Abington just outside of Philly. I am also a third year student studying archeology, literary science, astrology, and theater. Thank you so very much – I’m happy to be here with you all as well!” She smiled and stepped back into the group, handing the microphone to the next student.

“Hello Everyone, my name is ‘Walter Beville (a five-foot-seven medium built Black man of 18 years).’ I’m a fourth year student at Temple University in Philly, PA. My major interest of study is “Ancient Egypt” and “Ancient History,” along with ‘Black History.’ I guess one could say I would be classified as a historian of sorts…nice traveling and being here with you all.” He smiled and passed the mic.

Next in line was Frank Lifton, (an athletic two-hundred and fifty pound, six-foot-two thirty year old Black warehouse worker). “Hello all…I’m ‘Frank.’ Like Brother Walt, I’m a four year student as well. The only difference is our choice of schools. I’m from ‘Chaney University.” Frank didn’t smile or wave, he simply passed the microphone to the next introductee…’Gloria.’

“Hello, my name is ‘Gloria Epstein’ (a pretty twenty-year old woman of Jewish descent). I’m a second year student at Penn State. My campus is also the Ogontz location just outside of Philadelphia in Abington, Montgomery County. I’m majoring in archeology and ancient history with computer science thrown in as well.” Gloria stood just over five-foot two; a pretty Jewish auburn-haired woman with a deliciously desireable build and a bit more “Earthy” than she would admit.

Gloria smiled at everyone and passed the speaking device along to the next speaker.

“Hello, my name is ‘Sylvia Lacey.’ I’m so very happy and privileged to be here with you all. Like most of us, I’m a third year student at Temple University, majoring in archeology and ancient history…thanks for sharing this major experience, it’s the most thrilling experience of a life time!” ‘Sylvia’ carried a body that just wouldn’t quit. with piercing green eyes, she is twenty-one years of age and of Irish decent. She wore a crown of beautiful long red hair pulled back into a wavy pony-tail, tied with a pink ribbon. she was pretty tall, standing just shy of six-foot. She smiled and waved her red painted nails while passing the mic…it went to “Norma.”

Unlike ‘Sylvia,’ twenty-three, who measured up physically with ‘Gloria,’ differing in hair color, style, and height. ‘Gloria’ sported curly shoulder length hair, while ‘Norma’s’ hair is blonde and thick, growing in length down her back, settling along her belt-line. ‘Norma’ is also a bit taller than the preceding speakers. She stood about five-foot-eleven, sporting a full-figured, yet attractive frame.

“Greetings and Salutations everyone! Aren’t we lucky as all hell to be here in ‘Egypt?’ Do you think we’ll get the opportunity to see some “Mummies” and things?” She smiled and giggled…and then let loose a hearty soul-felt laugh…and the group laughed too. Aswa didn’t.

“My name is ‘Norma Christensen,’ and I’m happy to be here with you. I’m in my fourth year at ‘Pierce College’ in center city Philadelphia. My course major is ancient art. Oh how I love artifacts and old stuff!” She smiled and giggled some more and continued, “On the low end of my studies is liberal arts. I’m really digging it and having such a blast! Thank you.”

‘Norma’ sat down with the mic still in her hand, She had to be reminded to pass it along to the next student. She embarrassingly laughed and passed the mic to ‘Micheal.’ He stood six-foot-three with a strong lean muscled frame. His neatly cropped and tapered “Afro” was much admired. He was clean shaven except for a curved yet thin mustache; looking sort of like “Pecos-Bob,” or something of the sort; that the ladies found quite attractive. This young Black Man was about twenty-three year of age with the kool suave and graceful manner of someone twice his age.

“Hi, my parents named me “Micheal Miller.” Out of respect for my father and his father, I’ve retained the “Slave Name.” You may all address me as ‘Mike.’ It won’t bother me as long as we can retain a level of mutual respect. And yes, we are all very much privileged to be able to set foot in “The Land of Kem.” Many call it “Egypt” while the ‘Motherland’ is truly known as “Kemet” or “Mizraim.” I feel that I’ve truly, yet simply come home to “Mother Africa,” the ancestral home of my people!”

This young man got ‘Aswa’s’ attention. “Oh yes, we are all very much privileged to be in such a place of honor – respect as well!”

Micheal continued, “I’m in my second year at “The Berean Institute.” I’m studying computer science, and business administration as well as world history at ‘Temple University’s’ P.A.S.C.E.P. Program in Philly. …Remember, respect the history and culture of the ‘Motherland,’ and all will be well. “HOTEP!””

Aswa smiled to himself. He liked this young man.

‘Mike’ passed the mic to the next speaker. This guy was immense in stature. He could very easily be mistaken for a professional football player in the N.F.L. He stood six-foot-nine at two-hundred and seventy-eight pounds. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on this twenty-eight year old Black Man.

“My name is ‘Neville F. Armstrong.’ Don’t ask me what the “F” in my middle name is…I won’t tell you!” He smiled. The group laughed aloud. “Hello everyone. It’s great being here with you in this land of history, ancient mysteries, and fascination. I think it’s great that we’re all here together on such an adventure as this. I’m a third year student at ‘Chaney University.’ I’m studying anthropolgy, archeology, and architecture.”
The intelligently and handsome big man semi-waved at the group as he smiled and sat down. He too forgot to pass the mic and had to be reminded.
Meanwhile, a pair of green eyes followed him and remained focused upon him for quite some awhile… He had been admired ever since the beginning of the trip.

‘Alfred S. Stiller,’ got the mic next. He didn’t speak loudly. He spoke swiftly and passed the mic along. ‘Alfred was a tall, lean and frail looking ‘Anglo-American.’ His Alma Mater is ‘Strayer University.‘ His campus of study is located in Montgomery County, just outside of Philadelphia, PA. His major is anthropology and archeology. He’s also a third year student. Alfred wore heavily prescribed eye-glasses and was pretty shy around the female gender. He was also a kid of nineteen years from the ‘Huntington Valley region, a suburban community just outside Northeast Philadelphia.

‘Steven Rinere’ got the mic next. Like ‘Alfred,’ he was tall and lean. He didn’t wear glasses. He also is an “Anglo-American’ of nineteen years of age studying at the ‘Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medical Sciences, in his third year of medical studies; intending to become a doctor, his studies also include ‘anthropology and archeology. ‘Steve’ is from the “Bala Cynwyd’ area of Philly. He learned of this archeological trip through friends and family familiar with Professor Bruce. He only stated his name and school, while quickly passing the mic to the next student who stood waiting.

‘Jonathan Mason,‘ also attends “The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and Sciences. He transferred from the University of Philadelphia. He is twenty-one years of age, a “Hebrew” Afro-American from ‘Germantown’ in Philly, attending school in his fourth year of studying medicine, anthropology, and archeology. He was told about the trip via his friend and school-mate, Jonathan is of average height, about six-foot tall, weighing near one-hundred and ninety pounds.

The mic was then passed to ‘James.’

“Yo, wha’s up y’all! I’m James Xavier Harper, also a proud Black Man from ‘Chaney University.’ “I don’t know the Brother who spoke before me from “Chaney,’ but shit, I don’t know y’all either. Y’all can call me ‘James X,’ or ‘Jimmy,’ and plain ole ‘James.’ …I might respond and I might not.” He expected a laugh or two. Maybe even a smile. He got neither. So he continued speaking…”My neighborhood is in North Philly, ‘thirty-third and Cumberland’ to be precise. I’m twenty-two years old, preparing to graduate from my senior year. I’m studying liberal arts, theatrical arts, and history…taking this trip for extra credit. Topping off my grades and shit, puts me over the edge…”In like Flint, ya know!” They can’t take away my degree…for any fuckin reason! I’ve earned It – I worked hard as hell for it! Oh, and by the way, I don’t take no shit either – from anybody!”

‘James,’ as observed by everyone, was a bit rough around the edges…(to be continued).

(…This passage is simply a taste of a new and upcoming novella. Hope You’ve enjoyed the opening. 🙂 )



“There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
~William Shakespeare-‘Hamlet’/Jorge Luis Borges-‘Book of Sand’~

Ashra Kwesi:
The Temple of Amen and The Black Jesus/Yahushua
The Origin of The Immaculate Conception Story / Abdu Kemet (Abydos, Egypt)
The Invasions and Battles of Kemet From The Ancient Temple
God’s Chosen Children at The Temple of Ramessu, Kemet (Egypt)
The African Origin of Noah’s Ark and Other Biblical Stories

Mummies of The World
Q: Where do these mummies come from?
The exhibition features a group of fascinating mummies and artifacts on loan from 12 world-renowned museums, organizations and collections coming from 5 countries.

Q: Are these mummies real?
Mummies of the World is the largest collection of real mummies and related artifacts that has ever been assembled! You will be seeing a fascinating collection of mummies with some increadible stories, including:
-The Vac Mummies, a mummified family from Hungary believed to have died from tuberculosis
-The Baron Von Holz, a German nobleman found tucked away in the family crypt of a 14th century castle wearing his best leather boots
-The Burns Collection, a group of medical mummies used to teach anatomy in the early 19th century
-An Egyptian priest named Nes-Hor whom we have determined had arthritis and a broken left hip
-Egyptian animal mummies including a falcon, a fish, a dog and a baby crocodile, many of which were deliberately preserved to accompany royals for eternity
-MUMAB, the first replication of Egyptian mummification done on a body in 2,800 years
-And much more….

Q: What is a mummy?
A mummy is the dead body of an animal or a human that has been preserved after death so that it does not decompose. To be considered a mummy and not just a skeleton, the body must keep some of its soft tissue, such as hair, skin or muscles.

Q: What is mummification and how do mummies happen?
Mummification takes place when the process of decay is blocked, generally from a lack of moisture or oxygen. This can happen as an intentional process, which sometimes is referred to as intentional or artificial mummification, or as a natural process, which sometimes is referred to as natural or accidental mummification.

Some cultures, like the Egyptians, practiced intentional or artificial mummification, removing the internal organs and treating the corpses with some type of resin or chemical (often called embalming), and then bandaging or wrapping them. Natural mummification often occurs as a result of an environment where temperature, humidity or other conditions have preserved the remains. This may have happened accidentally, when people either died in locations where environmental conditions preserved the bodies, or when people were purposely placed in locations that would mummify the body, such as a dry, cool cave, a bog or crypt.

Q: Why study mummies and what can they teach us?
Mummies provide a window to the past, teaching us about the lives, history and cultures of every region of the world. By studying mummies, we can learn more about the times and places in which they lived. Through modern science, their bodies tell us scientific facts; how tall people were, how long they lived, what kinds of food they ate and the diseases and injuries they suffered from. Clothing, jewelry and other personal artifacts placed on or with a mummy can tell us about the person’s status and lifestyle, as well as the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the culture in which they lived. By knowing how people lived long ago, we can better understand how differently people live today. This allows us to observe how cultures change over time and give us insight into how our own culture may change in the future.

Q: Where are mummies found?
Not all mummies come from Egypt and are wrapped. In fact, mummies come from all over the world and have been found on every continent. Mummies of the World features mummies from South America, Europe, as well as Egypt. They include mummies that have been intentionally preserved and mummies that have been naturally preserved and found in places as varied as deserts, caves, salt, sand, cellars, crypts and bogs.

Dr. Zahi Hawass, Youtube; Cairo, Kemet (Egypt), Saqqaura (Saqqara, Saqqarah, Saqqara); Bird, Pyramid

Mummy Wrappings – Mummification:
Papyrus Linen and Ramie: Bacteria and Mildew Resistant – Myrh and other spices are placed inside the body; The Salt-like Natron Solution is applied to dry the body – It takes 70 Days for total completion.……

The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Inc., Danbury Conn., 1984


The fez is a felt headdress of two types: either in the shape of a close-fitting skull cap, or a short cylindrical peakless hat made of kilim fabric, both usually red, and sometimes with a tassel attached to the top. It is named after the Moroccan city Fez, the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco until 1927. The modern fez owes much of its development and popularity to the Ottoman era.…

Headgear (redirect from Hats and Caps)
considered modest. Muslim men also wear a skullcap called a “kufi” or taqiyah (cap). Until more recent times, men in most Muslim societies were rarely…

African and African-American usage:
In West Africa, a kufi cap is the traditional hat for men, and is part of the national costume of most of the countries in the region. It is worn by Muslims, African Christians and African Jews, although originally Islamic. Many grandfathers and other older men wear a kufi every day to symbolize their status as wise elders, religious people, or family patriarchs.
Within the United States, it has become identified primarily with persons of West African heritage, who wear it to show pride in their culture, history, and religion (whether Christianity, Islam, Judaism or Traditional African religions). Often made of kente cloth, mudcloth, or knitted or crocheted in a variety of yarns.

The dashiki is a colorful garment for women and men worn mostly in West Africa. It covers the top half of the body. It has formal and informal versions and varies from simple draped clothing to fully tailored suits. A common form is a loose-fitting pullover garment, with an ornate V-shaped collar, and tailored and embroidered neck and sleeve lines. It is frequently worn with a brimless Kufi cap, which is worn in Islamic communities in Africa and the African diaspora, and a pair of pants. The name dashiki is derived from the Hausa word dan ciki, which means shirt.

Ramesses I:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Menpehtyre Ramesses I (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt’s 19th dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the time-line of late 1292–1290 BC is frequently cited[2] as well as 1295–1294 BC.[3] While Ramesses I was the founder of the 19th dynasty, in reality his brief reign marked the transition between the reign of Horemheb who had stabilized Egypt in the late 18th dynasty and the rule of the powerful pharaohs of this dynasty, in particular his son Seti I and grandson Ramesses II, who would bring Egypt up to new heights of imperial power.

Ruth Warren:
Author, First Book of the Arab World
Reviewed by Mona N. Mikhail, Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University

Dr. Martin Luther King Quotes:…



“KINGS”-Upper&Lower Egypt—Upper-and-Lower-Egypt&id=101…
#GuyFawkes #25thDynasty #HolyBible #JamesCharlesStuart #Kings #Wrappings #Mummies #Queens #TWWOB #WellRead #WinnsboroSC #AfricanDiaspora #ShortStories #BlackAuthors #BookEnds #UnitedBlackLibrary #Boulware #Butler #FindingYourRoots #BlackThen #TheBookMark #BoulwareBooks #ReadAloud #TheAmazonian #HBCU #PBS #IndieBound #BookIt2Me #KDP #TheStoryTeller #ShortStory #AStoryTold #BlackStoryTellers #NativeTeams #NativeSpirits #NativeMediaNetwork #WordPress #WarriorsOfTheMedicineWheel #AIVMI #FaceBook #PinteRest #Twitter #LinkedIn #Blogger #TheConnectPlatform #BlackInAmerica #PBS #WHYY #History #BlackHistory  #Egypt #Nubian #Africa #Books #Goodreads #TheBookMarketingNetwork #NationalActionNetwork #NAN #MinoritiesInHealthcare #ReadAloud #ShabbatShalom #AsSalaamAlaikum #Islam #Judaism #Hebrew #Muslim #BoulwareBooks #NativeSpirits #TheStoryOfUs #PeopleOfColorAroundTheWorld #TheShiP #UnsungAuthors #People #UnitedBlackLibrary #SmallPress #Traditional #Publisher #OpsCheckBooks #ChatelainPressImprints #CookPublishing #CookPubs #EmAndAhrBooks #BlackThen #NelsonMandela #DrCornelWest #GISMABusinessSchool #PoliticsNation #DW #DWNews #MadeForMinds #RevJessieJackson #PhilaBear #DelaBear #WHYY #Impeached #Impeachment #FlipLoud #BookGorilla #BookBlast #KindleBooks #Tips #BookBub #KindleMysteries #TheFussyLibrarian #Publications #Publicized #RealStories #Novellas #BlogRoll #URL #FaceBookReaders #BookPromos #TheAuthorsGroup #BadAssReads #HarlemBookFair #UnitedBlackBooks #MosaicBooks #NationalBlackBookFestival #IndependentBlackMedia #EzineArticles #ReadAloud #TheBritishBookIndustry #TheBritishBookAwards #BookSellerAssociation #BertramBooks #BonnierPublishing #FMcM #FirstryGroup #Gardners #HarbottleandLewis #HarperCollinsPublishers #IPG #IndependentPublishersGuild #FredNeuman #Nielson #PublishersPublicityCircle #TheReadingAgency #ThePublishersAssociation #OG #BoulwarePublications #IndieBound #KDP #Robots #ArtificialIntelligence #AI#TheAssociationofLearnedandProfessionalSocietyPublishers #Tesco #BarnesandNoble #NewAppleBooks #PandorasBooks #Nibbies #CongressionalBlackCaucus #NigelRoby #Published #Forbes #PCH #PublishersClearingHouse #SOHOPress #VikingBooks #DoubledayBooks #ProjectedLetters #People #GISMABusinessSchool #UnitedBlackLibrary #EmAndAhrBooks
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~The Connect Platform~







~ “Being Hebrew” ~ recorded by and in ‘The Good Book’
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

It never ceases to amaze me how this land full of and founded by immigrants can have such hatred for immigrants…land stolen from “Indigenous People” by immigrants… Columbus was credited while the true founder/invader was washed from the memory of the colonists and today’s society and student(s) alike… How many so-called Americans truly know their own history? How many do you think know the name of the man whom the United States has adopted; America? Would you believe “Amerigo Vespucci?”

“Build that wall!” – “Land of the Free?”…damn that wall!

It is no secret (any more) that the white power structure has succeeded in “The White-Washing” of just about everything and anything that the world’s people of color have produced… it’s origins, successes, ingenuity, creations, artistic contributions, and societal originality.

This brainwashing has proved successful to many folks just as predicted and recorded in the “Holy Bible.” The premise that the world’s people of color will never be unified is proven over and over again. The religious group known as the radical and boisterous “Hebrew Israelites” have espoused many truths taken directly from The Good Book… Black people are located in nearly all countries throughout the world as stated in the Bible. However, because they have defied the Lord “Elohim,” they have been cursed and sentenced to never be brought together as a group; a whole; as one. This prophetic record continues to prove true even today. Black people have often found ways to stay apart from one another; to remain separate as one nation, one people. The tendency to argue as to who is right and who is wrong wrecks havoc in the ability to unify…and “The New World Order” wants nothing but a continuation of that practice. Albeit, to the contrary, this author has seen an improvement.

There are many videos available via the Internet and the “YouTube” platform which allow(s) for the preaching of truth. Many members of the white power structure have blamed and cursed the Internet for many revealed truths that have come forth. Maybe that is one of the reasons they wish to take over the Internet…to control its flow of free and undaunted, unmasked information available to the world populace.

This author has had the opportunity to view one (of many) such video posted on “YouTube.” This one particular segment showed several young brothers preaching on a typically normal everyday street corner. The picture showed that they were stationed near a public transit bus-stop were many people were walking by and/or waiting for a bus. Many of the passerby(s) were White folk as well as Black. And of course people of other back grounds and walks of life passed by as well. There were those who rushed by the group like they were the plague or carriers of the red death… But a few would stop and listen to the street-corner preachers.

It came to my attention that two or three of the group of white-guys happened to be of Jewish origin. I know this because they said they were. One of the men identified himself as ‘Rappaport.’ The fellows of both groups became involved in a heated discussion about the origins of their ancestors. The Hebrew Brothers continued in utilizing the Bible and large posters as a reference point for the answers put forth by the white fellows. Every time a reference was used and passages quoted by the Hebrews, Rappaport disputed their responses and claims. This guy attempted to embarrass the young men with questions opposing the scriptures quoted from the Good Book. He attempted to throw a curve in their position by saying that he could trace his lineage back to ‘Romania.’ He asked the brothers if they could do the same.
The young Black men were visibly startled… They fumbled for answers via the Bible and came up with several passages that were again disputed by Rappaport. “You don’t know your heritage, your lineage because you keep reading from that book which is written by man…you should refer to the book of the ‘Mormons!” said Rappaport.

The Hebrew Brothers argued that the curse of “Yah, Our Elohim,” has put a curse on Black people…dividing them up unto the many nations of the world…to be enslaved and cast as servants and down trodden until the day of forgiveness.

Rappaport pressed on. He said the brothers were not who they say they are because they cannot prove their lineage. The brothers responded again with passages from the Bible and the posters of Chained-Slaves being brought to the Americas, stored and shackled together in the bottom of slave-ships. Rappaport asked them which tribe (of the twelve tribes) they belonged. They immediately responded, “The Tribe of The Lion, The Tribe of ‘Judah!'” The Twelve Lost Tribes are People of Color! Which tribe do you come from? asked one of the young men. Rappaport refused to respond. He continued to argue the Bible was written by man and they didn’t understand what they were reading. “What is the content of this book, can you explain the content of that book? You can’t because you don’t even know what you are reading…you don’t understand what the content of the book means!” Rappaport shouted. “What does content mean…explain to me what content means!” he shouted. The white guys were seen to be laughing at the young Black men.
The Brothers, to me, seemed limited in their education as it was deemed by the three remaining white guys (as well as myself). The young fellas were at a loss as they scrambled to come back with a meaningful response.
They in turn laughed as they continued to point out quotes and passages from the Holy Bible. The video ended with neither group agreeing to any of the points of discussion.

It’s unfortunate that these young preachers didn’t have the capacity to end their argument with a viable and truthful reply…they could have simply said no, they could not trace their lineage past the “Slave-Ships” due to the fact that everything was taken from their “African Ancestors”…their language, their culture, their children, their women, their names and identities…their lives!
Everything was taken…but would be returned with the return of “Yahshuah!” as foretold in the “Holy Bible!” They could have argued that Rappaport has stated and proven that the so-called European Jew is actually a convert to Hebrewism, a descendent of the “Khazarian Heritage,” i.e., Poland, Russia, Yugoslavia, Turkic people, Romania, Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, and the many countries throughout that region.

How many people, I wonder, remember “The Falasha’s of Ethiopia?”

They didn’t seem to have that information…

MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS Television, and nearly all of the major radio and Internet Networks and/or Platforms have all reported on and have broadcast the story surrounding the “White Boy and The Indian” confrontation in Washington D.C.

One or the other have been blamed for the youth vs. the senior face-to-face stare-down that was splashed across all of the news and gossip platforms… The white students of the Catholic High School have also laid blame on several Black Activists who were on the scene as well. They said those individuals were intimidating, taunting and shouting at them while using racial (epitaphs) slurs and vulgarities. These Black Men have been identified as “Black Hebrew Israelites!”

The videos have gone viral, sparking condemnation and outrage by the Kentucky based Catholic High School while their students continually denied mocking the Senior Indigenous American Activist and United States Marine Corp Veteran.

Young Nick Sandman of Covington Catholic High School; a school of all white males; was seen via the video, standing face-to-face with the Indian Senior in a “stare-down.” Brother Nathan Phillips, a “Native American,” sang and played his drum while the young white boy stood rigidly, staring at him, brandishing a defiant yet silly and sinister grin or smile on his face.

Mr. Phillips has stated that he heard the group of students constantly chanting “Build That Wall” during the non-physical confrontation.
The students have said the video has displayed a false impression on the American public. They have denied being the instigators of the unfortunate incident in front of the “Lincoln Memorial.” The classmates were seen cheering, jeering, laughing, dancing, and jumping in front of and surrounding the Native American Senior while wearing the bright red “MAGA” hats.

Sandman has insisted, via ‘CNN’ that the video was misinterpreted and were outright lies being spread about him and his family. He has denied being disrespectful towards Mr. Phillips and Native Americans in general. He has also said his group was waiting for their bus, while standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, to take them back to Kentucky when four “African American protesters,” who happened to be nearby, began shouting racially charged insults toward them.
The group of all white students began to loudly shout a “school Spirit” chant, with permission from their teachers and chaperones in an attempt to drown out the so-called hateful comments. Upon further viewing, (which was not shown on National TV) several of the Hebrew Israelites were using profanity.

It has become apparent, that many have disregarded the fact of what the red MAGA hat(s) represent to Black folk and People of Color, which many in the group brandished upon their heads.The bright red “Make America Great Again” baseball caps, emblazoned with trump’s slogan represent the white hoods worn by the “Ku Klux Klan.” The representation strikes fear and memories of hatred among many groups of people, especially Black People throughout America.

Brother Phillips said when he waded into the midst of these young men, his intent was to defuse the situation between them and the Hebrew Israelites by outwardly praying while beating his drum.

“I played my drum the entire time this young fellow was in my face. He locked eyes with me. I never reacted nor interacted with this protester. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves or actions. I remained motionless and calm as he approached me. I hoped to defuse the situation with prayer in a bid to ease the racial tension(s) between the white teens and the “Black Hebrew Israelite” protesters.”

Phillips’ statement(s) were backed up and reinforced in part by a “New York Times” report quoting Brother Phillips.

The white teen who was smack in the middle of the incident, said he reasoned that by remaining “calm and motionless,” he hoped to defuse the situation.

At the time of this posting, no one seemed to be interested in the “Truth-Speaking Brothers; the Hebrew Israelites!”

“Brother Nathan Phillips” is a well-known elder of Nebraska’s ‘Omaha Tribe.’ His activism is well known among the protest leaders of “Standing Rock” (2016-2017) against the construction of an oil pipeline in North Dakota.
Here in Philadelphia, the Hebrew Israelite Brothers are greatly known for their loud and boisterous street-corner truth speaking sermons. Many people have chosen to walk around them…staying away from the posters and bull-horned voices. The Brothers continually point to passages in and of the Holy Bible; King James version and others as being the “History Book of and for Black People” all over the world!

~Hebrew Israelites~

“seek the Kingdom of “Elohim” above all else, and live righteously, and ‘He’ will give you everything you need!”

“Israel was scattered throughout the worlds’ nations because they have disobeyed “The Most High!”

…Paintings and many other artifacts have been seen to display people of color as the caricature(s) of those in the stain glass images in churches throughout European Nations. The “White-Washing” began there as well…
~Psalm 106~

“Yeshua said to the people who believed in ‘Him,’ you are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.”
~The Book of John~

Rappaport accused the young men of jumping back and forth between the pages and books of the Bible when they tried, in vain, to make a point; attempting once again, in answering his question(s).

I came across an old movie via “YouTube,” entitled “The Red Planet Mars.” It was made in ‘1952.’ The main character or star of the show was “Mr. Peter Graves”…the particular scene that caught my attention was frame 59:08 of 1:27:19. The duration of the scene can be located from frame 59:08 to 59:58…an all white cast of ‘Russian’ peasants who were on their way to a secret prayer meeting. On the way, the group stopped off and dug up a chest behind a barn on one of the farms. The Russian peasants dug up their buried religious treasure or artifact(s). The items were inside of a chest. Inside of this chest was their secret treasure of religious items. The uncovered symbols were carefully wrapped in cloths. When they uncovered the items, they appeared to be a jewel encrusted crucifix, a cross, if you will, of silver and gold (assumed because the movie was printed in black and white), with diamonds attached as well. The religious symbols also included a large framed painting. The picture frame also appeared to be golden and jeweled around the edge or edges of the frame. The priest carefully handed the painting to one of the congregation who kissed the portrait and passed it around to other member of the secret group who in turn, also kissed it. The people began to march down the roadway past bales of hay and small trees in the field, attempting to become obscure to anyone who might be watching. They proceeded to a makeshift temple of sorts, out in the field…carefully and tenderly placing the painting inside of the small wooden structure. The priest placed the jeweled cross atop of it while they all began to kneel in prayer. Before they could begin the prayer service, a young girl came running down the road from which they had marched. She waved and shouted at the group in an apparent attempt to warn them of approaching soldiers.

The truck-load of Russian soldiers disembarked the vehicle once it came to a stop right were they were kneeled in prayer. The commander shouted something at them…and then the soldiers along with the commander began shooting them with machine gun(s) and pistol fire. They murdered the prayer group for the secret religious gathering. Prayer wasn’t allowed, it seemed. The kissed portrait was of a women who appeared to be that of “The Holy Mother Mary.” She was holding a baby who appeared to be the image of “The Christ!” Now while that all seemed not to be something unusual…the people in the painting were Black! To be sure, I ran the frame back several times and froze it to be sure that this was something I was surely seeing…it was in fact the image of a Black Mary and Jesus.
Before they were all shot, the priest attempted to bless all of the kneeling people right after he blessed the cross and the portrait of the people in the painting who were Black; the Holy Mother Mary and the “Christ” child.

It’s also my understanding that there have been a number of paintings and artifacts such as these in many European Churches and SynagoguesWhy the secret here in the states and modern day cultures? Did the powers that be not want you and I to know that white people worshiped Black people around the world? Did they not want you to know that Yahshuah was Black…as well as his family and friends…his followers? Apparently someone knew of this truth and made sure that we (People of Colour) didn’t know about it; the hidden truth.

The Revelation of Saint John The Divine:

8 – “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”

10 – “I was in the spirit of the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.

11 – “Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: and, what thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia, unto Edphesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamus, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis and Philadelphia, and unto Laodecia.”

12 – And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

13 – And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

14 – His head and His hairs were like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as flame of fire:

15 – And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.

16 – And He had in his right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and His countenance was as the Sun shineth in His strength.

17 – And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, fear not; I Am the First and the Last:

18 – I Am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I Am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

19 – Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things that shall be hereafter;

20 – The mystery of the seven stars which thou savest, in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.”

The Covenant: Genesis 17

“For the Lord has chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for His peculiar treasure: Psalms 135:4 scattered among the nations…Moses/Moshe receives the word of the Lord…Exodus (24)…Deuteronomy 27 (12-15-17-18-20-21-22-23-24-25) 28:15 (The Curse) 15-31 thru 68, 2 thru 14 – (The Blessing).

Deuternomy: (64-68)

The Curse:

“And Moshe with the elders of Israel commanded the people, saying, “Keep all the commandments which I command you this day”…and Moshe and the priests, the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, “Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God.
Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord thy God, and do this commandments and His statutes, which I command thee this day. (27:9-10-12-15-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25): these shall stand upon the mount. Gerizim to bless the people, when ye are come over Jordan; Simeon, and Benjamin: cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, and abomination unto the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen.
Cursed be he the setteth light by his Father of his Mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Cursed be he that removeth his neighbors landmark. And all the people shall say Amen…cursed be he that maketh the blind to wander out of the way; perverted the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow; lieth with his Father’s wife; because he uncovereth his Father’s skirt, lieth with any manner of beast; lieth with his sister, the daughter of his Father, or the daughter of his Mother; lieth with his Mother In Law; that smiteth his neighbor secretly; that taketh reward to slay an innocent person; and all the people shall say Amen.”
But it shall come to pass, it thou wilt not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God; all these curses shall come upon thee:
(15 thru 68-chp. 28) Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.
The Lord shall bring thee, and thy King which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy Fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.
Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.
The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far; from the end of the Earth, as swift as the Eagle flieth, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; …and the Lord shall scatter thee among all the people, from the one end of the Earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy Fathers have known, even wood and stone.
And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of they foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: and thou shalt fear day and night, and shall have none assurance of thy life: …and the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you… and the Lord shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the Lawand the Lord rooted them out of the land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is written this day.”

Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed at them, for the customs of the people are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax…they deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”

2,000 years ago…another governor washed his hands of a case and handed a Jew over to a mob…two thousand years later, his name is a curse…its been my lifelong dream to serve the people of the state of “Georgia” and the United States Senate…that is a dream that I will not see unfold…there are many things that I can do with my life, I can plow, I can hoe, I can live in obscurity, but I cannot abide the companionship of an accusing conscience…”
(The Murder of Mary Phagan, 1952 – The Trial of Leo Frank, available on the “Youtube” platform/channel)

The secret things belong unto the Lord Our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of the law; …thy shoes shall be iron and brass; …more is recorded in the books of: Genesis, King’s, Isaiah, Psalms, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Leviticus, Revelations, Malachi, Zachariah, Micah, and others…scattered among all the nations of the Earth.

The Blessing:

“And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commands which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the Earth (28)…

We Are Hebrew…”I Am Hebrew!”


World Identities:

(1) Judah = the so-called Black Americans, (2) Benjamin = the so-called West Indians (3) Levi = the so-called Haitians, (4) Simeon = the so-called Dominicans (5) Zebulon = the so-called people of (Guatemala to Panama), (6) Ephraim = the so-called Puerto Ricans, (7) Manasseh = the so-called Cubans, (8) Gad = the so-called North American Indians, (9) Reuben = the so-called Seminole Indians, (10) Napthali = the so-called people of (Argentina to Chile), (11) Asher = the so-called people of (Columbia to Uruguay), (12) Issachar = the so-called Mexicans and Italians.

The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Menasseh, were also given the status of independent tribes.


No other group, racially or culturally are or have been identified as being yoked with iron, taken away in ships to foreign lands other than Africans…albeit, the Jews were captured and taken into the land of Egypt and elsewhere, they volunteered to come to the Americas…African People were the ones captured, chained, tortured, sold into captivity, and labeled chattel in major countries, sold and marketed as such around the world – The Ancestors of Black Americans Did Not Come To The United States Voluntarily, as did everyone else…They came at the behest of Slave-Marketers and Not of Their Own Accord!

Take a stroll through your mind…you’d be surprises as to what you might find!

Til Next Time,



Reference/Data Source/Acknowledgment(s):


Definition of Falasha:
a member of a people of highland Ethiopia who practice a variety of Judaism

Jews of Abyssinia. A colony of Jews exists in Abyssinia known under the denomination of “Falashas” or “Emigrants.”

Beta Israel


Khazaria: A Forgotten Jewish Empire


‘The Triplets and One’:

“The Eye of Cain”

“Israelites Came To Ancient Japan“

“The Essence of Invasion and Annihilation”

“The Lost Tribes of Twelve and Yahveh the Father”

Amerigo Vespucci

Amerigo Vespucci: Facts, Biography & Naming of America

Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate – A Brief Overview

A Profile of Pontius Pilate: The Roman Governor of Judea


~”Sellassie, The Lion of Judah” – ‘Ethiopian King of Kings’~

“The Great Mediator”- “Just Words”


“First to Fly, A True African-American Adventure”


“As The Clock Turns”

~Of Spirit and Faith~

“The Land of OZ and The Land of Babel”




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“The Literary World Of Boulware Enterprises & Publications”

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.…

Come… Enter The World of High Adventure!

Articles, Blogs, stories, & Books of “Boulware Enterprises & Publications!”
With Your Eyes, Ears, Imagination, & Intellect…You can Escape Into Realms and Regions of Untold Experiences and Populations…via ‘WordPress,’ ‘Amazon,’ ‘The BookMarketingNetwork, ‘Tumblr,’ ‘The Connect Platforms,’ ‘Pinterest,’ ‘Koobug,’ ‘Blogger,’ ‘GoodReads,’ ‘LinkedIn,’ ‘Ezine Online Articles,’ ‘Academia,’ and more…

View the plethora of Short Story Adventure of “HALLOW,” “HALLOWII,” “FAIRMOUNT, Terror In The Park,”: The Book and The Online Series! “The Bridge,” “Amontillado,” “The Pendulum of Hades,” “Demon’s Throat,” “Tattle Tale,” “Dante’s Walk,” “Bowery of The Crimson Frock & Flesh,” “Howl of An Angel,” “The Catharsis Table,” “The Egyptian Book of The Dead,” “Underfoot,” and a Whole Hell-of-a-lot More!
Explore your inner mind with “Spirit of The Soul and The Death of Morals…Enlighten you horizons and Educational Pursuits of IT, BI, Networking, AI, and Computer Skill-sets with “The One Thing I Know Is…” and the ever continuing “Anthology of An Essayist Compilation of Compositions!

Examine your Spirituality between the pages of “SPIRIT OF THE SOUL and THE DEATH OF MORALS!” – “We The Matrix,” “Descendant,” “Revelation,” “The Land of Oz and The Land of Babel,” “The Eye of Cain  Trilogy,” “Zarganar,” “The Awakening Dream,” holding more, much more…


The Option to Reading with your Eyes, is Reading with your Ears…listen to all of these stories, articles, blogs, books, and postings of “Boulware Enterprises & Publications” You’ll Be All The More Elated, Enlightened, and Enriched with ALL the content therein!



“I was there when Captain Willis Samuel and National Forestry Service Ranger Commander Gerald Glenn confronted and eradicated the monster beast in the park. I didn’t like Glenn very much, although I admired him. He was damn good at what he did. It was his woman that I liked…loved and wanted.
Yeah, she was something else. Genailia put the whammy on me at the zoo. She definitely whipped my ass in that booth. But man, just to get the opportunity to be near her, to feel her voluptuously warm and supple body and that magnificent ass close to mine…was worth it.”

“The angry piercing eyes of the thing were now upon them…Malcolm screamed. He was dreaming. His sleep was continually interrupted with nightmares. His parents considered psychiatric consultation. The constant nightmares caused great concern to Benjamin and Geraldine Xavier. “Will this terrible event never end,” asked Benjamin? “Our son will have this embedded in his mind for as long as he lives…what can we do to help him?””…



‘Fairmount’ The Series:
Chapters One Through Nine…Ten to be posted
“A thunderous roar erupted just as Lindsey placed his hand on the last rock in the cliff, pulling himself up onto the plateau. Dirt and shrubbery flew all around as if a strong wind-gust blasted through signaling a squall in a rainstorm or twister. The boy could not believe his eyes. He nearly fell backward off the ledge of the cliff. But he knew subconsciously, that he had to hang on.”


The Hallow Twin-Pack:…

“Hallow I”
“The people who have been most eager to rule, to make the laws, to enforce the laws and to tell
everybody exactly how God wants things to be here on Earth – these people have forgiven
themselves and their friends for anything and everything. But, they have been absolutely
disgusted and terrified by the natural sexuality of common men and women.”




“The lips of black-robed judges appeared before him. They were whiter than the sheet of this printed page. Their lips displayed an unholy and terrible exaggeration. He saw this. His soul was spoiled…to revolution. He heard the sound of inquisitional voices. They seemed to be merged into one singular voice. He heard no more…for a time.
Fate was issuing from the lips of the black-robed men. What an expression of firmness and immovable resolution? My lord, the grotesqueness! The faces blazed with stern contempt of human nature. Fate continued, in his view, issuance from their lips. He saw them writhe with deadly locution. I shuddered to think what the man saw. The idea of delirious horror…”

“Who is it that actually runs this initially intended Anglo-Protestant-Hippocratic-Puritan society of government (i.e., “We The People,” which people?) working’s that’s riddled with corruption, racism, envy, hatred, oppression and suppression? Are they truly manipulated puppets of evil intent? How many of us remember that Satan was despised and cast out from heaven? Do you remember what he supposedly said and vowed to do? You may recall the infamous line – “It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven?” He made no bones about his hatred for mankind. He vowed to kill or destroy every man, woman, and child of humanity – “all of them by any means necessary!”
While he usually or never has a direct physical contact with the masses, others are at the behest of his directives and desire.”


“Hallow II”
‘The Rails, Some Hemp, and A Hanging’
The Sun hadn’t risen to light up the world this morning. This pain-in-the-ass of a war has proven fruitless. It has put us all in a terrible bind. The ‘Blue-Bellies’ outside were laughing and joking right under the window of my jail-cell window. And as I recall, I think I could see several ‘darky’s’ planting, plowing, picking, and singing in the distance. The damned ‘Yankees’ have taken all that belongs to us…”

“One of many legends inspired by a 17th century monk by the name of ‘Johannes Kelpius of Transylvania.’
He led a mystical and mysterious cult under the guise of religion. The so-called religious order was housed in the woods of northwest Philadelphia. The meditations commenced and continued undisturbed and unmolested from about 1694 to 1708, Johannes’s death, into and beyond current day society.

Ballard believes the members of the religious order in the Wissahickon-Valley Green woods of Roxborough – Chestnut Hill – Germantown – Mount Airy vicinity and woodland still reside there to this very day. For the past three centuries, Dracula has reigned supreme in tales of darkness and blood-feasting. But the gothic and mysterious romance and blending ooze of hard facts tainted with fanaticism, has indeed planted the seed of intrigue into the minds of historians and imagination of people who believe in the mystical magical powers possessed in Kelpius and his ‘Philosopher’s Stone.’
The stone is an alchemical substance that has the ability to turn lead into gold.”…




“The Bridge” 
“The bridge was intended for destruction, stood over “Owl Creek,” bearing the plank that beard the weight of the doomed believer of the confederacy. Peyton Farguhar wished that he’d remained at home.
He was warned not to take action on his own by participants of this horrible conflict. After his capture and sentencing, he dreamed of home and family like so many Black Slaves once did, with his neck in a noose.”




Smiling in his face, with the thought of his immolation while planning his death…he planned to kill or destroy him, a sacrificial victim.
Fortunato ruined the Montresor name due to greed and pride. The surviving family member sought vengeance.
Montresor suckered Fortunato with the tasting of a rare wine which was being stored in his basement. The two met while Montresor was out on a drinking binge. He challenged the expert wine connoisseur to a wine tasting contest thinking he was just as good an expert as he. His uncouth mannerisms were not shameful to him as it was to others who bore witness to his wretched ways.
His very attractive wife and her pet cat bore the brunt of his brutality and bestiality. This intrepid drunkard belittled her in every way until she found solace in the arms of another. This new lover shared her bed when the drunken man was out drinking up all of his money, leaving him to beg for coppers on the street after being tossed out from the bar.




“The Pendulum of Hades”
“Eyes were gauged out. Finger and toenails were pulled from their sockets with pliers and prongs. Whole hands feet and other personal membranes were forcefully removed while the victim watched – fully cognizant and alert. The young, the old, man, woman, and child were not safe from the sadistic atrocities including rape and sodomy.
The unholy things, to which these unworthy eyes have seen, should not have seen. I prayed that all I saw was just enough to sustain my sanity while watering the accused and swabbing out the cells. May God truly have mercy on their wretched lives.”
The man saw beheadings, dismemberments, hangings, stake-burnings, and other assorted physical and mental horrors. He was led away to bear witness to the contrary. The ‘Man’ did not know why he was chosen. The horrors described in the local taverns, hotels, and Inns by folk have proven to be simply folklore and stories for the kiddies… Until it truly happens to you, maybe, you’d know the horrors suffered upon the innocent as well as those who could truly be guilty.


“Demon’s Throat” 
“If I can’t have you…then nobody can!”
A home… A normal home that very well could be your next-door neighbor, your cousin, aunt, uncle, and friends and yes…your parents or any other closely related relationships. Her violations…she dared to make love with another…someone other than he – whom she has never known or loved. “I remember this familiar feeling, for about the third time in three months; of falling – falling down. The falling only came to an end for one reason – maybe two. The point is…I was able to grab onto something in order to break my fall. The primary reason is coming to a complete and utter dead end stop – at the bottom of the stairway, which began at the second floor landing. It didn’t necessarily matter to what position your body was in when this complete and utter stop completed the descent. Albeit, stair-steps and bottom of the stairway landings come into play, the stop is at the bottom of the stairs.”
Wynetta’s crouch took the place of Tawanna’s ass. At first he was pissed. This heifer took me away from the pleasure of a promised night. Wynetta’s gown was pulled up because she didn’t want to fall over the long white hem of the garment. She exposed her legs in order to jump for the flowered and catchable, but elusive, bridal bouquet. Her shoe-less feet enabled her to gain an advantage over the other excited le-femme-fatale. She jumped. She jumped up pretty damn high too. Tawanna didn’t. She was happy and comfortable with the warm grip underneath her flowing gown – her left cheek. She merely reached for the flowers in a disconcerted manner…a matter of show.




“Tattle Tale” 
The pounding noise would not stop. I had to find a way to make it stop. Don’t you understand? It had to stop! It began to pound loudly. It was too loud…very loud! Do you not hear it? It’s driving me mad, mad I tell you! Through the crack in the floor, the orb peered out.
It was fixated upon me! It glared at me all the time. I could not look upon it any longer…I had to make it go away, even if I had to pluck it out from the head of the old man while he sat in the rocking chair. That is why I had to put him and that “Vultures Eye” under the floor. It wasn’t his fault that the evil eye stared at me. It would not be able to gaze on me if it was under the floor.




“Dante’s Walk” 
#1 Is The Inferno
#2 Is Purgatory – middle kingdom of light and dark.
#3 Is Paradise – the third world, Heaven; the light. In his travels, he saw and met many things and people…twenty contemporary poets. A ‘Canto’ is a song, a poem, one of the major divisions of a long poem. Towards the end of his journey, he came to cross the Supreme Ruler of Hades, Lucifer.
Dante Aligari wrote and completed the ‘Divine Comedy,’ “Dante’s Inferno” in the year 1314. It told of his trek through the ‘Netherworld.’ There existed three kingdoms in Dante’s explanation of Hell.
He met kings, Queens, Princes, Dukes, and the like. He met people rich and poor, people he knew and didn’t know. He meets people from the past, some of which had long since been dead.
He also met Sinners from the future and present. He met all sorts of Devils in the multitude of ‘Realms of the Damned.’ The cantos I thru XXXVI tell of his pilgrimage from beginning to end, in “The Book of The Dead.”
The King of Hell was a giant among giants. The owner of the ‘Souls of Sinners, Supreme Ruler of The Damned,’ displayed three faces. In each mouth of one of the faces showed teeth anointed in blood; blood so thick and ample, it dripped foam.
In one mouth a head was being chewed. The body hanged while arms and legs flailed all about. The other two also held bodies, each one was a sinner. The first sinner, whose head being the first consumed, was that of Judas Iscariot. He betrayed ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’ The second sinner along with the third plotted and murdered Gaius Julius Caesar.




“Bowery of The Crimson Frock & Flesh” 
Speaking of certain, albeit, limited, coincidences, understand that we, Mr.‘Eddie’ Poe and I, the Editor/Publisher, choose to speak of this topic. In my own heart, I cannot speak of his; there dwells no faith in the praetor nature. In past and probably, future conversations, men will debate the issue of the original intentions of God’s Laws. They may dispute that nature and its God are two. The latter creating the former can, at will, control and/or modify it. Would you not agree, my friend? The insanity of logic has, of course, assumed it is not that the Deity cannot modify his laws, the question is of will. Does man insult God with the imagination of a possible necessity for modification? Mr.Poe espouses the origin of these laws were fashioned to embrace all and every contingency which could lie in the future. All that one would need to do is to pay the strictest and closes attention with unwavering indulgences.
Adopted in Paris, the suggestion of the discovery of an assassin are founded in any similarity could quite possibly, produce a very similar result. Consider the most trifling variation of facts in this supposition. With respect to the latter branch, the two cases might give rise to the most important miscalculations. Thoroughly diverting the eventful courses, a mathematical error in which its own individuality maybe in appreciated by a process resulting enormously at variance with the truth. We must not fail in our understanding the calculus of probability, which forbids any ideas of an extension of the parallel effect. In proportion, this parallel has already been long-drawn and exactly on point. For example, nothing is of sixes having been thrown twice in succession in a game of craps, is a sufficient cause for betting against the odds, that a third pair of sixes could be thrown. This effect suggests usual reflection by an intelligent individual at once. It would be impossible to believe that the first two attempts would have any influence over the third throw. The chance that it would happen again would as precisely as it would have been on the first two throws. Yes? Let us not pretend the philosophical aspect needs no exposure. Would it not be sufficient to say that it forms one of an infinite series of mistakes–the rise in the path of reason through propensity for seeking truth in every detail?

Would you not agree…?




“Howl of An Angel”
“They say there is no sin in killing a beast, only in killing a man…but where does one begin and the other end – Why is it the so-called educated do not acquire the good sense of knowing better?”
The ‘Chevalier’ endeavored to remove everything from his mind. His only thoughts were the case at hand. He began to relapse back into himself. His old moody habits regenerated into the morose ill-tempered individual of austere soliloquy.
Attempting to make light of a horrible situation, I joined my friend in throwing the future to the winds and fell tranquilly into the present. The presence and perpend of the previous days became a joyful dream, floating away with twinkling fog.
Ellington searched the globe for forty-plus years until he caught him for the third time. This time, he caught up with him in Istanbul. He was able to box him and ship him home to the United States. His home in Connecticut was a safe place to keep him (so he thought) – where he could be watched closely. Ellington lived alone save a housekeeper who tended household needs five days a week. She was given specific instructions to not open a particular door of one of the rooms upstairs. Ellington explained in great detail about why he had instructed her so. She listened intently but didn’t believe him. She was a good woman, a good housekeeper, one who could be trusted, a good God-Fearing Christian Woman. She thought him to be a nut – an eccentric old fool – a madman. She jumped nearly out of her skin when she heard the blood chilling howl.




“The Catharsis Table” 
Many of us, the guys, would come in and just say hey to Ronald and the dogs if they were close by. Sometimes we would get our drinks and join him in the living room in front of the 42’ inch T.V. The discussions varied upon which program did or said whatever as we passed a joint or two.
The targeted seating was around the table in the tiny dining room. Five chairs, four around the table, and one off to the side in front of one of the refrigerator units. The refrigerators, old as they may be, kept the beer cold. The six packs sold very quickly. The sixteen-ounce cans did better than the twelve-ounce cans. Sometimes the ‘Olde-E’sold better than the ‘Bud’ and vice-versa. The brown liquor and the white, was kept in the bottom of the buffet server while the extras went to the bottom of a storage cabinet.
Everyone came in and competed for one of the seats at the table. I’ve always preferred the one on the opposite side of the entrance way, against the wall, next to the window that looked out into the alleyway of the backyard. Everyone else liked that seat as well – but they knew it was for the group’s elite membership which included me.
The jokes would start flying nearly as soon as the evening greetings began and ended. Maurice was the king of joke-telling. That man could tell a joke and split the sides of everyone in the listening vicinity.
One joke in particular involved an alligator and a man’s penis.
…Buddy would then chime in on something he picked up along the way. We all knew that he couldn’t be out-done.
“I heard one about ‘Custer’s Last Stand.’ Just before the Calvary left the fort to fight the Indians, there was a lone insurance salesman. History records him as one of the biggest losers ever. There was this insurance agent named Lester Shackleford, who sold life insurance policies to Custer and his men on June 23, 1876… He sold sixteen. One of them was bought by the General Himself.”





“The Egyptian Book of The Dead” 
Homage to thee, Osiris,Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy.Thou art the governor of Tattu (Busiris), and also the mighty one in Sekhem (Letopolis). Thou art the Lord to whom praises are ascribed in the name of Ati; thou art the Prince of divine food in Anu. Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qerrt(Elephantine), the Ruler supreme in White Wall (Memphis). Thou art the Soul of Ra, his own body, and hast thy place of rest in Henensu (Herakleopolis). Thou art the beneficent one, and art praised in Nart. Thou makest thy soul to be raised up. Thou art the Lord of the Great House in Khemenu  (Hermopolis). Thou art the mighty one of victories in Shas-hetep, the Lord of eternity, the Governor of Abydos. The path of his throne is in Ta-tcheser(apartofAbydos). Thy name is established in the mouths of men. Thou art the substance of Two Lands (Egypt). Thou art Tem, the feeder of Kau (Doubles), the Governor of the Companies of the gods. Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits. The god of the Celestial Ocean (Nu) draweth from thee his waters. Thou sendest forth the northwind at even tide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart. Thy heart reneweth its youth, thou producest the…. The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open themselves before thee. Thou art he to whom praises are ascribed in the southern heaven, and thanks are given for thee in the northern heaven(s)




The Devil is a real person…a real person indeed.
I did not convey all that should have been…needed to be told regarding the old gentleman’s organs beneath the floor. The brief allusion as to what transpired according to one author who reported me as being so stupid a“tattle-tale,” that I’d spilled my guts to the gendarmes.
Ha…what a laugh! The misguided scribe had very little to report, as did Mr.Poe, who mentioned something about a heart thumping underfoot in the old man’s house. The first writer, as mentioned quoted:
A knock came upon the door…two men, plainly dressed in tie and coat, accompanied by two in uniform appeared. My eye peered at them through the semi-opened door. I opened it just a crack, as I did not wish for them to hear the pounding beneath the floor.

…and More!




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~ “Monsieur De La Marquis” ~

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


“It’s The Judges, Priests, and Bishops who are the real criminals and sexual perverts!”

“The Most Impure Tale Ever Written!”

~”The Horror Of It All”~



Dr. Maitland – a collector of the occult and ardent student of the supernatural; tries to keep control of his life, the forces of unspeakeble evil bear down upon him. Given the opportunity to purchase the “Skull” of the infamous sadist and demonic supporter… “Murder From Beyond The Grave!”

The graverobbers, with their shovels, finally hit paydirt… The metal digging end of the tools hit the targeted object with a loud noisey echoing clang. The sound, at three in the morning…a cold, dark, damp, and windy morning. They continued in their labor of digging up the long dead bones and rotted flesh without so much as a pause. The brittle surroundings of wood once served as a coffin for this murdering corpse. Its’ body, once the lid was removed, resembled that of a young teenaged boy. It was indeed not the expected size of a fully grown man. It required no real effort at all in removing and carrying it away from its home in the ground.

One of the two “Body-Snatchers” complained of feeling a bit dizzy. The horse drawn cart of wood and metal wiggled and waggled, clanking and shuddering along the way over a dirt and rock covered roadway. After a few miles, the road became that of ballasts stones and smoothen gravel. They were in from the outskirts of town. In from the graveyard of corpses and death. The partner continued to complain of dizziness and hearing something speaking to him from inside his head… The first body-snatcher dismissed his friend’s annoying and ambiguous consternations.

The second thief screamed aloud. “I’m telling you, I think I heard something…wait a minute, I could swear, I say that body moved!”

“Yeah, we’ll just see about that.” said the first thief.

He pulled back on the reigns controlling the two horses. Stopping the cart, thief one grabbed one of the shovels while pulling the long dead and decayed body to the ground. Uncovering the wrappings and exposing the body of the stinking rotted flesh; the first thief, with the sharp digging end of the shovel, chopped off the head. He laughed aloud as his friend shuddered in fright. He nearly fell off the cart when the head was severed…it popped from a body covered in rotting aristocratic clothing and jewelry. The jewels and rings found their way into the pockets of the bodysnatchers.

Arriving at their destination, they unloaded the long dead body of the aristocrat. Its head wrapped in a dirty cloth. The headless body was delivered in the cart’s shipping ropes and wraps of straw and hay. They pounded on the door of the darkened residence. The wood laden letters on an overhanging sign read “Doctor Of Health and Sciences.” The door opened and a man beckoned them to enter.

The driver explained to the recipient of the dead remains and about their adventurous trip from the graveyard. The rest-stop and drink received at the neighboring tavern allowed them to refresh after a long morning of digging. The receiver hungrily grabbed the head and uncovered it…

The delivery men where paid in coin(s) most generously. They turned and left after inquiring about future assignments. The collector brushed them out. He wanted to be alone with his newly acquired possession.

They turned and left the premises. The two agreed to return to the tavern for more libation(s); women and song with their newly earned coin(s). However, they never returned to the tavern… The horse drawn cart showed up to the front of the Inn. The bartender knew the men were working; making a delivery up yonder road. Their bodies were found just south of the delivery point. Only less than a mile from the house, they were found dead in the mud of the creek shoreline, laying face down.

When the Sheriff turned the bodies over, the cause of death was revealed. The remainder of their blood sprayed its’ last squirt in his face. Their throats had been torn out…the local examining physician declared the wounds were in fact, made by human teeth. The identifying marks were unquestionably evident. No animal known, could have created or had teeth that resembled or matched those wounds.

The Sheriff pounded on the door of the health and sciences building. There was no answer. He ordered his men to find another way into the dwelling.

“Look in the windows and see it there is anyone about!” ordered the Sheriff. The deputies found nothing…nothing out of the ordinary as well. A horse-drawn cart pulled to a stop inside the pathway leading to the front of the house. A woman appeared. She inquired as to all the fuss. They in turn explained the details. She hurriedly rushed into the building with a key removed from her handbag. Once inside, they all were made aware of the eeriness therein. The woman entered the back room were the man; the flat’s owner mostly worked…his “dark-room.” An ungodly scream erupted from within the darkroom… The Sheriff and deputies rushed in to see what was the matter. The woman was horrified, standing in paralyzing shock against the far wall of the room…the body of her fiancé, was lying there in a pool of his own warm blood. He too had his throat torn out by what appeared to be human teeth.

The man collected rare items and artifacts…he had in his collection, statuettes of demons, tools of demonic practices, and books of all sorts relating to unnatural beings and their worlds. One collection or group of statuettes were the image(s) of “Lucifer,” “Mammon,” “Asmodeus,” “Satan,” “Beelzebub,” “Leviathan,” “Belphegor,” and a book listing the power(s) and existence of the evil of the “Ten Variety of Devils;” Not to mention the head of “Donatien Alphonse Francois, Count Marquis De Sade!”

The skull of the Marguis was nowhere to be found although his body remained. The headless body could not immediately be identified. It was laying next to a tub filled with acid…the kind that dissolves everything, clothes, meat, bone, skin and otherwise.


The chambermaid quietly entered the room. Her voluptuous body peered out from the folds of her unbuttoned robe. Smooth milkiness slipped through and revealed a beautifully sculptured silken thigh. She smiled. The darkened room allowed the view of this beautiful vision of loveliness…this marvelously innocently beautiful young woman.
She knew this undesired rendezvous would bequeath her a more desirable position in the household. Life was very difficult in 1768 Paris. Monsieur Le Marquis promised. He was not terrible of vision. His childlike handsomeness earned him many hours and nights of pleasure with the household servants…some of the female participants of “Donatien’s” sexual misadventures ascended to higher posts in the family employ, while others simply disappear, never to be seen again.
The French Aristocrat’s physical attributes left much to be desired. His physical stature as an adult male was less than a third in size. One could say his soft delicate body could easily be mistaken for that of a woman. Albeit, survivors of his bedroom antics reveled in their shared and varied descriptions. The off-campus conversations traveled fast among the village taverns and public accommodations like that of a rapidly spreading flash-fire. The prostitutes along the boweries were highly cautious when requests emerged from the castle… The overly cautious, declined the opportunities altogether. They remembered the ones who did not return. They spoke of one particular “Easter Sunday Morning” when a very pretty and innocent young woman was invited into the bedroom of the Marquis. She survived the notoriously explicit and cruel sexual exploits of the young and wealthy aristocrat.

He was known as a rebellious and spoiled child whose temper outgrew him. Donatien was introduced to these obscene practices between the age(s) of four and six by his uncle, a church “Abbot.” Obsessed with this affinity, the young Marquis continually practiced sodomy with as many prostitutes as possible. His man-servant often joined in as a participant of his many overnight or weekend-long sexual soirée(s). This particular young woman managed to escape her captivity. She vehemently denied a pleasurable encounter while in the company/custody of the “Marquis de Sade!”

The escapee, spoke of the horrible things that were done while she was there. She spoke of a decapitated dog, cat, and monkey. The hapless animals were supposed to be the exciting and engaging foreplay to impending sexual activities for all participants. On this occasion, it was only the Marquis and his man-servant and the lucky young virgin.
The poor little monkey wasn’t as fortunate as the young lady. His hands and arms were locked tight like that of his neck within the portals of a horrible yoke; a smaller model of the life-sized torture device.

The ominous grinning of the young mad man will forever haunt my soul. He smiled at me while he stirred the red hot coals of the fireplace with a long black poker.
He then motioned to his man to hold me still while approaching me with the poker in his right hand. He walked ever so slowly, menacingly, terrifyingly…I was very frightened, I was terrified! Despair possessed my every fibre! Monsieur de Marquis breathed a hot breath when he bit my naked breast nipple. He smiled a sinister smile. He laughed a sinister laugh. My blood ran cold. He smiled and laughed a hearty laugh after smacking my bared buttocks with his left hand. And just when I thought he would spike me…spike my flowered intimacy with that red hot poker…he turned suddenly, squealed a horrid squeal and stuck the red hot poker into the anus of the poor shackled monkey!
The poor little monkey screamed in ungodly agony! It screamed for what seemed like an eternity! I prayed for the poor little creature. I prayed that it would stop that ungodly noise. The sound caused my blood to run even colder (in spite of the heat generated from the fireplace) and caused my skin to crawl… Monsieur de Marquis danced and laughed and cried as he pranced in his nakedness out in front of me. I was held tight. I saw him draw a large shiny and heavy broadsword from the wall above the mantel. The sword was much too heavy for the little man to wield. He dropped it loudly upon the chamber floor. The noise it made could be heard everywhere when it clanged upon the cold stone floor.
Instead, he drew a long, curved knife from the waist-sash of his man-servant. He danced, laughed, screamed, and cried some more…he swirled and with one killing swoop, chopped off the head of the little screaming monkey. Its’ poor little body shivered and shook violently as its life-blood bathed the Marquis, squirting fluid out from the monkey’s neck. The Marquis smiled a horrible smile while he began to approach me. His bloodied hands caressed my bared skin from breast to foot.
It has been said, the practice of sodomy was commonly practiced among the aristocrats… I desired no part in these horrid acts of debauchery and evil. I was not thrilled with the idea of losing my virginity to a maniac at all. He was pretty though… He is royalty, I am not. I am just a lowly creature, a chambermaid who sought only a better life for myself and a sickly old grandmother. He fondled my virgin flower with his fouled bloody hands. His vicious tongue moistened my behind…and then the hairs of my forked crotch.
I thought I might like this pretty young man. He could not possibly be a danger to me. While pondering that thought, pain surged through my left side breast. The pretty man had bitten my nipple with his sharp white teeth. It bled. The warm red fluid ran down the contours of my belly into the naval pit. I screamed in agonizing agony…realizing this devil of a young man would surely kill me when he finished playing with my body! The pretty man lied to me about his promise.

He prepared to enter me while we were standing eyeball to eyeball. I was still held fast by his man-servant who pressed himself to my rear quarters, pushing and grinding his hardened penis against me. The Marquis still held the bloody blade in his right hand, his left gripped my waist on the right. I could feel him pull me close as I tried with all my might to resist… Just as I felt his manhood touch the entranceway to my virginity, the room was suddenly bathed in bright brilliant lantern-light and a loud angry thundering voice. The voice demanded to know what in “Satan’s Hell” was going on in this room?
The man-servant lost his grip upon me. He backed away rather quickly. I was relieved! The Marquis turned in anger while blinking from the sudden brightness of the unexpected brilliance.

His voice and evil demeanor changed when he was forced to explain to his father the goings on here.

I was ordered to dress and leave here as quickly as possible.

The elder Marquis and his wife, the parents of the little man did not offer apologies. His mother’s eyes revealed the sadness within. She gave me a hug. During this hug, a purse laden with coin(s) was forced into my quivering, shaking hands. There was no need to count the contents of the purse, for I knew from its’ heavy weight that the booty was well more than I would earn (or need) in my role as a chambermaid. It was more than enough to see me and my grandmother through many a year to come.
I was more than grateful to be given escort to my home by castle guardsmen. My grandmother who heard our approach, was very much relieved to know the horsemen were not coming for an arrest or on a raiding patrol…simply the safe return of her grandchild to home.

The DeSade family was embarrassed to know what their son was doing to many young women and boys in the immediate region.Many of his victims had been cut and tortured…some died. Several were reported to have been cut with sharpened blades and hot wax dripped into their freshly administered wounds. Finger and toe-nails have been removed from victims while under captivity of this mad individual. Others where lucky enough to exit the household with pay and the ability to boast of their explicit sexual encounter(s) with the young Marquis.

they were all lucky, LIKE ME! 

Stories have emerged regarding dismemberment of individuals while in the company or captivity of the Marquis. He’s written of many “Hellish Hellbound Lasciviousness” in his numerous manuscripts. It’s no secret among his known associates that the young aristocrat enjoyed collecting the severed heads of his many victims. …Sexual organs were his favorite.

After the Marquis was interrupted by his father, the parents desperately sought a rich wife for their insane son. They could not continually pay victims for their numerous and constant silence. Their coffers were depleting drastically. The money, somehow, had to be recouped.
Donatien’s insanity was introduced at an early age by his uncle. The child was delivered unto him at the age of four. He remained with him until he was about six. DeSade was also known to have an ever-growing temper as a rebellious and spoiled child. It is known that he once beat the French Prince severely. This occurred while he was spending time with his uncle in the South of France. Threatened with death by “the Crown,” he was returned to Paris to attend the “Lycée Louis-Le-Grand School.” Flagellation was the prime punishment at the school. He was the subject of severe “Corporal Punishment” on numerous occasions. The art of violent acts became his obsession for the remainder of his life.

After finally being (formerly) caught, the court decided to make and example of him by banishing him to exile in Italy.

Married life did not eliminate DeSade’s sexual pursuits. In order to continue his desired and perverted way of life, he rented out rooms everywhere and anywhere he could, in order to continually and privately carry out his intense fantasies. Albeit, stable in social status, the family financial holdings had drastically decreased due to the many, many “payoffs for silence”; surviving victims who threatened to complain to the authorities.

Donatien Alphonse Francois, Count Le Marquis DeSade took to wife, “Renée-Pelagie De Montrevil,” daughter of a wealthy government official (in 1763).
On occasion, soirée’s were held. Many of the people who were his victims (missing bodies) attended as well as the invited guests and relatives. They (the missing) attended not as expected by the invited, they simply showed up in the many served Pies, Custards, Tarts, Pâté, Cooked Meat, Ground Powders, etc. The guests, as usual, continued to kiss the ass of Monsieur de Marquis; complimenting him on the delicacies of the evening – their delightful enjoyment in the rare taste(s)…the rare Cuisine and drink.

Born in Paris, France, Monsieur Marquis DeSade, a.k.a, “Donatien Alphonse Francois, on June 2, 1740 entered this world. Diplomat in the Court of Louis XV, was his father’s station. His mother’s position was “Lady-In-Waiting” to the (the Crown) Queen. Born into the life of the elite (elitism) its easy to understand DeSade’s fluent access to servants who praised and flattered his every move.

Donatien’s father, Joseph, left his mother, Marie Eléonore de Maillé de Carman, for richer and younger pleasures…refuge in a convent was her only option; divorce was not an option…there was no such thing in the French Court of the powerful elite and the Church. Needless to say what effect this has on the younger DeSades’ mental stability…again it was challenged…put to the test.

The Catholic Church adamantly denounced his published writings.

“They depict debauchery, evil violence, loathsome criminality, and blasphemy against the church!”

The Marquis and his wife brought into this world, three children. She had vast knowledge of his heinous practices. She had grown weary of their marriage long ago…his behavior of course, tested her limits to near insanity. …Divorce, in reiteration, in those days, was all but non-existent; an impossibility.

DeSade had been arrested on several occasions due to suspicion or rumor. People began to discuss his open-private-escapades of paid-to-play pleasures…“sexual orgies” throughout the locations of rented rooms.
One of his first serious offences came when one of the non-familiar prostitutes complained to the authorities. She told them how she was forced to utilize a crucifix into their sexual activities and orifices. Even though her body was for sale, she felt the perverted acts demanded, were all Blasphemous to the Church and God!

He was immediately arrested.

DeSade’s societal Stature allowed an early release from prison. He ever so promptly returned to his evil haunts and bold practices of sexual perversion.

DeSade made good use of his time in prison, the fourth time around; while incarcerated, he wrote fifteen manuscripts which included the sweet and virtuous “Justine.”
Images of tortured naked women danced around in his hallucinating head. Juliette and Justine are two orphaned sisters who resided in a “Nunnery.” When their father died, they were evicted and moved in with Juliette’s friend. Fortunately, the girls were left a bit of gold by their father. Un-Fortunately the friend’s abode turned out to be a brothel. The friend is the brothel’s owner who wants the girls to earn their keep by lying on their backs and spreading their legs – from the front as well as the back; anal sex…prostitution!
Juliette earns a good stable living while Justine, who rejected the demand, leaves the house only to be accused of theft, prostitution, and murder. The elder sister marries a rich nobleman, the younger is arrested, falsely accused, and sentenced to death after being lied to, tortured, raped, and continually persecuted.

DeSade also pinned “The 120 Days of Sodom” during his prison stay in “The Bastille” (1785).

According to posted recordings, the story relates to several wealthy “Libertines” who desired the ultimate sexual gratification via orgies and such. They enjoyed enslaving teen-aged victims and sexually torturing them. Tales were told by four old accomplished prostitutes. The old women utilized anecdotes of depraved careers. Their stories were supposed to inspire or to sexually arouse the particular characters into explicit acts of depravity.
The four old broads were aged 48, 50, 52, and 56. They all have given vivid descriptions of themselves. One is described as having her three inch clitoris tickled only by females. She says that she is a virgin while her rear is large and flabby, worn from use so much that she feels nothing in that area at all. Another says she is especially excited by anal sex. Her particularly natural deformity prevents her from having any other kind of sex. And another of them who happens to be missing one breast-nipple, six teeth, an eye, and three fingers, stated her anus was so large that she also couldn’t feel anything there.
The captive harem of thirty-six teenage male and female victims are forced to listen and engage in these types of sexuality stories of abuse and torture – which intensifies, ending in slaughter.

DeSade outlines “the six-hundred passions” in the story with a warning to his so-called “Friendly Readers.” The incredibly “Lawless and without religion Super-Rich protagonistic libertines” had nothing and no one to obey. They only recognized their “Imperious Decrees of Perfidious Lusts.” Ironically, the Marquis despised authority and religion. He considered Judges, Priests, and Bishops to be the real criminals and sexual perverts.

The inscribed authoritative aristocrats came to wealth by the process of inheritance. One of them poisoned his mother and his sister. Another is described as being tall, strong, highly sexually potent, powerfully built, and being a devote and complete coward. The next one is a scrawny weakling with a vicious and nasty mouth. He is a lover of sodomy. He refuses vaginal intercourse. And then their friend who is tall, lanky, a frightfully filthy individual who delves in voluptuousness. He is a judge who loved to hand out death sentences. The last deviate is described as one who is a banker. He is short, pale, and effeminate.
All of these predators have abused their own daughters for many years – all of them (the victimized daughters) die. These authoritarians have kidnapped young boys and girls who were chosen simply for their beauty and virginity. The libertines intended to deflower the girls while especially defiling them (all) anally. Their ages were between twelve and sixteen years.
For some reason, DeSade wrote about four elderly women who were chosen for their ugliness in contrast to the beauty of the children. One of them, strangled all fourteen of her children, another was hunchbacked, blind in one eye, and lame. The next one had no teeth or hair. She never wiped her ass throughout her lifetime. Every one of her orifices stank to high heaven. The last one is described as having hemorrhoids the size of a very large and manly fist hanging from her ass. She was nearly always drunk, vomiting constantly, and suffered from fecal incontinence. They all served as cooks and servants.

Being short on writing material, Donatien feared the long scroll of paper smuggled to him, would be confiscated and/or destroyed. However, the “Bastille” was stormed on July 14, 1789, at the beginning of “The French Revolution.” He said he “wept tears of blood” because he believed his written works were lost to him during “the Bastille Siege,” gaining him his freedom. Much of his written work portrayed men with simple passions, i.e., masturbating in the faces of seven year old girls, urine drinking, (coprophagia) coprophagial (Eating Feces) scatology, vaginally raping female children, incest, flagellation, sacrificing, sacrilegious activities, having sex with Nuns while watching Church Mass proceedings, deflowering young virgins vaginally and anally, evening orgies, criminal activities – just short of murder, sodomizing babies as young as three years of age, men who prostitute their own daughters while watching them being raped, mutilations of men and women by tearing out their fingers and toes, burning them with red hot pokers, the skinning of children while alive, dismembering pregnant women, burning alive entire families, killing newborns babies in front of their mothers, vaginal mutilation, intestines being pulled out of sliced open belly wounds, the pin-pricking of breast nipples, and murder – the killing of women who are being raped atop beds of nails.

Captured escaped survivors (and those who did not escape) almost always seemed to disappear…

The described characters consider these practices as normal, and routine, to sexually abuse very young children, male and female while a lot of attention is given to the consumption of feces – it is considered to be a delicacy as designated by “The Chapel For Defecation.”

“The Most Impure Tale Ever Written!” – The many missing bodies were known to have been fed to two Rotweillers (male and female), two Irish Wolfhounds, and two Doberman Pinschers…bodies were made ready for dog food, and fodder for gardening, soups, pâté, and man eating fish and reptiles in castle moats or ponds – the soups and other foods were often served to invited guests of the Marquis and his associates.

DeSade convinced the members of the “New Regime” that he was a victim of the old authoritative aristocracy (Govt.). He amazingly was released from prison and welcomed into the new government – “The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte!”

(Madame De Montrevil, DeSade’s Mother-In-Law had had enough of this evil…she petitioned the King, incarcerating him for thirteen years – arrested in Feb. 1777 – 1790). How he managed to escape the guillotine is beyond the quess of this author… However, it is known that “in 1801, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the arrest of the anonymous author of Justine and Juliette. DeSade was arrested at his publisher’s office and imprisoned without trial; first in the Sainte-Pélagie Prison and, following allegations that he had tried to seduce young fellow prisoners there, in the harsh Bicêtre Asylum. After intervention by his family, he was declared insane in 1803 and transferred once more to the Charenton Asylum. His ex-wife and children had agreed to pay his pension there.”

The French Aristocrat, philosopher, Criminal, Sadist, Elitist, and Author who became notorious for his (and that of his conspirators in acts of sexual cruelty), as well as his writings, was finally committed to an insane asylum. After it was found that he had carried out a sexual relationship with the thirteen year old daughter of an employee of that same asylum. That information made its way to the court in or about 1810. He was then locked away from the main populace of the institution…Desade met his death on December 2, 1814 while incarcerated in the mental asylum.

Epilogue – “The Curse”:

The grave of the Marquis was defiled and raided by “Bodysnatchers” – “Graverobbers” who dug up and sold the Marquis’ remains to wealthy collectors. These men collect, trade, and share these rare and mysterious artifacts. A cleaned and polished smaller than usual skull being the most valuable of collectibles. Along with “The Skull of The Marquis DeSade” was a book…a rare thing indeed. It told the life story of the Marquis and its binder was made of pure skinHuman Skin.

Upon the death of the last owner of the book and skull, his partner and solicitor came to call at his flat. He was there to assess his partner’s assets and valuables. An unexpected visitor came to call. She too had come to collect her things…little did she know, she would not be leaving the flat with her valuables…she would not be leaving at all except after death!

An artifact, a sacrificial knife laid upon a table. The skull was sitting there as well. The man examined the tiny skull of his partner’s belongings and tossed it aside, it was of no value to him. He noticed after turning, that the damned head-bone had vanished into thin air…where had it gone? No one was in the room except him. The partner’s woman was packing and collecting her things in the next room…

The unsuspecting solicitor was going about his duties, when he heard a voice call to him…he did not know from where the voice had ventured. He only knew that he had to obey its commands.

The solicitor came to consciousness while in police custody. He did not know how he came to be in this place. He explained to the investigator all that he had known to be true. It did not matter to them, the authorities. They had their man for the murder of the woman packing her things in the tiny three roomed flat. The blood was on his hands and clothing – he swore to Heaven and the God above that he was innocent…it did not matter.

He was guilty as charged.

So Sayeth the court…

When they came to hang him, he was already dead. It was a great mystery. How had this man’s throat been torn out? He was alone in his cell, awaiting “the Hangman.” How is it that he came to his death in this fashion? There were no dogs or attack animals about! How did this man meet his death, cheating the gallows that awaited him?

His spilled spouting blood left no trail…

“One is never so dangerous when one has no shame, than when one has grown too old to blush”
~Marquis DeSade~





Til Next Time…




~ “The Pendulum of Hades” ~

~ “Demon’s Throat” ~

~ “Howl Of An Angel” ~





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Posting List Links and Locations to Articles by Boulware
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~ ‘The E-Store for Books by Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.’ ~
New BCID: 823-13940945
New BCID: 823-13940945 – Hallow






“Marquis DeSade” – Wikipedia

“The Skull of The Marquis De Sade”

 “The Skull”
(The Evil of The Marquis DeSade / Life of The Marquis DeSade)
Paramount Pictures, Legendary Films
Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee

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~ “Appeasing An Appetite” ~ 

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq. 

“HallowI” and HallowII” 

Inspiring or creatine horror, loathing, aversion, etc., centered upon or depicting terrifying or macabre events; a horror movie. Such a feeling as a quality or condition – a strong aversion, abhorrence: to have a horror of emotional outbursts. Informal: something considered bad or tasteless…an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting, a shuddering fear; to shrink back from a mutilated corpse in horror. Anything that causes such a feeling; killing, looting, and other horrors of war…

~”A Sojourn Into Now and Then!”~ 

Hallow II:
Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the ‘Wolfsbane’ blooms and the Autumn Moon is bright!” They say there is no sin in killing a beast, only in killing a man…but where does one begin and the other end – why is it the so-called educated do not acquire the good sense of knowing better?”

A Significant Era of Perceptive Aroma and Vision – “A Portentous Epoch of Sagacious Redolence and Epiphany!”


…A man called the other day. 

We have been inundated by telephone calls by marketing agents over an over again on a daily basis. They have attempted to sell money (Loans), credit cards, education, insurance, social security opportunities, dishes, magazine subscriptions, automobiles, home security devices, hearing aids, etc. Placing our telephone number on the “Do Not Call List(s)” have not stopped these moguls from getting through with their annoying offerings – to which we, of course, were/are not interested. Has this happened to any of YOU? We have resolved to rely upon the “answering machine” in order to screen all calls. This individual marketer, in an attempt to get us to answer the phone, used a unique concept in his success. This guy said that he was “My Online Publicist” and he couldn’t wait to talk to me…he couldn’t wait to discuss my book, “Hallow II.” My first question, without answering the phone, was…how in hell did he get my home telephone number? And why is it that he wanted to discuss only the one book as opposed to the other six – (the remaining two have yet to be published)?

Well, just in case the man is/was legit, I’m hopeful that he will call back or at least send me an email… Otherwise, he is simply one more caller who insists on selling me something (or attempting to collect something). I have to give him credit though, if he was some sort of collector or marketer, cudos to you for your imaginative and beguiling attempt to get us to the phone. However, should he be a reader or follower of my written works, I welcome the communication – if not, “Please Leave Your Name and Number and We’ll Get Back To You As Soon As Possible!” 


In Reiteration for your Edification: 

…Someone asked my wife, “Is your husband a lawyer? I didn’t know that you were married to a lawyer!”
Just in case many of you have not been paying attention…”Esquire” is not a title only assigned to the legal community. The definition or title of “Esquire” is applied to:

those who are deserving or earned of such a title or recognition…learned, accomplished, eruditely, prodigious, a polymath, and/or possibly motley, etc.

Esquire_11.29.15, Etc.:

“Applied to a commoner considered to have gained the social position of a gentleman.”

~ An unofficial title of respect, having no precise significance, sometimes placed, especially in its abbreviated form. ~


…And yes, at my age (accomplishments and experiences), I do consider myself to be a “Gentleman”“An Honorable Gentleman, Indeed!” 

There are, according to my current knowledge, three persons who carry the name, “Gregory Boulware!” They are of course, myself, my son, and my grandson.

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq. 
Gregory S. Boulware, Sr. 
Gregory S. Boulware, Jr. 


[es-kwahyuh r, e-skwahyuh r]
Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
(initial capital letter) an unofficial title of respect, having no precise significance, sometimes placed, especially in its abbreviated form, after a man’s surname in formal written address: in the U.S., usually applied to lawyers, women as well as men; in Britain, applied to a commoner considered to have gained the social position of a gentleman.
Abbreviation: Esq.
squire (def 2).
a man belonging to the order of English gentry ranking next below a knight.
Archaic. squire (def 1).
verb (used with object), esquired, esquiring.
to raise to the rank of esquire.
to address as “Esquire.”.
to escort or attend in public.
Origin of esquire Expand
late Middle English Middle FrenchLatin
1425-14751425-75; late Middle English esquier < Middle French escuier < Latin scutarius shield bearer, equivalent to scut (um) (see scutage ) + -arius -ary Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2015.
Cite This Source
Examples from the Web for esquire Expand Contemporary Examples…

It pays to know what it is that one talks or speaks before passing conclusive comments and/or judgments…they should pick up a dictionary or at least check in out Online… 

…Would you not agree?

So, I say to that person or persons unknown, being honorable and recognized for such does not exclude one from being an “Esquire,” It is not truly reserved for those who consider themselves elite or exclusive or members of the legal community or the bar association.

Prima Facie:

“At first appearance; at first view, before investigation.” 

[Latin, On the first appearance.] A fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved.

In common parlance the term prima facie is used to describe the apparent nature of something upon initial observation. In legal practice the term generally is used to describe two things: the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim (a prima facie case), or a piece of evidence itself (prima facie evidence).

For most civil claims, a plaintiff must present a prima facie case to avoid dismissal of the case or an unfavorable directed verdict. The plaintiff must produce enough evidence on all elements of the claim to support the claim and shift the burden of evidence production to the respondent. If the plaintiff fails to make a prima facie case, the respondent may move for dismissal or a favorable directed verdict without presenting any evidence to rebut whatever evidence the plaintiff has presented. This is because the burden of persuading a judge or jury always rests with the plaintiff. 


~ Hallow ~

“Amontillado,” “The Bridge,” “The Pendulum of Hades,” “Thane of Cawdor,” “Necklace,” “The Foxy Grandpa,” “The Awakening,” “Amongst Us,” “Dante’s Walk,” “Demons Throat,” and more…

“All Hallows Night” 


They were not aware of the trouble that was amiss. Emergency vehicles were parked at the spot where the body of Lindsey Irvin lay at the bottom of the twelve hundred ft. drop from the cliff of the Strawberry Mansion roadway and bridge surface.
“The Colored Man was chased and treed in the woods in or near the Robert Faddis Woods near Youngsburg. The Black Man tried to shoot himself in the head, but failed. They took the Black Man to the hospital were his injuries were treated. A gang of white men broke the window in the main hallway, corralled the police officer guarding him and dragged the Black Man from his sick bed to the Sarah Jane Newland Farm just to the right of the road and almost directly opposite the farmhouse. In a grass field about fifty feet from the road, they gathered dried Chestnut Rails and old fencing to build a fire. It took all of three minutes to get the fire up to a height of ten feet or more. They asked him if he had any last words…he didn’t.
(To Appear In The Publication of “HALLOW III”)

“The Sickening Smell of burning Flesh”

“Thane of Cawdor” 
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Shakespeare – A Tale of Honor, Battle, Murder, and Deceit! 

Story #4 Within The Pages of ‘Hallow I’ 

The brief appearance of a trio of witches and then moves to a military camp, where the Scottish King Duncan hears the news that his generals, Macbeth and Banquo, have defeated two separate invading armies—one from Ireland, led by the rebel Macdonwald, and one from Norway. Following their pitched battle with these enemy forces, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the witches as they cross a moor. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will be made thane (a rank of Scottish nobility) of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland. They also prophesy that Macbeth’s companion, Banquo, will beget a line of Scottish kings, although Banquo will never be king himself. The witches vanish, and Macbeth and Banquo treat their prophecies skeptically until some of King Duncan’s men come to thank the two generals for their victories in battle and to tell Macbeth that he has indeed been named thane of Cawdor. The previous thane betrayed Scotland by fighting for the Norwegians and Duncan has condemned him to death. Macbeth is intrigued by the possibility that the remainder of the witches’ prophecy—that he will be crowned king—might be true, but he is uncertain what to expect.


The year of Our Lord is 1587. 

Mantieth, Caithness, Angus, Lennox, and the True King of Scotland tell of revenge for the murders caused by MacBeth and his Lady.

In the evil dominated atmosphere, three witches, being bored conceived the notion to use someone to entertain them. Mischief was the notion; MacBeth came to be chosen. Along with his nag of a wife, the witches began put forth the notion of his greatness by way of death.

His wife plotted the murder of Duncan, King of Scotland. Lady MacBeth would do anything to gain the throne, even commit murder. MacBeth is also guilty. He wanted power over men. He stood by and allowed his wife to carry out her plot for ambitions sake. On the battlefield, he was great and victorious.

MacBeth, now being king, with the intention of keeping in that way, had Banquo murdered by assassins. Fleance, and his son, escaped. Macbeth hired assassins to murder them. He normally despised men hired for killing.

His evil demeanor had no bounds once he acquires the throne of Scotland. MacDuff, being the one to openly question MacBeth, is also targeted for murder. He poses a threat to the truth of Duncan’s death.

MacDuff’s family is murdered while in the care of MacBeth. Malcolm, a soldier, a brother to Donalbain, both sons to King Duncan, true heir to the throne is careful in trusting MacDuff. He fears MacDuff is loyal to MacBeth. It has been reported that the brothers were bribed and suspected of killing their father as being the reason for their flight; Donalbain to Ireland and Malcolm to England. After Duncan’s death and funeral, Macbeth was crowned King of Scotland and Lady MacBeth as Queen. The coronation took place at the royal palace. Obviously, the party was unattended by Donalbain and Malcolm.
In attendance were attendants to the King and Queen, Lennox, Ross, and many noblemen. They were high lords of the realm as were many others who were in attendance to the banquet at ‘Inverness Castle.’ Several ghosts were also in attendance to the affair as well. Hectate, an elder of the witches, scolded the three for their deed of mischief without consulting her. She was not in agreement with their choosing MacBeth. She ordered them to make things right. They did as they were told.

They cast another spell and the four of them celebrated around a fired black cauldron of witches brew, chanting in unison, “Something Wicked This Way Comes!” MacBeth and his Lady were being haunted in their dreams, asleep and awake, constantly.

The King was hounded not only in his sleep, but while he was awake, drunk or sober. The major message in the haunting was a constant warning, “Beware MacBeth, Beware MacDuff!”

In England, Malcolm and MacDuff planned revenge against MacBeth.

He could have gained the throne thru his valor alone. Duncan, the King, was old and on his way out. I believe that he had more faith in MacBeth than his own two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain.

The act of Duncan’s murder was heinous. Lady MacBeth not only poisoned him, but also stabbed him with the daggers of his bedroom guards. Not to mention, the dagger of the mind. Macbeth killed them both – innocent men.

MacDuff, another soldier of the king, is the first to ponder MacBeth’s guilt in the king’s murder. He later becomes nemesis to MacBeth. MacDuff suspects Lady MacBeth as well. Banquo was with MacBeth when the witches interviewed him; knowing of the prophecy, he immediately knows that MacBeth is responsible for the King’s death. Banquo also fears for his life and the life of his son, Fleance.

The prophecy had come to light and MacBeth would probably kill him for being witness to the murderous deeds. MacBeth would kill his son for being prophesized to rule Scotland. MacBeth did not want the throne to belong to anyone but he and his bloodline.. His bloodline would never rule for the prophecy told of Banquo’s descendents being the future rulers.

At the field near MacBeth’s castle in Donsinance, Malcolm, MacDuff, and a soldier called Siward and Battle-men of England approached. They carried battle arms, flags, drums, and the branches from trees and shrubbery. From within the castle walls, in the distance, a woman screamed!

The report also entailed a trick to the eye. They believed that they saw the Forrest moving!

“There is movement in the wood!” 

Suddenly, the tower guards spotted a showing of arms and war power. The battle bell rang! A Nobleman’s Army, led by Mantieth, Caithness, Angus, Lennox, and the True King of Scotland. The revenge of the murders caused by MacBeth and his Lady, the spell cast by the coven of witches, came to pass with the battles end. Decapitation was MacBeth’s end.
His Lady’s fate was off the top of the keep’s battlement bulwarks and walls.

Malcolm, the King of Scotland thought aloud as he viewed the impaled bodies on the battlefield; MacBeth’s head was mounted atop the stake in the forefront.

“I wish that our missing friends were here, safe and sound.” 




~ “Demon’s Throat” ~ 
“I remember this familiar feeling, for about the third time in three months; of falling – falling down. The falling only came to an end for one reason – maybe two. The point is…I was able to grab onto something in order to break my fall. The primary reason is coming to a complete and utter dead end stop – at the bottom of the stairway, which began at the second floor landing. It didn’t necessarily matter to what position your body was in when this complete and utter stop completed the descent. Albeit, stair-steps and bottom of the stairway landings come into play, the stop is at the bottom of the stairs.”
Me and Walter had five kids, ya know.”
(Read the Unabridged, Uncensored Version)

“When There’s No More Room In Hell”‘The Dead Shall Walk The Earth!’ 
My name is Salestian Michaels. I’m currently employed by the ‘Philadelphia Sunny Globe Newspaper Organization and International News Network.’ I was born and raised in South Philly, the heart and soul of ‘Mafiosi Life.’ Angel Brondidi and Nick the Needle ran it all when they weren’t at odds with one another.
I was there when Captain Willis Samuel and National Forestry Service Ranger Commander Gerald Glenn confronted and eradicated the monster beast in the park. I didn’t like Glenn very much, although I admired him. He was damn good at what he did. It was his woman that I liked…loved and wanted. 

~ Hallow II ~ 

“The Rails, Some Hemp, and A Hanging,” “Underfoot,” “Howl of An Angel” – pts. One and Two: “The Loch of Satanus,” “Bowery of the Crimson Froch and Flesh” pts. One through Three: “The Wedding Party” and “Isle Manhatten: The Changeling – Loup Garou,” “The Catharsis Table,” “When There’s No More Room In Hell,” “The Egyptian Book of The Dead,” and a hell of a lot more…! 


“HALLOW” the ‘Kindle Edition!’
In Paperback!

‘Hallow I and II’ 
~The Kindle Edition~

A Concise Bibliog. of: Gregory V. Boulware has the admiration for many fine, noteworthy, and esteemed authors. Several of which include, Middleton A. Harris, Isaac Asimov, William Shakespeare, Alexander Dumas, Langston Hughes, Edgar Allen Poe, and a host of literary writers and authors. His written works and style of writing speak for his lifelong desire to become an author. He has spent the majority of his life as an affirmed and avid reader. He won the second place essay award while attending college. This did not sway his desire for pursuing and improving his writing skills. Gregory graduated from The Berean Institute College of Business and Technology. He also studied Management at Philadelphia Community College and classes at Temple University via The PASCEP Program and M. K. Enterprises. Mr. Boulware has spent thirty-five plus years in the Transportation Industry as a Tractor Trailer, Straight Truck, Bus Driver and Administrative Technician. Prior to that, he worked all over Philadelphia and the surrounding area in factories, warehouses, stores, and various restaurants and other service entities. He has been happily married to Virginia M. Boulware, R. N. for more than Forty-Plus years. This union has produced two successful Sons and four beautiful Grandchildren. His readers have described him as an erudite and a polymath. He was not always been regarded as such. Folks, who believed the contrary, only encouraged him to reach for higher goals. In this, his second book breeds the intent and interest for many more such contributions of varied genres. Mr. Boulware has not been on a mission to have the last laugh or the last word, but… He has, however, enjoyed having a most profound laugh and a word or two conveyed and noticed…at home and around the world.


A Portentous Epoch of Sagacious Redolence and Epiphany: A Significant Era of Perceptive Aroma and Vision 

Hallow II is a follow-up addition to Hallow in its collection of short stories filled with adventure, Science-Fiction, Horror, and thrills. Here’s another masterpiece by this superlative writer with this latest addition to a collective assortment of goodies. Hallow II presents a wonderful collection of Horror, Thriller, Adventure, and Philosophical wonderlands of Mystical and Physiological Enlightenment. …A complete blend of fiction and non-fiction.

Coincidences, seemingly of a marvelous character, there are few persons who have not, on occasion, been startled. It also goes without saying; even the calmest of thinkers have experienced a vague thrilling half-credence in the supernatural genre.

Speaking of certain, albeit, limited, coincidences, understand that we, Mr. ‘Eddie’ Poe and I, the Editor / Publisher, choose to speak of this topic. In my own heart, I cannot speak of his; there dwells no faith in the praetor nature. In past and probably, future conversations, men will debate the issue of the original intentions of God’s Laws. They may dispute that nature and its God are two. The latter creating the former can, at will, control and/or modify it. Would you not agree, my friend? The insanity of logic has, of course, assumed it is not that the Deity cannot modify his laws, the question is of will. Does man insult God with the imagination of a possible necessity for modification? Mr. Poe espouses the origin of these laws were fashioned to embrace all and every contingency which could lie in the future. All that one would need to do is to pay the strictest and closes attention with unwavering indulgences.

This topic is only referred to as coincidences. It was submitted for my review as ‘Bowery of the Crimson Frock and Flesh – The Poe Report.’ 

More about the author
Visit Amazon’s Gregory V. Boulware Page
Gregory V. Boulware 
Follow this author on Amazon and Twitter!

“From blog to blurb,” Mr. Boulware has come to produce, mitigate, and provide a myriad of postulating books, articles, and essays for public and private consumption. Simply referred to as ‘erudite’ by his many readers, fans, and critics, this sagacious author in his natural propensity, moves thought provoking subject material with well graced laxity and modulation over many networks, websites, and social media.

Visit and a host of Networks hosting this authors written works. View the material via, The Black, Black,,, Black In,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and many others!

Google his name and view the results therein!

View his contrite yet mind-visualizing publications…on the Internet and through his Books!

BoulwareEnterprises and CreateSpace Publications:

The writing project, for an upcoming book, chronicles the adventures, trials, and tribulations of Shakespeare’s Black Conquering Usurper residing in the land of the whites. My journey brought me from the colleges and universities of the Philadelphia area of America to the wondrous and mystical land of Morocco and European Civilization. We, my beautiful assistant, ‘Isabelle’ and I; where swept away on a bus tour. The moors and hillsides of Ireland were beautifully green, brilliant, and vast. For this plot of earth called an island by men, would leave me to believe otherwise. We simply fell in love with this place. The rickety double-decker bus, upon which the tour proceeded, traveled over hill and dale to mystical ruins and places of dreamlike genres and imagination. Tales of the Arabian Knights, King Arturius/Arthur, and the likes of Lord William Wallace vividly came to mind. Visitors couldn’t help revisiting the old books of fame and childhood bedtime stories.

…The weary rain soaked man stumbled upon the pathway to the door of the keep. He pounded upon the over-sized oaken doors with a weak and fumbled attempt. It was cold and dark. The heavy icy rain pounded down on the weary traveler to no end. He was sick. He needed shelter and warmth…now!
The castle, converted to a religious sanctuary or ‘Keep,’ if you will, sat ominously upon the spookiest hill in the area. It sat there looking at us, daring us to leave the sanctuary of the rattling, creaking, and cantankerous old bus. It beckoned as much as it warned to stay away from here. My curiosity would not leave me be. It kicked me, pulled at me, and slapped me. The site of this keep will never let me rest; it will never let me go. I needed to see inside. I needed to speak with its occupants.

I rang the bell for the driver to stop so that we could get a better, a closer look. It was just my excuse at attempting access to one of the excursion sites not listed on the tour itinerary. In fact it wasn’t on any of the local maps or international ones either. It was as if the mysteriously opulent and black castle never existed. 

~ Are These Titles On Your Book Shelf? ~ 

If Not, You Don’t Know What You’ve Been Missing! Knowledge, Wisdom,
Enlightenment, Passion, Humor, Spirituality, Inspiration, Logic, Power, Joy, Love, Mystery, Science, History, Religion, sex, Fantasy, Mysticism, Travel, Exotic Encounters, Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Mind-Bending Excitement Await You Between The Pages Housing These Super Extolling, Lauded, Glorified, Proclaimed and Uplifting Pages of Prescriptive Prose!
Visit: and follow the easy connections from there!


“It’s Not The Things You Know, It’s The Things You Know That Just Ain’t So!


Kindle Publications/Editions: 

…Til Next Time! 

In The Name of Peace, Love, Justice, and Truth,

~ “SANKOFA” the “MAAFA” ~ 




Posting List Links and Locations to Articles by Boulware
‘The Platforms of BoulwareEnterprises/Publications’
~ ‘The E-Store for Books by Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.’ ~
New BCID: 823-13940945
New BCID: 823-13940945 – Hallow


“Article Posting Sites”

~The Connect Platform~







Just A Few Tags: …:-)


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”- Maya Angelou (1928-)

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