“Maafa: Life After Conquest”

The Ruin Of A Nation Begins In The Homes Of Its People

Black Last Supper


Gregory V. Boulware

How – Where Is It possible For A Human Being To Have Peace Where There Is No Justice?

 While many Americans continue to allow themselves to be brainwashed, distracted, and preoccupied with ‘Black Friday’ sales and other deceptive clandestine practices of ripping you off…”Give Me All Your Money!” The killing of another Black Youth sounded the alarm for unification. The focused marchers are ‘Marching’ and the focused protesters are ‘Protesting’ the continuing saga of Black elimination which is once again brought forth.

 ~The Maafa Did Not End With The Emancipation Proclamation~

…It began when the 1st African became shackled to the bottom of a slave ship! 

Is there a hidden racial agenda in white America? There are many who believe it is so…

 “For breaking the laws of God, Thy shall serve thy enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things; and he shall put a “Yoke of Iron” upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.”

[Deuteronomy 28:48]

 “And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt/Mizram (Bondage) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shall see it no more again; and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for Bondmen and Bondwomen [slaves] and no man shall buy you.”

[Exodus 20:2, Land of Egypt – the House of Bondage]

 This perceived hidden agenda has and keeps the prophecy for Black America alive…for more than two hundred and fifty years!

 When Spider Webs Unite, They Can Tie Up A Lion!

 Today, America belongs to Americans. She is no longer the predominantly agreed to or condoned sentiment of “White America!” She is simply America. She is occupied by a majority of immigrant people who have become – assimilated into American Society – Americans. Not ‘White-American,” but an American of, by, and for Americans of Multi-Denominations, Originality, and Colors.   White America, the establishment, not White People in America, but the so-called master rulers simply cannot fathom that reality. Why not? When one comes to realize that nothing is permanent and/or forever – “What has a beginning also has an ending.” The so-called master race will, sooner, than they think, come to realize (I’m sure they have realized this already and have taken steps to stop it while attempting to convince you and me that everything is under control) that their day – era of rule has come to an end. The people have made this abundantly clear. Ignore the warning signals if you will – it will not matter. The prophecy is the prophecy…   A prime example is the uprising in ‘Ferguson, Mo.’ The killing of Michael Brown is just one example of the proverbial “Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back.” The deeply rooted and engrained animosity or hatred of the ruling class and their law enforcement underlings has brought it all to a head – a close, if you will. The young Black Man’s killing is just one more in and overtly large and time filled atrocity that has continued for what feels like eons. These killings and murders have gone on way too long in this society of ours – ‘No Accountability For Life Taken Away – By Man!’ No man or woman has the ‘God- Given’ right to take another’s life – defending one’s life should always be one of complete and utter transparency!

These continuing sanctioned and soulless acts of life-taking will bring this country to its demise with forced suppression, oppression, and regression.

  Police across the nation have gone (with the exception of the truly good cops) without restraint on a killing spree to snuff out the life of young ‘Black People,’ primarily young (the old are not immune) Black Men. Why is that? White America has conveyed its relentless fear of the young “African American Descendants” long before slavery. Its fear has presented itself with the castrations, lynching’s, and murders of Black Men nearly since the beginning of America’s so-called civilization. Examples need not be presented due to the abundance of evidence… All one would need to do is simply pick up a newspaper, magazine, or viewing media material on any electronic device or television or radio to know that another Black Life has ended – violently!

People of Color – Do Their Lives Matter To People Who Are White?

  Many Black Americans believe a system has already been incorporated, initiated, and implemented in the elimination and eradication of Blacks in America. …Think it’s not true?   Take a look at the massive Black imprisonment, prosecutions, and convictions of this one group of people. This reporter is not discounting the legitimate crimes against society by true and proven perpetrators…but indeed, the many innocent, positive thinking Black Contributors of and to society have been tossed into the mix…the perception of the rule makers is the informed and educated person of color as the most dangerous of all. They, first and foremost, must be removed – it is they who truly threaten the stranglehold of white American Dominance over the Black Communities across this nation.

Remember Ghandi, King, Mandela, Moses, and Yahshua?

 ~‘World-Wide Integration Will Renew Itself’~

You – They cannot stop the inevitable blending of colors. It truly cannot be stopped, liquidated, assassinated, wiped out, or removed from this planet we’ve come to know as Earth.

  Charlie ‘White Mass Murderer’ Manson is allowed marriage, human physical contact, and contentment while ‘the powers that be’ take steps to muzzle, gag, and isolate Brother Mumia… “Helter-Skelter?” Folks are moving on while others picket, protest, and riot. The ‘Brown Family’ will not be enjoying forthcoming holidays and festivities that they have been accustomed to, I’m sure. The police officer who shot the young man stated he was just doing his job. Shooting him and killing him, was all in the line of duty… “I want to go home, enjoy my family, and move on!”

Many others do not have the ability to move on. The establishment – “The elitist white power structure trained him to shoot to kill – and then…move on.”   Mark Crutcher, Michelle Rene, Marcus Lloyd, and a host of others featured on the film, “Maafa 21, Black Genocide In 21st Century America” have explained the Maafa to be “Continued Black Enslavement.”

White America asked itself, “What Shall Be Done With The Four Million Slaves Upon Emancipation?”

Brother Frederick Douglas answered in 1852, “Just Let Them Alone!”

Insurrection and Civil Uprising creates one hell of a burden on The white power structure and its Stock Exchange as well as a major financial impact on its “House of Cards”: …not only on the slave trade but exercises population overrun, food shortages, ramped crime and prison overflow, and the biggest dilemma of all – “Intermarriage!” What shall we do with them? “Return them to Africa” was one idea that went bust. It would cost too much.

“Blacks are not my equal – they are far below us!”

“We shall declare war on this Negro Dilemma!”

“Eugenics will save the day!”

~Francis Galton~

  “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world… The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state…and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

~Charles Darwin, MA 1890~

(Wealthy white elitists) The origin of species, by means of natural selection and preservation of favored races in the struggle for life…The Eugenics Movement.   “…Average Negroes possess too little intellect, self-reliance, and self-control to make it possible for them to sustain the burden of any respectable form of civilization without a large measure of external guidance and support.”

~Francis Galton, 1873~

One plan was to leave the Black populace alone. “They will perish without our support.” Another was mass racial suicide…   When this was done, it didn’t work, i.e., Tulsa, Oklahoma.   “…Even a cursory glance at the charts, photographs, and diagrams used to popularize eugenic ideals reveal that the unfit were swarthy, Black, and ugly by Anglo-Saxon standards, with the flattened noses, wiry hair, and prognathous profiles.”

~Harriet Washington, Author, Medical Apartheid and the American Birth Control League~

“On the negative side, it shows us that we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all – that the wealth of individuals and the states is being diverted from the development and the progress of human expression and civilization”

~Margaret Sanger, 1922~

“Too many Negroes are born yearly,” an advocate of birth control says. “The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race. Eugenics for the Negro!”

~Madison Grant, co-founder of the American Eugenics Society, 1916~

“The Black Man has never been a competitor, but has always been subservient to the white race. And just as long as he remains subservient, his position is secure, and just as soon as he becomes a competitor, his fate is sealed.”

~Dr. Benjamin Hayes, Eugenicist, 1905~

“The elimination of the poor and impoverished – they have no reason to live…”

 “in virtually every community where negroes dwell, one finds them in fat times and lean alike contributing a disproportionate number to the rolls of the dependents and delinquents. They make excessive demands on the white man’s charity and overtax his patience with their delinquencies. Recent data from several towns and cities indicate that the negro is furnishing a quota in the fields mentioned, four or five times in excess of his portion of the population.”

~Newell J. Sims, ‘Hostages of the White Man’ – ‘God’s Chillun,’ Walter A. Terpenning, Birth Control Review, 1932~

‘Oda Benga’

“The Man in the Monkey’s Cage!”

  “During Hitler’s regime, the German’s were supplied with elaborate charts and complicated theses, supposedly providing the superiority of the German people. It is interesting to note that at the bottom of these charts were the Colored People of the World and most conspicuously, the Black People

~Floyd Mckissick, National Director, Congress of Racial Equality, 1967~

“The Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into ‘the Rhineland…’ it suits the purpose of the cool calculating Jew who would use this means of introducing a process of bastardization in the very center of the European Continent and, by infesting the white race with the blood of an inferior stock, would destroy the foundations of its independent existence.”

~Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf~

“The passing of a great race” – ‘The racial basis of European History’ by Madison Grant. U.S. Eugenist Hails Nazi Racial Policy – Nazi Sterilization Law Lauded by U.S. Eugenics Official! “The leader of the German Nation, Adolf Hitler, has been able to construct a comprehensive racial policy of population development and improvement. The difference between the Jew and the Aryan is as insurmountable as that between Black and White… Germany has set a pattern which other nations must follow!”

~Dr. Clarence Gordon Campbell, president of the American Eugenics Research Association, N.Y. Sept. 9, 1935~

‘The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy’ and ‘The Dragon and The Cross,’ The rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Middle America…’ “Non-white races must be excluded from America…the Red and Black Races if left to themselves revert to a savage of semi-savage state in a short time.”

~Lothrop Stoddard, director, American Birth Control League~

Halle University of Germany, a college course – based on American models – to be given in any German Institution of higher learning. “The white races divide into three main sub-species – the Nordics, the Alpines, and the Mediterranean’s. All these are good stocks, ranking in genetic worth well above the various colored races….Nordics above all.”

~Lothrop Stoddard~

Nazi scientist in charge of Black extermination – ‘Eugen Fischer’ ‘Rockefeller Gift Aids Reich Scientist, $555,000 Given by Foundation was Pledged to Institute Before Hitler Regime – Nobel Prize Winner to Head Two Laboratories Set Up for Advanced Studies!’

~published by Margaret Sanger, Berlin circa Feb. 2, 1927~

“Immediate sterilization of Negroid Children in the Rhineland and Ruhr Districts was demanded today by Hein Schroeder, Eugenics Authority,” appeared in the German newspaper, Deutschelle Zeltung. “The Negro population of these districts is Germany’s legacy from invading French Colonial Troops during the war. Herr Schroeder further recommended sterilization of all Negro and Hybrid races in the entire Reich.” 1932, Sanger’s Isolation and Sterilization – “Better Moral Conduct” of the poor, unemployed, illiterate, the feeble-minded, and the shiftless – donated farmland available in 1919 by the state of Indiana for undesirables – a cost effective solution to “the Negro Problem” – a farm colony where such people could be put to work – with a $300,000 grant from the General Assembly. The Indiana farm colony for the feeble-minded opened in Butlerville in 1919. Men farmed and worked in a stone quarry – the Women sewed and did laundry. In 1927, the General Assembly went further. It passed ‘Senate Bill #188’ “to prevent the procreation of mental defectives, idiots, imbeciles, morons, epileptics, and the incurably insane.”   3.31.1905:

“Pleckler Aroused by Blow Aimed at Racial Law”

 In a single incident in 1935, the Nazis sterilized the children of over six hundred German women because their fathers were Black. When Herr Schroeder further recommended the sterilization of all Negro and so-called ‘Hybrid’ races in the entire Reich, estimating that the country had at least six hundred children of Negro fathers by German mothers, he explained that these children were German citizens because of their mothers’ and could marry later with additional racial mixture resulting. “Their children would be regarded as non-Aryans, and we have enough non-Aryans in Germany already,” he said. Walter Ashley Plecker, M.D., member of the American Eugenics Society, praised the German Movement and expressed his hope that not one child had been missed by the cleansing. “Shall America remain white?” – this question may be answered in the Affirmative Today, but if delayed for several generations it may be forever too late… “Taxation Without Representation” was the slogan that fired the colonists of 1776: A “States Rights” was the cry that called forth the determined resistance of the South in 1861; and “Making the World Safe for Democracy” was the thought that mobilized the resources of our land and hurried millions of our young men to arms when the rights of mankind were trampled upon. As momentous as those questions were, in neither instance did losing to our foes mean absolute and irretrievable disaster. In each case our conquerors were, or would have been, of our own blood and kind. The negro as a laborer is valuable, and if it were possible to preserve the race in purity with him in our midst, he would be a great asset. Because this cannot be done, and because the mixed breeds are a menace and not an asset, we have them as the greatest problem and most destructive force which confronts the white race and American civilization. Both remote and recent history of many nations shows that in none of them have white and colored races lived together without ultimate amalgamation, and without the final deterioration or complete destruction of the white or higher civilization.

“Planned Parenthood – Eugenics and Population Control – Same Game, Different Name – “American Eugenics Society.”

  “The Eugenic and civilization value of birth control is becoming apparent to the enlightened and the intelligent… The campaign for birth control is not merely of Eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of Eugenics.” ~Margaret Sanger, 1921~   ‘Apes, Men, and Morons’ by Ernest A. Hooter – ‘To Help the African American’ and ‘An American Dilemma, The Negro Problem in Modern Democracy’ by Gunner Myrdol, are books and ideals backed by the Carnegie Corporation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

“All White Americans agree that, if the Negro is to be eliminated, he must be eliminated slowly so as not to hurt any living individual Negroes. Therefore, the “Dominant American Valuation” is that the Negro should be eliminated from the American scene, but slowly.”

(Chp. 7, pg. 168) “Control Their Fertility.” (Chp. 7, pg. 1 – ‘Population,’ 1944 publication by Harper and Boss, N.Y.

~Cass Canfield, National President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America~

“Race Birth Quotas Urged!”

A California Professor sees Menace to Whites in Increase of Negro Population!

Samuel J. Holmes, M.D.

‘Scientist Tell Nixon Advisor Voluntary Birth Control is Insanity!’

Harden, 1980

  “I consider that the world and almost our civilization for the next twenty-five years, is going to depend upon a simple, cheap, and safe contraceptive to be used in poverty stricken slums, jungles, and among the most ignorant people. Even this will not be sufficient, because I believe that now, immediately; there should be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the government not feeding them.”

~Margaret Sanger, American Eugenics Society – Planned Parenthood, letter to International Harvester Heiress, Catherine Dexter McCormick, movement funder~

Leon Whiney of the Birth Control Review was complimented by Adolf Hitler on his book of sterilization…

”If we could purge the country of our typical slum elements, in the city and country alike, what harm would be done? This includes all of the various types of less useful social elements…

“With this done, sterilization will come to the assistance of those who are too stupid to comprehend or to carry out the simple methods of contraception… We should probably be disposing of the lowest fourth of our population; and, after the economic adjustment, we should hardly miss them – forced sterilization is the answer!”

“I plan to keep a file (Tickler) on all persons whose names reach me regardless of age in order that they be picked up as they reach the child bearing age!

~Casebolt, Eugenics Board Minutes, July 27, 1961~

“It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerated offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…three generations of imbeciles are enough!”

~Oliver Wendell Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1927~

“I agree with you! Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind!”

~January 3rd, 1913, Theodore Roosevelt~

“The law of nature says that only the fit shall survive. When a nation disregards this law by protecting the unfit, and encouraging their multiplication, this nation invites inevitable destruction. …As far as New Jersey is concerned, sterilization is an economic necessity, and as far as the United States is concerned, sterilization is a matter of national preservation.”

~Fred Sheppard, N.J. Assemblyman, February 1, 1942~

Did the Governments of the United States participate in forced sterilization? Oh yes they did!   In 1968, Elaine Riddick, a rape victim, was forced to participate in forced governmental sterilization by the State of North Carolina. She and her family were considered imbecilic and illiterate degenerates. She has earned a college degree while not going to high school. Her son is the owner operator of three real estate and construction companies. Is this the face of an imbecile or government dependent? Was it her fault that the guy across the street abducted her from the street and repeatedly assaulting her at age 14?   There is record of sixty thousand Black sterilizations that have taken place under state and federal sanctions across this nation…

“I guess it is just that “Slave Master” complex white folks have. For years they told us where to sit, where to eat, and where to live. Now they want to dictate our freedom habits. First the white man tell me to sit in the back of the bus. Now it looks like he wants me to sleep under the bed. Back in the days of slavery, Black folks couldn’t grow kids fast enough for white folks to harvest. Now that we’ve got a little taste of power, white folks want us to call a moratorium on having babies. Of course, I could never participate in birth control, because I’m against doing anything that goes against nature. That’s why I’ve changed my eating habits so drastically over the years and have become a vegetarian. And birth control is definitely against nature. Can you believe that human beings are the only creatures who would ever consider developing birth control pills? If you mention contraceptives to a gorilla, he’d tear your head off! Personally, I’ve never trusted anything white folks tried to live with the word ‘control’ in it. Anything good with the word ‘control’ in it; white folks don’t want us to have. As soon as we (Black Folk) started talking about ‘community control,’ white folks went crazy.”

~Dick Gregory, Ebony Magazine, 1971~

‘Blacks Cry Genocide! The Hidden Agenda – Black Birth Control. Black Delegates Charged The Group (P.P.) Planned To Systematically Reduce The Black Population and Other Non-Whites, The American Poor and Ethnic Immigrants Through Birth Control!

  “There is a campaign to bombard the poor with pills and potions. If this movement continues, we soon may be accused of fighting poverty by eliminating the poor and overcoming hunger by removing the hungry.” ~Hugh Carey, N.Y. Congressman, 1966~

Sterilization or Jail?

  “Under cover of an alleged campaign to ‘alleviate poverty,’ white supremacist Americans and their dupes are pushing an all-out drive to put rigid birth control measures into every Black Home. No such drive exists within the white American world.” ~Black Unity Party, 1968~   Birth control and sterilization would be more deadly (to Negroes) than all the tanks, riot guns, cattle prods, Billy clubs, and shackles we have overcome in the past.” ~Dr. Leroy Swift~

“Put It In The Water and Their Food!”

  What is the number one killer in the Black Community? Would you believe ‘Abortion?’ Many have answered gang violence, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the police!   “Since 1973, legal abortion has killed more African Americans than Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Violent Crimes combined. Every week, more Blacks died in American Abortion Clinics than were killed in the entire Viet Nam war. And the largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States is operated by Margaret Sangers’ ‘Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry.’ The fact is and gives apparent substance to charges that such programs are designed not simply to assist the poor, but to control the growth of the Black Population and People of Color.   “Birth control and abortion are turning out to be the great Eugenic advantages of our time.”

~Frederick Osborne, founding member of the Eugenics Society, 1973~

“The best way to hate a nigger is to hate him before he’s born!”

~Leander Perez, United States Judge, 1970~

Since white elitist decry the overabundance of Blacks in the world, has anyone ever asked if there were too many whites in the world?

  “Those who we could not get rid of in the rice paddies of Viet Nam, we now propose to exterminate if necessary, eliminate if possible, in the ‘OB’ wards and gynecology clinics of our urban hospitals.”

~Jesse Jackson, 1971~

“Black People are the target of birth control not because the ruling politicians like them and can no longer use them in plantations and other cheap-labor conditions.” ~Muhammad Speaks, The Black Muslim Newspaper, 1970~ “We could have genocide in reverse here – who the hell is getting the pill – the Mexicans and the Negro. Do you want to wipe us all out? ~Cesar Chavez, Farm Labor Leader, 1967~   “Planned Black Genocide?” ~William Boone Haden, 1971~   Dr. Charles Greenlee charged that the Planned Parenthood clinics as operated in Pittsburgh are devises which are used to keep the Negro birthrate as law as possible. “Negro areas are saturated with Planned Parenthood facilities while white neighborhoods have none! Additionally, propaganda circulations have cited that Black Females receiving public assistance will lose their aid if they dared to produce further offspring.”

“Genocide and Betrayal’ was the NAACP in bed with ‘Planned Parenthood? Was This a Conspiracy?”

  Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King and Clenard Childress have been campaigning outside of their headquarters in protest of Legal Abortions for the longest of times… They say the NAACP has turned a blind eye to the atrocity of killing hundreds if not thousands of Black Babies! Legal abortion was given life in 1973.   “The Civil Rights Elite has forgotten the lives of unborn Black Children and has joined those who choose to kill them. Unbelievable! They have forgotten that in the past racists snatched Black Babies from their mother’s arms and sold them into slavery! Today, they snatch them from their mother’s womb and throw them in the garbage.” ~Ismael Hernandez, Executive Director of African and Caribbean American Center, 2003~

“A Family Planning Cartel” and the Hidden Truth From the Public”’

  “Civil Rights Leaders have turned a blind eye on abortion knowing it to be used for Black Genocide!” ~Mark Crutcher, President Life Dynamics Incorporated~ “If you cross the ‘Population Control’ (it has become a religion for them) proponents for America’s White Power structure, from the start they have warned, if you cross them, or challenge their agenda, they’ll chop you off at the knees. One example was Mr. Samuel F. Yette, a prominent intellect, professor, and author. It didn’t matter if it was the Democratic, Liberal, or Republican parties, or the media.

Sam Yette exposed the hypocrisy for what it was at the Washington D.C. level…they made him pay a dear price. The Nixon made sure that he was separated from his job as the Washington Correspondent for Newsweek Magazine. The battle took several years for him to regain control over his authorship. The rights and ownership of his materials was returned to him by the court system after he’d lost his livelihood among other things the establishment attempted to take away from him. In the end he’d won over the antagonists and their threats. Was the cost of these hardships worth the effort? I think he would have answered yes. He did all that he could to protect the innocents and the people affected by this onslaught from hell. Brother Yette’s publication of the ‘Choice, 1971, was a major punch in the mouth for the ‘powers that be.’ They thought him to be another monkey in the cage when he was allowed access to ‘Capitol Hill.’

‘The Choice: The Issue of Black Survival in America, The extermination of the Black Man in America” emerges from Brother Yette’s startling research as a genuine possibility. appear to be leading America toward Black Genocide.

Some of the evidence Yette presents:

“A presidential commission found that relatively few white Americans would protest massive repression of Black. Presidential advisors have urged the internment of Black Youth on the pretext of rehabilitation. Sterilization and birth control programs are aimed against Black while masquerading under the name of hunger relief. Drawing on a wealth of fact and documentation, Mr. Yette lets us see White America through the eyes of Black America, and we learn why Blacks feel that the issue facing them is one of survival. When the decade of the 1970’s began, the United States government was officially – but unconstitutionally – in the midst of two wars:

1.) a war of “attrition” (genocide) against the colonized colored people of Indochina (Viet Nam), and 2.) an expeditionary “Law and Order” campaign (repression – selective genocide) against the colonized colored people of the United States of America.”

“The American Ruling Class had made a decision, Americans of African Descent would either accept their miserable lot of die… The venerable Saturday Evening Post issued what might be termed as a ‘white newspaper’ in which it warned Black America that they had better understand and accept the fact that absolute freedom and equality were not part of the game plan for them, and that the consequences of non-acceptance would be wholesale genocide ~John Oliver Killens, 1982~   White House Tape #697/29 – March 30, 1972:

Nixon: “A majority of people in Colorado voted for abortion. I think a majority of people in Michigan are for abortion. I think in both cases, well, certainly in Michigan they will vote for it because they think that what’s going to be aborted generally are the little Black bastards.”

April 3, 1972 #700/10: “As I told you – we talked about it earlier – that a hell of a lot of people want to know what we are talking about – population control. We’re talking really – and what John Rockefeller really realizes – look, the people in what we call our class control their populations. Sometimes they’ll have a family of six, or seven, or eight, or nine, but it’s the exception.”

Staffer: “The Black Population in the city of San Francisco has gone from 300 – right after World War II – to where they represent 30 percent of the population of San Francisco.”

“Some biologists feel that compulsory family regulation will be necessary to retard population growth. It is a dismal prospect – except when viewed as an alternative to Armageddon. He urged establishing a federal population commission “with a large budget for propaganda,” changing tax laws to discourage reproduction and instituting mandatory birth control instruction in public schools.”

Richard Millhouse Nixon signed the order for the commission

  “To cure the present ghetto problems and deal with the population question among the poorer parts of our own population here in the United States will require valiant and much greater efforts than any exerted in the past as a result of the troubles that have broken out in Detroit, Newark, and other cities.” ~Draper~   “What it all comes down to,” declares one dissenting board member, “is that we want the poor to stop breeding while we retain our families. It’s strictly a class point of view.” ~Guttmacher~

‘Urban Renewal – Black Removal’

  “Five dollars invested in population control is worth one hundred dollars invested in economic growth.” ~Lyndon B. Johnson, June 25, 1965~   In November 1963, Johnson signed the ‘Fulbright Bill’ into law, which funded international population research and assistance. In 1964, Johnson said, “America’s progress toward a society of decency has been marked and measured by our attitudes toward the rule and toward the rights of women – the first U.S. President to back federal support for birth control in social welfare and public health programs at the urging of a republican representative from Texas – George H. W. Bush.

‘Aid to the poor to be tied directly to birth control – urged by both parties.’  

“Blacks could not benefit from these programs because they are genetically inferior to whites.”

~Richard M. Nixon~  

“They are out specifically to control the birth rate of Blacks and Hispanics!”

~Rev. Crawford, Chicago~  

“Norplant Project targets one hundred schools in minority neighborhoods!”

~N.Y. 1952 Development, John Rockefeller~  

Exported Genocide

  “If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the damned Yankees, but by the U.N. because, the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the Black Man or Yellow Man and says slow down your reproductive rate, we’re immediately suspected of hauling alterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful U.N. Force, you’ve got a much better leverage.”

~Alan Guttmacher, President of Planned Parenthood and former Vice-President of the American Eugenics Society, 1970~   “Divide and Conquer – Birth Control but no aid to Black Islanders, Haiti, Africa, etc., unless birth control is accepted – birth control but no safe and clean birth delivery units. Access to natural resources and no clean drinking water…i.e., Black, Hispanic (Latino), and Native American communities in the U.S.

~The Ravenholt Philosophy~

“Abortion May Be The Most Demographically Powerful Means of Fertility Control”

The New York Stock Exchange Corporations and Institutions Began Their Ascent From The Slave Trade Profits

Chinese to Make RU486 For The U.S.

  ~Phillip P. Pan, Washington Post Foreign Service, 10.12.2000, pg. AG1~

Lian Pharmaceuticals, Shanghai, backing received from the Rockefeller Foundation. I.G. Farben, aka, Hoechst A.G., produced deadly concentration gas to kill Jews during W.W.II in ‘Death Camps’ – ‘Zyklon B’ Cyanide Gas… Leadbetter Lee, Rockefeller representative, served as Nazi advisor Roussel UCLAF developed ‘RU-486’ and manufactured it…in the U.S. ~TakeCareDownThere.com~

Via the telephone, callers communicated with Planned Parenthood desiring to aid in the protocol of removing Blacks from the country…by any means necessary. Callers checked in from Columbus, Ohio; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Philadelphia, Pa; New York, N.Y.; Newark, New Jersey, and other cities across the country as well.

Columbus, Ohio Caller: “When I underwrite abortion, does that apply to minorities too?”

Planned Parenthood: “If you specifically want it that way, you can specify that that’s how you want it spent.”

Caller: “Okay, yeah, cause there’s –so there’s definitely way too many Black People in Ohio, so I’m just trying to do my part.”

Planned Parenthood: “Okay, whatever…”

Caller: “Well, Blacks especially need abortions too. So that’s what I’m trying to do…”

Planned Parenthood: “Well, for whatever reason, we’ll accept the money.”

Caller: “So I could give the money specifically for a Black Baby – that would be the purpose.”

Planned Parenthood: “Yeah, absolutely. If you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help and African-American Woman in need, then we could certainly make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.”

Caller: “Great, because I really face trouble with affirmative action and I don’t want my kids being disadvantaged against Black Kids – I just has a baby. I want to put it in his name. So that’s definitely possible?”

Planned Parenthood: “Oh, always, always.”

Caller: “Wonderful, just one more thing. The abortions will be done specifically for Black community abortions?”

Planned Parenthood: “I can, I will mark it in such a way that it definitely will.”

Caller: “Thank you, great! Okay…and if I wanted to help fund multiple abortions, could you also specify that it’s to be done for a specific group? The less Blacks out there the better.”

Planned Parenthood: “Yes.”   Society’s elitist white power groups and Planned Parenthood operatives have figured out how to make it work…the key to racial genocide was not in killing people but convincing the target group to commit mass suicide…

“Abortion keeps the crime rate down!”

~Steve Levett and John Donahue~  

“If Blacks had never been stolen out of Africa, there would never have been a Eugenics Movement at all!”


~Evil Enters Like a Needle and Spreads Like an Oak Tree~

  Is it mere coincidence that the current cop killings of Blacks tied into the Nazi Holocaust and the population control movement? Have the powerful white socialists plan to eradicate Blacks from society proven to be a successful venture in the attempt to exterminate us from the day slavery ended?   The Maafa did not end with the freeing of the Black Slaves – a one hundred and fifty year old racial agenda founded in Black Genocide.

‘Pro Choice or No Abortions…Period!’

~It Is The Calm and Silent Water That Drowns a Man~

 There would have been no white America if it weren’t for the Friendly and Loving Red America…

There would have been no America!

  Til Next Time…    

Acknowledgement and Sources:

Maafa 21, Mark Crutcher, Michelle Rene, Marcus Lloyd, and a host of others featured on the film, “Maafa 21, Black Genocide In 21st Century America” “Continued Black Enslavement.” The Israelite Church of God In Jesus Christ, Inc The Choice by Samuel F. Yette Researching Resources by Boulware Enterprises Wikipedia.com Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus …and personal experiences within the world of ‘Black and White America’




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 “The Un-Obscure”



‘The Triplets and One’







“The Spirit of The Soul and The Death of Morals”: Whence Comest thou?


“Power and Knowledge of Maafa”



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