‘The True Meaning of “Great Again”


Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.





We should “Pledge Ourselves to Resist To The Bitter End, The Efforts of Our Deadly Enemies in Attempting to Mold A Sentiment Against Us After The Southern Method. Our Deadly Foes Are Now Busy Education Their Children to Hate Us And To Believe That We Are Low, Degraded, and Vicious Because Our Skins Are Dark!”



Within this current ugly convoluted and racially charged so-called quasi politically charged ‘Presidential’ race for the top administrative position and the “White House” of these United States of America, raises the ire of many ‘right-thinking’ voters. Right thinking is not to be confused with “right-wing” or “left-wing” positions in this divided nation of ours. The term is meant to identify those of us who know the difference between right and wrong.


In the past, it was deemed treasonous to insult, bemoan, ridicule, chastise, criticize, and/or to call any sitting president outside of his or her name. If anyone was to be accused, heard, or recorded doing so would give just cause for the ‘FBI,’ ‘CIA,’ the Secret Service, or the Police to immediately arrest and detain that person or persons for threatening the head of state – The President of The United States. Today even those rules and respect for the office seem to be meaningless. Doctors, Lawyers, Cops, Politicians, Judges, and the average Joe state with ease condemnation and villainy with regard to whoever occupies the seat of the “Oval Office.” Their disdain and hatred of our ‘First President of Color’ is simply frightful knowing that these individuals will never be brought to bear witness and prosecuted for this practice.

He has been called by many, “Nigger, Fool, Animal, and a few other blasphemous, vile and wicked names; right out in full public view of the news media and on the street as well; without any fear of legal ramification or apprehension. They have also been quoted in saying that ‘the President Should Be Shot!” They do believe however, that they are truly untouchable and exempt from any legal and just prosecution. This act of sedition appears to be true because not one of these boisterous individuals has been brought before a judge to face justice as it should be administered.


Many of the presidential (and lesser offices) hopefuls have been heard (and recorded) and overheard stating “We’re going to take back America – We’re going to make America great again!”

The first thought is – take it back from whom? – ‘isn’t America already great?’ The whole world knows that the usurpers from Europe and elsewhere how the indigenous people of the American lands were confiscated as opposed to moving in and living side-by-side with those who taught them how to live and survive on this continent. Oh no, they had to have it all! And they took it from them at a terrible cost.

Every time I hear such rhetoric, I can’t help but think about the massacred ‘Indigenous Americans’ who’ve died and continue to suffer under the not so invisible yoke of oppression and sub-human living conditions. Oh yes, I’m talking about my “Red-Skinned” brothers and sisters. Many have forgotten the blood ties and relationships of the Black and the Red. Our Asian and Latino relatives are fully in the mix of things as well. How can we ever forget what has been done to our people in the name of making America great.

When that phrase is utilized in its over-killed tradition, it can only mean one thing – ‘A Return to Jim Crow and Slavery – the Domination of whites over all people of color!’


Many instances of white domination continues to surface right out in plain view. Some folks believe the practice is a clandestine action. How could this be when derogatory and hateful statements are made and brought forth by so-called leading political figures with the “right-in-your-face’ attitude? Police shoot, kill, and harass our country’s citizenry on a regular basis and are exonerated and justified while being encouraged to do so; when it is obvious to all their actions and practices are contrary to the justice and laws of the land? It seems such practices are supported and condoned by those who are supposed to administer unbiased expedition to justice as written in the American Constitution.


Mr. William Loren Katz cites America’s atrocities in his books for all to bear witness – to remind – to never forget how and why this government came to power in its infancy. The success of their European master plan came to fruition on the backs of ‘free Black labor and their self-sustaining dominance utilizing the trickery and deception by dividing us – mentally, physically, and politically.


What have we learned?


Someone said we should not concentrate or dwell in or on the past. The quintessential truth is, “One cannot move forward without learning from lessons of the past.”


‘The Black-Indian campaign for full citizenship was carried on with forceful but respectful language. In 1879, a group of Black Cherokees petitioned for equal rights:

“The Cherokee Nation is Our Country; There We Were Born and Reared; There Are Our Homes Made By The Sweat of Our Brows; There Are Our Wives and Children, Whom We Love as Dearly as Though We Were Born With Red, Instead of Black Skins.

There We Intend to Live and Defend Our Natural Rights, as Guaranteed by The Treaties and Laws of The United States, by Every Legitimate and Lawful Means.

As Natives, We Are Attached To The People Among Whom We Have Been Born and Bred. We Like The ‘Chickasaws,’ as Friends and We Can Live With Them in The Future in A Close Union.”


As written, we should “Pledge Ourselves to Resist To The Bitter End The Efforts of Our Deadly Enemies in Attempting To Mold A Sentiment Against Us After The Southern Method.

Our Deadly Foes Are Now Busy Educating Their Children To Hate Us and To Believe That We Are Low, Degraded, and Vicious Because Our Skins Are Dark!”


Seminoles, whose African America Brethren often had been dear friends and family members, quickly accepted ‘Emancipation and Equality.’ Choctaws resisted for a generation and Chickasaws fought the issue almost to the end of the century. Except for the Seminoles, within each nation Black members faced years of legal challenges and political protests to win citizenship rights, land, education, and equality of opportunity. As recorded for all times, we all know that this ‘African American’ effort in Indian Territory and Lands throughout the country such as ‘Tulsa, Oklahoma,’ has reflected their wider and less successful campaign for equality during this era of reconstruction in the southern states. Parents and elders of our people have shown an avid interest in education for our children, and the adults who attended night schools in the effort of learning to read and write.

Black members of many Indian Nations have worked vigorously for equality, land ownership, and education. Whatever unfairness they felt among their Indian friends could not match what they knew they would experience among the dominion of the whites. They knew they would never be lynched of brutalized – nor would our sons and daughters suffer such atrocities at the hands of the Creeks, Seminoles, Cherokees, and other Indian Nations throughout the land.

African Americans made major economic strides that could hardly and rarely be duplicated in European-American society.

As early as 1866, John B. Sanborn, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, reported from the Indian Territory:


“The ‘Freedmen’ are the most industrious, economically, and in many respects, the more intelligent portion of the population within the Indian Territory.

They all desire to remain in that territory upon lands set apart for their own exclusive use.”


That report says a great deal and lends support to those who abdicate separate and sovereign existence from the society of whites.


The Black thirst for education blossomed throughout the former slave states as well as within the realm of the Indian Five Nation Society. Black Indians built their own schools, hired and paid teachers, and then emboldened enough to demand and/or ask for additional government aid.

An 1866 government report on ‘Black Creeks’ revealed the anxiousness to educate their children and a determination to profit from the schools formed at their own advance.


The Supreme Court in 1896, May 17, issued a landmark constitutional decision on discrimination against so-called minorities in the United States. The “Plessy v Ferguson” decision ruled seven to one that segregation anywhere in the country was legally and constitutional! “Separate But Equal” became the law of the land. This racist legal maneuver lasted until it was overturned by the high court in 1954 with the decision and just vote of the “Brown v Board of Education” case.


“In 1890, the state of Louisiana passed a law (the Separate Car Act) that required separate accommodations for blacks and whites on railroads, including separate railway cars. Concerned, a group of prominent black, creole, and white New Orleans residents formed the Comité des Citoyens (Committee of Citizens) dedicated to repeal the law or fight its effect. They persuaded Homer Plessy, a man of mixed race, to participate in an orchestrated test case. Plessy was born a free man and was an “octoroon” (of seven-eighths European descent and one-eighth African descent). However, under Louisiana law, he was classified as black, and thus required to sit in the “colored” car.


On June 7, 1892, Plessy bought a first-class ticket at the Press Street Depot and boarded a “whites only” car of the East Louisiana Railroad in New Orleans, Louisiana, bound for Covington, Louisiana. The railroad company, which had opposed the law on the grounds that it would require the purchase of more railcars, had been previously informed of Plessy’s racial lineage, and the intent to challenge the law. Additionally, the committee hired a private detective with arrest powers to detain Plessy, to ensure that he would be charged for violating the Separate Car Act, as opposed to vagrancy or some other offense. After Plessy took a seat in the whites-only railway car, he was asked to vacate it, and sit instead in the blacks-only car. Plessy refused and was arrested immediately by the detective. As planned, the train was stopped, and Plessy was taken off the train at Press and Royal streets. Plessy was remanded for trial in Orleans Parish.


In his case, Homer Adolph Plessy v. The State of Louisiana, Plessy’s lawyers argued that the state law which required East Louisiana Railroad to segregate trains had denied him his rights under the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution, which provided for equal treatment under the law. However, the judge presiding over his case, John Howard Ferguson, ruled that Louisiana had the right to regulate railroad companies while they operated within state boundaries. Plessy was convicted and sentenced to pay a $25 fine. Plessy immediately sought a writ of prohibition.



How many of us would like to return to those days of racial trickery and forked tongued promises?


Even after a bloody civil war, decades of legal arguments, legislation, and constitutional amendments promising equality and justice, the legal lid was clamped ever so tightly over ‘Emancipation’ aspirations for people of color. However, we are constantly being told on a daily basis that we are going to take back America and make America great again.


“People of Color share the experience of genocide, brutality, exploitation, colonization, and marginalization. We also have tangled histories that place alliances on a slippery slope.”

‘Divide and Rule’ flourished when European colonizers, white enslavers, and a white congress, president, and court system set rules while issuing orders. It has been proven over and over again how the domination and clandestine trickery of a powerful white society is and was able to pit one people of color against another ever since during and before and after 1492. This has been a paramount and ultimate goal.

“Various types of subjugation and cruelty stir different response and acts of resistance. Unlike African Americans, Native Americans did not seek to integrate into a dominant society or to assimilate with the whites. Blacks seemed to be saying that white society was bad, but they wanted it anyway,” as noted and written by the noted Native American Scholar, Brother Vine Deloria Jr.

Deloria also noted that many Native Americans claim their primary fight is for land and self-identity. It’s been said that some even view their tortured confinement and painful separation on and to reservations as at least preserving their cultural integrity.


If Native Americans undertook a political position, they would and have overwhelmingly more often prefer to identify with ‘Brother Stokley Carmichael’ and ‘Brother Malcolm X,’ who both built a mighty ‘Black Power Movement’ promoting separation from white society as opposed to the belief of ‘Brother Dr. Martin Luther King.’


In today’s current events highlighting the presidential race between the democrats and the republicans, the growing interests in and of the ‘Black Indian’ story has yet to eradicate centuries of educational neglect, racial division, and animosity.

“The election of a US President with an African father and European descended mother; with a wife of African and Native American lineage; has helped highlight the role of ‘multiracial’ and ‘multicultural’ people in America and the world as a whole. So has the recent rise of Indigenous and Black Indian Presidents in Latin America.”

But schools, texts, and the media introduced in the United States have only lightly and lukewarmly begun to examine this magnificent heritage. They are truly slow to embrace let alone support its honorable if turbulent history.


“Understanding of the racial or Negro question does not ultimately involve understanding by either Blacks or Indians. It involves the white man himself! He must examine (or re-examine) his past. He must face the problems he has created with himself and within others. The white man must no longer project his fears and insecurities onto other groups, race, and countries. Before the white man can relate to others he must forego the pleasure of defining them.”

~ Vine Deloria Jr. ~


And with the ending of this message, I ask you ‘People of Color, and Right-Thinking-Good Willed People of European Descent,’ will you stand idle and do nothing to right-the-wrongs of our nation, and/or allow for a dictatorship – losing the right of a free society and a caring government, or set us back to when America was not great – AGAIN?



Til Next Time…





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Many Thanks to the text and research of the prominent Mr. William Loren Katz,

“Black Indians, A Hidden Heritage.”

